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Brainlet (UV Funeral Control)

Casual UB (Dimir)


My first deck build for an unrestricted vintage, Burning Rubber (UV Breach), saw us attempt to build exclusively around speed to achieve a lethal result on the first turn. To that end, the deck operates on an exclusively artifact manabase. I had alluded to this presenting a weakness that would keep the deck in check. This deck is built as that check on greedy decks looking to subvert lands for speed.

Mind Funeral and its far less efficient kin, Mind Grind are, rather bluntly, one card kills against landless decks. This does more than just counter the landless combo decks. As that counter, it opens up the format to slower play and a new deck to match up against, primarily Shops and Death and Taxes shells.

For now, this deck utilizes a host of control magic to keep critical pieces at bay. Classics Force of Will and Force of Negation are the obvious ones you probably already know about but they are snap includes for turn 1 interaction. From there we have a Commandeer for problem permanents like planeswalkers or perhaps an opposing finisher. Disrupting Shoal is some more potential turn 1 interaction that we don't mind dumping mana into when available. Mental Misstep can hit those pesky Ancestral Recalls, Dark Rituals, and Mana Vaults. Misdirection can steal opposing Recalls or make counters target themselves.

Playing lands is an obvious check to mirror matches and also extends our game so we aren't forever reliant on alternate casting costs.

This deck may be a cheeky jab at artifact mana centric combo decks, but it's by no means a verdict on 'the most powerful deck in Magic'. This is more a proof of concept that the most powerful format in Magic may not a hellscape overrun with FTK combo decks. This deck presupposes a format where that is the case but it is certainly a strategy that can itself get got. A Stax or Death and Taxes shell could do a number this. And that won't be the end of the format either. Everything has a counter.


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Date added 2 years
Last updated 1 month

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

35 - 0 Rares

11 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.02
Folders Unrestricted Vintage
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