Brain Transplant - Modern Brain in a Jar Combo
Don't you have to Pick the Brain before you can have a Brain in a Jar?
Looks cool. Nice way to work the rules to your advantage!
April 29, 2016 9:31 p.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #3
Playing that many split cards is a trap. Besides, I don't think you can cast both halves of a card that doesn't have fuse. And with Supply/Demand, you're better off playing Glittering Wish and a wish board full of fuse cards and whatever else you need.
You need 4 Muddle the Mixture to make sure you get your Brain often enough.
April 29, 2016 9:51 p.m.
muddle the mixture is a good idea.
Supply / Demand works better than glittering wish due to having a CMC 2 and a CMC 3 so I can cast it using the brain more easily. also Demand is in our colors, so I cast it without the brain fairly frequently (usually to tutor up a catch/release for turn 5).
You can only cast both halves of the card when it has fuse, but you can always at least pick which half you want to cast (assault / battery is the only card where we would want to cast both halves but cant).
Thanks for all the comments so far. The deck is really a lot of fun to play, and you should test it out if you haven't yet.
April 29, 2016 10:05 p.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #5
The problem with Supply/Demand is that if you tutor for when Brain has 2 counters, then you find Catch / Release, Far / Away, or Turn//Burn, all of which are not effective enough on turn 5 to be worth your turn 4 and turn 5 brain plays.
Additionally, you can cast Brain in a Jar on turn 2, then cast Glittering Wish turn 3, find Alive / Well out of the sideboard (pretty sure it has 2 colors, not positive), then brain for 1, allowing you to curve nicely. Each subsequent turn, you can also Wish for something of the perfect cmc out of your sideboard for brain, while Supply/Demand will usually be awkward on curve.
April 29, 2016 10:20 p.m.
That would work normally, however, this deck does not curve nicely. We only play 16 lands, so the third land drop on turn 3 can't be counted on. (Did I say control...?)
Also, catch and release is a pretty powerful effect and shouldn't be underestimated. not as good as beck/call (really the reason to play the deck right there), but still very strong.
Finally, you don't need to use brain every turn if it's going to put you in an awkward position. A line of play that happened today was:
T1: land, serum visions (scry for second land
T2: land, brain
T3: brain for battery half of assault/battery, path to exile
T4: land, hard cast demand for beck/call
T5: brain for beck/call (proceed to win)
So I typed that as my reason why I liked demand, but now I realize that would have worked the same (slightly better) with glittering wish... Still an awesome game (maybe) worth sharing though!
April 29, 2016 10:42 p.m.
I'm going to start testing with glittering wish, any suggestion on how to update the manabase/which cards I should give up hardcasting? Maybe bant instead of jeskai?
April 29, 2016 10:45 p.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #8
To be honest, Glittering Wish was not my innovation. BrewSpyTheMagicGuy, a streamer on twitch, has been playing Brain Fuse for awhile now and he's so convinced it has modern-breaking potential that he's raising funds to build the deck and take it to a modern GP, which I have never seen him do before. He thinks we should be buying out Brain now before it spikes in its entrance to modern.
April 29, 2016 10:51 p.m.
Seems like a lot of finagling to get er done.
Strictly better or worse that Omen Machine and Quicksilver Amulet?
April 29, 2016 10:54 p.m.
lol, it surprised me how competitive it is, and I really want to make it work, but modern is a little too heavy on hyper-aggro decks and fast combo right now for this deck to be great at the moment. I do think it might have some potential in the future though if the meta swings back to more 'fair' decks GBx midrange and control.
I'd love to see the list from twitch if you have it by the way.
I would say its definitely better than omen machine and quicksilver amulet. the mana investment is a lot lower, which lets us play a lot more action than those decks.
April 29, 2016 11:21 p.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #11
Interesting new direction. Day's Undoing is genius in here.
Voltaic Key + Brain in a Jar is obviously really good, but if you get Key without Brain, it's completely dead. Same for Power Conduit. This makes them purely win-more, so I'd cut both of them.
I playtested a few times, and Give / Take is really bad. I'd remove it. I'd put Assault/Battery back in since Shock or 3/3 creature is a pretty good deal for brain on 1, and Shock on it's own is fine without Brain. That would require running a little bit of red mana, but 1 or 2 Rx shocks should be fine.
List is coming along well!
April 30, 2016 3:12 p.m. Edited.
Yep. Testing shows that voltaic key sort of sucks. I like power conduit though since I can grab it with muddle the mixture.
Give/take has been a little disappointing. I think I'm going to switch it to turn/burn though. path right now is our only hard removal for big creatures, and I think this is a good answer to infect
April 30, 2016 3:33 p.m.
give/take and voltaic key are out. 3x turn/burn, and 1x boom/bust is in
April 30, 2016 4:19 p.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #14
Instead of Turn / Burn, play Assault/Battery. It's better with Brain and without brain, the removal is cheaper, making it way better vs Affinity, Infect, and other aggro decks.
Oh, and you definitely do not want Boom/Bust in the main. It's good against Tron and Scapeshift post-board, but it does not belong in the mainboard.
April 30, 2016 4:30 p.m. Edited.
i'm making this definite upvote. This deck is mad awesome and it makes meh cards amazing.
April 30, 2016 4:41 p.m.
the reason I don't like assault and battery as much is because it's a sorcery, so the removal isn't quite as useful.
A single boom/bust to look for with muddle the mixture is worth it I think, I'm going to keep testing it out. It helps out in lots of matchups beside scapeshift and tron by locking our opponents out of the game for a bit while we either press our advantage or stabilize.
In other big news, I've decided that I really like glittering wish. I've added the wishboard/sideboard that I've been using.
April 30, 2016 4:57 p.m.
The thing is... I dont know how you win the game, is it by burning your oponent? with creatures? I haven't exactly seen a solid strategy although the idea is great! +1
May 2, 2016 5:53 a.m.
The tokens from alive/well and beck/call can deal 20 damage eventually (once we cast the first beck/call, it becomes much easier to cast a second if need be). It's really a super heavy control deck, so it's okay if it takes 20 turns to win. (It would be nice if an opponent would scoop every once in a while though). I'm considering adding in some number of celestial colonnade, but there honestly hasn't been a game where I've needed it.
May 2, 2016 7:22 a.m.
Have you thought of hex parasite to help manage your counters?
May 2, 2016 6:28 p.m.
Thanks for the suggestion. Power Conduit is currently playing that role. the advantages of that are that I can tutor for it with muddle the mixture, also it's a bit harder to remove. Brain does a pretty good job of managing its own counters for the most part. Usually we can afford to skip a turn of free casting to use the second ability.
Also, after we play beck/call, and days undoing, there's a pretty good chance we draw into a second brain
May 2, 2016 6:39 p.m.
jandrobard says... #22
This is a really cool deck. I don't have any suggestions, but I'm genuinely impressed that you made Day's Undoing work.
May 2, 2016 6:41 p.m.
i still dont understand how that works, when you cast the card for free you are choosing one side of the card not the fuse cost?
May 2, 2016 7:06 p.m.
The way it works is, for example:
I activate brain - It's ability goes on the stack
The ability resolves - I put a charge counter on brain, and I can cast an instant or sorcery with cmc 1 from my hand without paying its mana cost.
Alive//Well is a single card with cmc 1 and cmc 4, so I may choose to cast it without paying its mana cost
As I cast it, I can choose to cast Alive, Well, or fuse them together and use both effects (from left to right)
When asked "Are you sure you can do that?" I refer my opponent to rule 708.6c and the second to last ruling on the gatherer page
brandontraps says... #1
Love abusing fuse cards, seems like the deck might flop if you don't get a BiaJ. +1 keep at it seems like it could be a fun deck
April 29, 2016 9:01 p.m.