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Break the Meta: Temur Hyper Aggro

Standard* Aggro RUG (Temur) Tempo




Creature (1)

Hey everyone, this is might be one of my upcoming fate reforged decks upon release. Temur got some brand new goodies in the fate reforged deck that seem to work perfectly in a hyper aggressive deck. This may not be as fast as your typical mono red deck, but upon some testing, it can run pretty quick! I'll discuss my card choices below.


Elvish Mystic: This guy is fantastic for speeding up your three drops. A turn one mystic into a turn two rabblemaster can be gamebreaking. We'll be running a playset of these just for that. Not only can we do a turn two rabblemaster, but we can also curve into a turn two Savage Knuckleblade, Yasova Dragonclaw, and help curve faster into Shaman of the Great Hunt.

Flamewake Phoenix: Flying and Haste says it all. It has great sticking power through its ferocious trigger and applies a constant pressure to their life total.

Frost Walker: Very vulnerable, however, can trade through Coursers and Sylvans. It also triggers heroic. Its more of a suicide bomber but if they have an empty board, even one swing through with this guy can end the game.

Goblin Rabblemaster: No explanation needed. This guy is insanity.

Heir of the Wilds: Has great trading power through deathtouch and if they do not want to trade with it, it too applies constant pressure to their life total. It can also act as a wall if needed.

Savage Knuckleblade: He's fast, he's versatile, he's scary. A 4/4 for 3 is good on its own but through in all of his wonderful abilities and you truly have a force to be reckoned with.

Shaman of the Great: Fantastic curve for this deck. It makes not blocking those Rabblemaster Tokens even worse than before. It sits nicely on the top of the curve and provides card draw to hopefully close out the game.

Boon Satyr: With flash, this guy can do a lot. He can flash in as a surprise blocker and kill a resolved Sidisi or Anafenza, or flash in for bestow on our flying Flamewake Phoenix. The bestow can get costly, so we are only running a two of.

Yasova Dragonclaw: Oh boy does this guy look great. A constant Act of Treason? Yes please! They'll think twice about who they leave open to block now. With legendary status, it can be dangerous to draw into multiples of him and he also requires more mana to be dedicated to him later for his affect to go off, so we'll only run two of him.

Instants and Sorceries:

Stubborn Denial: We have fourteen creatures that trigger ferocious if you exclude rabblemaster during attacks. A one mana counter spell that stops them from burning our creatures as well as stopping planeswalkers, Whips of Erebos, and so much more, this card does a lot for us. However, due to the restriction of ferocious, we'll only be taking three of.

Crater's Claw: A solid burn spell that can handle difficult creatures that we can't get through as well as being able to burn down our opponent for a potential win. Top it off with a ferocious trigger and it's golden. Due to card restriction's, we'll only take a three of.

Barrage of Boulders: We'll keep one mainboard. It's our potential one two punch to end the game and open up the board for our creatures to rush on through. I'm considering more, I have to test it out to see if I can trigger the ferocious effect off this more often. Not only does it stop blockers, but it also helps fight out worse matchup, Jeskai Tokens.


Now here is where things get interesting. We show our opponent game one that we are going full out hyper aggro. However, the idea behind this sideboard is to transition into a midrange temur deck game two. This will bait out side board cards such as Anger of the Gods and Drown in Sorrow which will ultimately do nothing. Normally, we'd take out Frost Walker, Flamewake Phoenix, and possibly Yasova and Boon Satyr depending on the matchup. The only cards in the sideboard built to specifically combat a deck are Barrage of Boulders for Jeskai Tokens and Kiora, The Crashing Wave for U/W heroic.

That's it. Please leave your thoughts below. Thanks for reading!


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 12 Mythic Rares

28 - 3 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.32
Tokens Emblem Kiora, the Crashing Wave, Emblem Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker, Goblin 1/1 R, Kraken 9/9 U, Morph 2/2 C, Satyr 2/2 GR
Folders Standard, ideas, Standard
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