
Creature (2)

Instant (4)


Creature (1)

About the deck. Card Synergy:


- Bile Blight is like a black Lightning Strike (minus the player damage) with a chance for "chain lightning" against weenies or just multiples of specific cards. Very useful against several creatures including Master of Waves, Pack Rat, etc. If you have two of these in hand you can bring down most gods.

-Hero's Downfall is relatively obvious. Planeswalker killer or creature killer.

- Silence the Believers . Awesome card, but not that I'd want to run more than 2 due to the cost. Late game this card can sway the battlefield to your favor. Exiles gods (when in creature form). Can absolutely board wipe your opponent, or acts as yet another creature killer when needed. Use in conjunction with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx to maximize the potential.


-Rakdos's Return I ended acquiring, so I took out my dear friend Mind Rot. Rakdos's Return is such a powerful card and fits in this deck masterfully. What more can be said about the opponent taking x damage and discarding x cards?

-Thoughtseize barely needs an introduction. 'Nuff said.


-Brain Maggot is definitely a star in this deck. Although it can be easily removed it helps clear the path. Very much a counterpart to Thoughtseize, it works well and is yet another tool of knowledge for knowing what your opponent may be up to (and it doesn't hurt to yank a card out of their hand).

- Everyone's favorite "Gary", Gray Merchant of Asphodel. Epic life-leecher. You feel better, the opponent... notsomuch. Stick it to the man.

-Fat boy, Master of the Feast, likes to make a quick meal out of your opponent. Excellent card all around with a very debatable drawback. Luckily, his drawback is well diapered with all the hand disruption going on. Rarely is he problematic. And I do mean rarely. Two devotion is nothing to sneeze at, either. Excellent blocker, too, which usually helps stall the opponent as they really don't want to sack anything so early, unfortunately for them, their stalling allows me to disrupt their wannabes right out of their hand. Win/win.

- I'll be sad to see Nightveil Specter rotate out. Such a nice card. Hits them and rips a card right off the top of their deck. Oh, yeah, being able to cast the card you stole? Friggin' nice. He also helps you fill in the void of missed land drops by casting their own land as your own. To help progress casting cards exiled with Nightveil, I threw in a couple Mana Confluence. Don't have a Plains to help cast that exiled card? Yeah, you do. Throw in 3 devotion and Gray Merchant of Asphodel starts licking his lips.


- Besides ramping up the devotion and your creatures gaining lifelink, we can also "whip back" our fallen creatures to the battlefield with haste. Yeah, they'll soon be exiled, but who gives a shit when you see the look on your opponent's face when a long dead Gray Merchant of Asphodel enters the battlefield yet again. It hurts so good. Much love, Whip of Erebos.

-Underworld Connections. Lose a life point, draw a card. Yeah, more options never hurts. Add another two devotion to the pot.

So, mainboard we've got 11 kill spells, 11 hand disrupts, a bunch of greedy creatures, devotion, lifelink and a partridge in a dead tree. It will be an upward battle for your opponent. The sideboard has been developed as best I can to compensate for those awkward matches like Esper Control, other Mono Black decks and even more kill spells to further board annihilation when faced against monster decks.

I really hope you like this deck. If you do PLEASE show it by giving the deck +1. Thank you, and tap 'em out!

There's been a lot of debate in regards to Master of the Feast vs. Desecration Demon, and rightfully so. I've given it great thought and have concluded that Master of the Feast is just too good to pass up as a T3. There's plenty of card removal to back him up, if necessary. Desecration Demon, on the other hand, although a viable T4 threat, does absolutely nothing when he enters the battlefield. Add to that the ability to have the opponent tap him down... well, by T4 or T5 most decks have an answer for him. Master of the Feast is just too fast and beefy of a swinger on T4.

Included 2x Mana Confluence. Just enough to favor casting cards exiled with Nightveil Specter.

Something wicked this way comes

**Please leave feedback. And please +1 if you like the deck.

Please DO NOT suggest Lifebane Zombie. Yes, he'd fit well, especially sideboarded. I have no plans on obtaining him for a few reasons, one being that he'd just be another card I'd have to replace on roll-out.


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We're almost there! Trying to hit 100 upvotes. Black decks often fall by the wayside, but Brain Tap has proven to be a top contender. This deck works like a charm and usually takes people off-guard since it's not your typical Mono-Black Devotion.

Brain Tap is already the second highest Mono-Black deck on Trapped Out, let's take it to #1!

Thank you for all the votes and advice.

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Revision 24 See all

(10 years ago)

+1 Herald of Torment maybe
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #17 position overall 10 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 2 Mythic Rares

26 - 6 Rares

15 - 4 Uncommons

0 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.86
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