Break the Meta! Tempo Simic Morph-Manifest

Standard AMajor


ComradeJim270 says... #1

Looks good!

I'd consider Arashin War Beast. In these colors you can ramp into it and that's going to create a lot of manifests for you to play with. It might not fit with what you want the deck to do, but is worth a try.

Dromoka's Gift doesn't really fit here. I think you'd benefit more taking them out. If you're going to be manifesting a lot, you want a lot of creatures so you can flip them up. See what other good morph cards you might want to put in and swap it out for those, maybe.

June 2, 2015 11:58 a.m.

AMajor says... #2

Thanks for the suggestion! I feel that a 6/6 for 7 with manifests only when they block isn't what I'm looking for with this deck because it is too slow. I would prefer dropping a few Hooded Hydras if I'm willing to go more late game because it has much more versatility. For Dromoka's gift, I just feel that I need an instant speed combat trick, but since it may be manifested and there are other morph creatures that can be used as combat tricks, I totally agree with you. Thanks a lot!

June 2, 2015 12:09 p.m.

magnuskristus says... #3

Salt Road Ambushers are really cool, but I think Temur Sabertooth is better. You can make him indestrucible, save creatures, re-use morph abilities of those creatures or just get a manifested Cloudform back to your hand. Really awesome in any manifest/morph deck imo.

Icefeather Aven is a nice card. two mana for a 2/2 flying is pretty good, and you can remove creatures, but I have tried it out and I don't think the boomerang ability is worth the mana you pay for it. First it costs 3 mana to cast, then 3 more mana to morph. I just think it's too much mana. If you can manage to manifest it, it's alright but you will start with it on your hand from time to time. I think a removal card of some other kind would suit better. Imagine your opponent with temur ascendancy, or dragon tempest or anything to give the creatures haste. 4/4 creatures knocking on the door in third round is nasty. Icefeather doesn't really help against haste, and I think you could use those 6 mana in a better way.

I think Kiora, the Crashing Wave would be a nice addition here. She could neutralize any big creatures. But I don't know if you are going for a standard deck here? The theros block is rotating out soon, so there's that.

June 5, 2015 1:47 p.m.

AMajor says... #4

Yea, sadly I'm going for standard and Theros is rotating too, with my Ghostblade and Elvish Mystic, the planeswalker too, which is a crazy 4 drop. Temur Sabertooth could be a nice addition to the deck, maybe a 2 of. I saw some Green devotion decks used it a lot for nasty plays. I'll test it. Salt Road Ambushers and Icefeather Aven are cards I think are less optimized for this deck, on that I must agree with you. I still think that they fit the deck, since I don't see a better replacement for them. I'm running as few as I can. If you have any suggestion on what to use instead, that'd be nice :P

Thanks for the comments, I really appreciate it!

June 5, 2015 2 p.m.

magnuskristus says... #5

You could swith the Salt Road Ambushers for a couple of Temur Sabertooth. I think they would work better in your deck. Maybe go for 1 Icefeather Aven instead of 2, and rather get a Kheru Spellsnatcher in the mainboard?

June 5, 2015 2:17 p.m.

AMajor says... #6

Yup, that's a good idea, and switch Kheru Spellsnatcher for a Profaner of the Dead against Aggro decks. Screw Salt Road Ambushers. With Hooded Hydra's snakes, can you give Temur Sabertooth almost infinite indestructible for ?

June 5, 2015 2:21 p.m.

magnuskristus says... #7

Yup, seems pretty good nice! The ability of Temur Sabertooth goes on the stack, so it is possible to take it out with instants, but you can re-use the ability whenever u want, provided you have the mana. So when u use to make it indestructible, your opponents can react to it and remove it. The drawback is that you need to send your creatures back to your hand sometimes, even if it isn't in your best interest, just to save it. Still I think it's a really good card and it works well in very many situations. It can give you a lot of card advantage, if played correctly.

June 5, 2015 2:29 p.m.

magnuskristus says... #8

Oh, and Whisperwood Elemental is the bomb. It's insanely good. You have to try it. I run 4 of it in my manifest deck. It can save you from wipers and it gives you so much gas. Really a great addition I think.

June 5, 2015 2:35 p.m.

AMajor says... #9

It isn't that bad to manifest either. Give it Flying-Hexproof or counters and you got a crazy card. Thanks for the suggestion, I missed this card. It actually replaces the Icefeather Aven ability, which I used for this reason most of the times (except vs Auras/Counters on some creatures my opponents played). I think I'll run no Icefeather Aven and get a second Kheru Spellsnatcher, that card is really good.

Thanks a lot for those comments, what you said earlier really helped me and this deck.

June 5, 2015 2:40 p.m.

magnuskristus says... #10

Glad to help :) It's always nice to discuss and shed light on these things! Really a good opportunity to learn new things about these mechanics and plays :)

June 5, 2015 3:28 p.m.

zephramtripp says... #11

Why only two Obscuring AEther? Without a third, you can never get your morphs/megamorphs for free!

June 6, 2015 1:57 p.m.

AMajor says... #12

Not worth it! I have enough ramp to play only one and be fine with morphing everything.

June 6, 2015 11:42 p.m.

jrgoudie says... #13

have you considered more ramp with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx?

June 13, 2015 10:13 p.m.

AMajor says... #14

Most of the time, I have creatures as morphs and flip them for their effects only when necessary. It's better to use the morph/flip synergy than play creatures flat to raise your devotion. Thanks for the comment though!

June 14, 2015 1:11 a.m.

As far as Sideboard goes, Encase in Ice and Display of Dominance are basically perfect. The Profaner of the Deads are amazing against aggro, so great choice there. Bow of Nylea would help you stay afloat against Burn.

I also believe you'll want another counter or two. Disdainful Stroke will get rid of most things that'd be difficult to recover from that your Stratus Dancers can't handle, such as Siege Rhino and any Dragonlord ever.

If you can get you hands on the Deathmist Raptors and Whisperwood Elementals please do, that'll make for some spooky plays.

Good luck to you, my brother in Simic! Never forget the perfection of orchestrated life!

June 15, 2015 11:35 p.m.

AMajor says... #16

I must agree with Encase in Ice, that's a good card. However, I don't need much more counters and protection because I run 3 (+1 sideboard) low cost Stratus Dancers, I run 8 cards with Hexproof, and have too much ramp for Dragonlords or Siege Rhinos to be effective. Bow of Nylea is ok, but most of the times, my creatures swinging are just too pumped to be blocked and survive. I attack mostly facedown with Hooded Hydra, Sagu Mauler or Pumped creatures with pretty much the rest of my deck, from enchantments to sorceries and Artifacts. Creatures that block are already dead the time they attack xD. I also want to have as many creatures as possible, since my deck tries top maximize the morph-manifest synergy.

Thanks for the comments, I'll see if Encase in Ice could see some play, even though my toughest matchups are against Green Devotion, and some aggro decks, which is pretty much 50/50, I get a Profaner and it's gg, I have a good start and it's gg, Hydras are crazy good blockers, they drop more blockers, etc.

June 16, 2015 12:11 a.m.

cardsgrinder says... #17

I like this deck. I have a similar build here: deck: Simic PlansAny input or thoughts would be appreciated.

I have found Icefeather Aven to be invaluable in my build. Also, Prophet of Kruphix is great for untapping lands for Stratus Dancer.

June 16, 2015 7:36 p.m.

AMajor says... #18

Why would Icefeather Aven be invaluable? There are so many better options, and it's ability isn't that good. The threats I've had early are Deathmist Raptors, creatures with deathtouch and some aggro cards like Goblin Rabblemaster. Flipping this card only means you wasted your turn to add nothing to the board. Yes, you can make a manifested card come back to your hand or something, but imo it's never worth it since I'd rather have my enchantments as manifests than in hand at the cost of a turn, especially with all the synergy I have with face-down creatures and make them doubt which card it might be. Prophet of Kruphix is a really good card, I must agree with you. However, I don't know where to cut with this deck, all the creatures already there are crazy good. I'll put it in the maybeboard (again, I've already thought about it) and see what I could do with it.

June 16, 2015 11:06 p.m.

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