
Three Basic Combos.

This deck is a competitive combo deck. The idea is to generate infinite colored mana, which we use to cast Breya, sac herself and a thopter to deal 3 damage to an opponent, then recast her and repeat to burn out all your opponents. We run two infinite combos that can be assembled very quickly, and the additional Laboratory Maniac win. Here they are in order of importance to the deck:

Worldgorger Dragon: This combo works by getting Worldgorger Dragon into the graveyard (somehow), then reanimating it with Animate Dead. This causes all permanents you control to leave the battlefield, including animate dead. Then since animate dead isn't animating worldgorger dragon anymore, it dies. This brings all your permanents back into play. They all come into play untapped, so you can tap all your lands / artifacts for mana (unless they're permanents that enter the battlefield tapped). It also brings the Animate Dead back into play, which is required to enchant a creature in a graveyard (without using the stack). So you pick worldgorger dragon, and repeat this, generating infinite mana in the process. Assuming you have permanents that tap for infinite mana of each of the 4 colors without causing you damage, you then can repeatedly cast and sac Breya to kill all your opponents. The final piece of the combo is a creature in a graveyard that isn't worldgorger dragon, which is animated to end the loop. If there isn't another creature in a graveyard, then the loop can't be interrupted and the game ends in a draw (by game rule).

So the basic requirements are: Dragon in the graveyard, a reanimation enchantment, lands / rocks that enter untapped and can tap for all four colors, and a second creature in someone's graveyard. This sounds like a lot, but it actually can happen really fast. Like, turn 1 Entomb the dragon, turn 2 Animate Dead. For this reason real dual lands are pretty important, you want to be able to fetch out an Underground Sea and a Plateau so that you can go off with just 2 lands.

Bomberman: This is the name given to the combo of Auriok Salvagers and Black Lotus. Except in EDH (and legacy) we have to use Lion's Eye Diamond. It's pretty clear how this one works. You just play the salvagers (or reanimate them), then play the lion's eye diamond, and then sac it for 3 white, use 2 white to play it again, repeat, and you net mana on every iteration. After you make infinite white mana, you make infinite mana of the other colors. Then you infinitely cast Breya and sac her to herself to win.

This is a two card combo and can also be easy to assemble (Entomb Auriok Salvagers, Gamble for Lion's Eye Diamond, Animate Dead on salvagers). The danger is you have to discard your whole hand. It's best if you can protect it with Grand Abolisher.

Doomsday + Lab Man: This is almost like a combo; Doomsday plus a draw spell plus 5-ish mana is basically a win. Doomsday itself can set up the Worldgorger Dragon or Bomberman combos, but the reason for having Laboratory Maniac in here is to give you a win in case you can't use the graveyard. This happens in two ways: someone has graveyard hate like a Tormod's Crypt, Grafdigger's Cage or Rest in Peace; or, even worse, we've cast Yawgmoth's Will this turn, and have thus turned off our own graveyard tricks. See the doomsday section below for doomsday piles. Also Labman + Tainted Pact is a win.

Worldgorger Dragon + Animate Dead. This also requires 1) permanent(s) that tap for all colors of mana without etb'ing tapped or causing damage, like say a Command Tower, or an Underground Sea + a Plateau; 2) dragon already in the graveyard; 3) another creature in some graveyard to end the infinite animate loop or an instant that lets you get one there. Mana cost: is 2 mana at minimum, more like 6 mana on average (resolve 2 tutors at an avg of 2 mana each, resolve Animate Dead = 6 mana). Pros: very fast. Winning the game after spending a total of six mana is very fast, which is the main benefit. Also synergy with general reanimator strategies and Ad Nauseam. Slots required: 6+ ? There's the dragon, 3-ish animate spells, 2-ish deck-to-graveyard tutors, some restrictions on the manabase, probably also requires running more than average number of looting effects. Cons: if interrupted will exile all your permanents; vulnerable to GY hate.

Auriok Salvagers + Lion's Eye Diamond. Mana required: 4-8 range: 2 tutors, an animate dead, one activation of salvagers. Can also just cast Salvagers for 4, activate for 2. Slots: 2, basically, just the salvagers and the diamond. Pros: Can also benefit from the reanimation spells and deck-to-graveyard tutors since putting diamond in the GY is good; reanimating salvagers is cheap or mana-neutral. Cons: discarding your hand makes protecting this combo with counterspells sort of impossible, requires running something like grand abolisher or silence. Vulnerable to GY hate.

Doomsday / Laboratory Maniac. Doomsday itself works fine for setting up dragon or bomberman combo, if you include Thought Scour. But doomsday can also set up the typical labman wins. Slots: 2+, doomsday and labman; also requires draw and filtering cards, but those are probably included anyway. Lab man can also win off Notion Thief + Windfall , or just Tainted Pact, which are likely value includes. Mana required: 4-6+ ? 3 for doomsday, 1-3 for a draw spell, 3 for labman, maybe -3 for including Lion's Eye Diamond in the pile. The downside is all that mana is needed on the same turn to assure the win off Doomsday. Pros: Can set up piles that don't use the graveyard; although they're more mana intensive. Good synergy with bomberman and dragon combos. Cons: getting the doomsday pile disrupted loses you the game.

Ashnod's Altar / Krark-Clan Ironworks + Eldrazi Displacer / Nim Deathmantle. This combo works by sac'ing Breya and/or her thopters for colorless mana and then bouncing Breya in and out using displacer or deathmantle. Slots: 2 at best; 4 for redundancy. Mana required: Breya has to be in play for this one since it generates colorless, so there's 4 for breya + 3 for ashnods + 3 for displacer = 10 mana. If you add 4 for two tutors under the typical scenario, then that's 14, split over multiple turns. Pros: Ashnod's + Displacer doesn't use GY; these combos don't immediately lose the game if they're interrupted. Cons: sort of minor synergy with other cards likely included in the deck.

Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter. Just play out enough rocks and this is infinite mana. It's hard to get infinite mana of all four colors, tho, unless you have mox opal / mox diamond in play (or something like prophetic prism or prismatic lens). Slots: 2, but also requires a critical mass of mana rocks (10+). Mana required: 4. Two to cast the scepter and 2 more to activate it; assuming 2 tutors that's 4 + 4 = 8 mana. Pros: there's some synergy of scepter with other 2 mana instants, it's possible to stick a tutor or counterspell on it. No real loss if this combo is disrupted. Not reliant on graveyard. Cons: minor lack of synergy with dragon / bomberman combo; otherwise none? It's a very clean combo.

Sunrise Eggs. This combo runs Codex Shredder to repeatedly get back Second Sunrise or Faith's Reward along with artifacts that sac themselves like Darkwater Egg and mana-positive rocks that sac to Krark-Clan Ironworks. Slots: like 11+? 1 Codex Shredder, 2 sunrise/reward, 1 ironworks, 4-8 eggs. Mana required: 5 for codex shredder, 4 for ironworks, 3 for sunrise, 2 per egg for 3-ish eggs: 18 mana? Functionally less since you're sac'ing eggs for mana to cast the other stuff. Pros: synergy with deathmantle / displacer combo; bomberman combo; low cost of interruption. Cons: vulnerable to GY hate; low synergy with dragon and doomsday.

Thopter Foundry + Sword of the Meek + Ashnod's Altar / Krark-Clan Ironworks. This generates infinite flying 1/1's and infinite colorless mana. It's possible to do this at instant speed, untap, and attack for the win with infinite 1/1's. Or if Breya is in play, you can use infinite colorless to activate her sac'ing the infinite 1/1's to burn out the table. Slots: 3-4. Mana required: 7 to cast the three pieces, 1 for the first activation of foundry, plus probably 6 mana for 3 tutors, for 14 mana on average to tutor all three pieces, put them in play and kick off the combo. Pros: synergy with other Krark-Clan Ironworks combos. Cons: is actually a 3-card combo instead of a two-card combo; dissynergy with dragon/bomberman combos; vulnerable to GY hate.

Pili-Pala + Grand Architect. This generates infinite mana of any color; they just have to both be in play and Pili-Pala needs to not be summoning-sick. Mana required: 5, or 9 with the typical two tutors. Although note that architect can tap himself to cast Pili-Pala, even while summoning sick. Slots: just 2; can also benefit from the reanimation and deck-to-graveyard tutors. Pros: synergy with reanimation strategy; otherwise doesn't actually use the GY. No real cost of interruption. Cons: reliance on fragile creatures, would benefit from haste.

Dualcaster Mage + Ghostly Flicker. This 2-card combo generates infinite colored mana provided there's a permanent in play that taps for each color (just like Worldgorger Dragon combo); or just wins at instant speed if Breya is already in play. Slots required: just 2, really. Mana Required: 6, all at one time. Probably another 4 on earlier turns for two tutors to get the pieces, for a total of 10. Pros: pieces mostly useful apart from the combo as reactive spells; low downside to getting the combo interrupted, not dependent upon the GY. Cons: lack of creature tutors to get Dualcaster Mage; lack of real synergy with other combos.

So,... This shows why we like Worldgorger Dragon and Bomberman. 2 mana is not very much for a combo. It's way better than some other combos that cost 10 mana. :) Other than that, we'd like to have a win that wasn't graveyard dependent, so we're trying Lab Man for now.

If you don't already have Breya in play, you need something in the graveyard to Animate Dead instead of the Dragon to end the loop. Having a lot of instants really helps this, sometimes you can start the loop without another target in the yard and just cast instants from your hand to obtain a creature. Stuff like Izzet Charm, Intuition, Entomb, Frantic Search, and Thirst for Knowledge all work for this. You can also Chain of Vapor the Animate Dead with the Exile Permanents trigger on the stack. Also, if something like Bazaar of Baghdad or Prophetic Prism is in play, then you can generate some mana, and draw/bin most of the deck. With Bazaar you can fill the yard until you hit some other creature to enchant. With Prophetic Prism you can draw until you hit something to destroy the prism, or until you draw enough cards to transition to one of the other combos (eg, reanimating Laboratory Maniac with the last prism draw trigger on the stack).

One of the best cards is Grand Abolisher. (And thus, so is Cavern of Souls, which always names Human. Note: Breya is an Artifact Human(!?). Which, basically, makes no sense.) If you have Abolisher in play it's probably better to go for Auriok Salvagers + Lion's Eye Diamond , but it protects a lot of the Dragon combo, too. The only opportunity your opponents have to interact with it is while Dragon is in the yard and the Return Permanents trigger is on the stack. Abolisher is in play while the Exile Permanents trigger is on the stack. So you're only vulnerable to instant-speed graveyard hate (like an on-board Tormod's Crypt, or a Noxious Revival).

People sometimes complain that Dragon (or Bomberman) are risky combos because getting them interrupted causes you to lose the game. But this is actually a characteristic of most combo decks. How does a Food Chain deck do if it goes for the combo, but then someone has Abrupt Decay for Food Chain? How does a Dramatic Scepter deck do if someone has Krosan Grip for the Isochron Scepter as soon as Dramatic Reversal is imprinted on it? Even if other decks don't get literally knocked out of the game when their combo is interrupted, they usually suffer a large enough resource and tempo loss that they're no longer in contention for winning. HOWEVER, it is still true that going for a naked Dragon combo is risky. I usually try to set up some kind of value engine in the first 2-3 turns (Jace, Bob, Mystic Remora, Necro, Ad Naus, etc) and use this advantage to set up a protected combo on turn 4 or 5.

Doomsday really deserves its own section. But basically doomsday is pretty good for assembling the combos. Typically I go off with a draw spell, and cast the Doomsday making a stack like:

  1. Thought Scour
  2. Worldgorger Dragon
  3. Auriok Salvagers
  4. Animate Dead
  5. Pact of Negation

You then cast a draw spell to get the Thought Scour, you cast that to bin the two creatures and draw the animate, then animate the dragon for the win. The Pact of Negation isn't really needed, but if you have a sensei's divining top in play it can give you a little protection. You can do the salvagers combo like this:

  1. Thought Scour
  2. Auriok Salvagers
  3. Lion's Eye Diamond
  4. Animate Dead
  5. anything

There's really a ton of possible piles, but most of them involve Thought Scour or Frantic Search. You can typically include a counterspell if you have one of the combo pieces in hand already.

If you run Laboratory Maniac then there's several piles you can use that don't involve the graveyard. Let's say you have a 1-mana card that draws 1 card. Cast doomsday, pile like this:

  1. Frantic Search
  2. Laboratory Maniac
  3. Thought Scour / Brainstorm
  4. anything
  5. anything

This pile wins if you have the 1 mana for the draw spell, 3 mana for Frantic Search, then 3 lands to untap to cast the lab man, and 1 more for the Thought Scour/Brainstorm, which makes 8 total mana including the Doomsday.

I notice that since Doomsday is a later-game spell, I frequently have a Sensei's Divining Top in play. A similar pile works by popping the top to get into the Doomsday stack:

  1. Thought Scour
  2. anything
  3. Frantic Search
  4. Laboratory Maniac
  5. Gitaxian Probe

The sensei's top will draw you the Thought Scour, which you then use to bin the sensei's top and the random card, drawing the Frantic Search. Cast frantic search to draw Lab man and Probe, cast Lab Man and cast Probe to win.

Early Necropotence can lead you to a nice doomsday, too. With Necropotence in play, you can exile cards from the Doomsday pile so you don't have to draw through them to empty your library and win with Laboratory Maniac. But if you have at least 3 cards in hand, there's a slick way to do it on end-step by paying five life and putting the whole stack in your hand:

  1. Dark Ritual
  2. Laboratory Maniac
  3. Brainstorm
  4. Necromancy
  5. Pact of Negation

The order doesn't matter here, since you're using Necropotence to put them all into your hand. Then if you have at least 8 cards, discard the lab man, then necropotence will trigger to exile it. Respond to the trigger with Dark Ritual -> Necromancy targeting lab man, bring him back into play, and cast Brainstorm to win. If you don't have enough cards that adding 5 will force you to discard labman to handsize, you can replace lab man with Pull from Eternity and it works just as well.

Yawgmoth's Will

Yawg will is a great card, but casting it shuts off all our combos for that turn, except Doomsday. Which is kind of too bad. It's possible to assemble a Laboratory Maniac Doomsday during a big yawgwill turn; or possibly labman + Notion Thief + Windfall or labman + Tainted Pact to deck yourself.

Ad Nauseam

The mana curve is pretty low so this usually wins. You can draw about 15-20 cards. Ideally you do this on the end step before your turn begins, then you untap with a grip of 20 cards, and combo off. Mystical Tutor really helps setting this up early. We've theorized that there's another build of Breya that focuses on a more traditional reanimation package and drops Ad Nauseam: if you add say, Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur, Tidespout Tyrant, and maybe Sheoldred, Whispering One?, then also add Reanimate; drop Ad Nauseam and 3 other cards (maybe the doomsday package? not sure). It'd give you strong plays just reanimating a creature; but I think with the CMC increase you'd probably want to drop the Ad Naus; maybe also Dark Confidant?

Dark Confidant

I once thought about cutting Dark Confidant. I mean, compare it to Night's Whisper: Same cost; but confidant takes 2 whole turns to get you the card advantage that Night's Whisper gets you immediately. And we're a fast combo deck, aren't we? Do we want to wait 2 turns to net +1 card advantage? That seems bad. But, we're forgetting that Dark Confidant - Bob - is one of the best creatures ever printed. There were YEARS of the vintage metagame that were dominated by Bob decks. Years!

I was just thinking about cutting Bob when I played a game vs. Karador and Brago. Brago went first with turn 1 land; but I had turn-1 land, Chrome Mox, Dark Confidant. Karador played an elf. Brago then played Mana Crypt and Command Tower and Brago, King Eternal. That's rough. I played land #2 and drew a card. Next turn Brago played Tangle Wire and Back to Basics. This would be bad, right? My Breya list doesn't run a single basic. But it does run some mana rocks. So for about 8 turns, I sat there with Bob and drew cards and played a couple mana rocks, until I could find a tutor to grab a Wear / Tear for that back to basics. Also Dark Confidant is a permanent that taps to Tangle Wire. This is actually the exact interaction that made Bob great in Vintage: it's a permanent and a draw engine that the workshop player can't turn off. I probably drew 12 cards off that Bob, and won the game after bouncing a couple lock pieces.

Moral of the story: Never cut Dark Confidant.


If Necropotence is in play, then when you discard, it creates a trigger that exiles the card you just discarded. This means that you can use Necromancy to reanimate the dragon at instant speed in response to the exile trigger if you discard it while you have necro active. This doesn't usually work on the end step if you're discarding to hand size (since you can't win at instant speed unless Breya is already in play); but it does work if you cast something like Frantic Search or Faithless Looting. Just discard Worldgorger Dragon and then cast Necromancy targeting dragon with the exile trigger from necropotence on the stack.

Also you can still tutor the dragon directly into the yard using Entomb and Buried Alive.

FYI, since Necropotence skips your draw step, you never take damage from a tapped Mana Vault, which actually deals damage in that phase.

Pull from Eternity

PfE does three things. First, it protects us against graveyard hate, which by and large exiles stuff. If the list has two main combos that are entirely GY dependent, it's good backup to include the Pull from Eternity. Second, it's like a fricking tutor, since it dumps whatever is exiled into the yard, and the 3 cards most likely to get exiled by our opponents are Dragon, LED, and Salvagers. Putting them into the yard is like Entombing them, which is one of the best cards in the deck. Third, if we're going to run Tainted Pact... we can flip past Dragon until we find PfE, and that's pretty strong.

Bazaar of Baghdad

Bazaar isn't the best card in this deck, but it's nevertheless a supremely powerful card. It's the same card disadvantage of casting Careful Study every turn; and Careful Study is something close to what this deck wants. However, Bazaar of Baghdad makes the Worldgorger Dragon combo extremely slick. You can actually win with nothing but bazaar in play. Imagine on turn 1 you play: Bazaar of Baghdad, Lotus Petal -> Dark Ritual -> Entomb for dragon, then Animate Dead on Worldgorger Dragon. You can blink bazaar in and out, and use it to bin your whole library. When there's 0 or 1 cards left in your deck, move the Animate Dead onto the Laboratory Maniac, then tap bazaar for the win.

There's a lot of tutors here. I think from best to worst they're probably:

  1. Demonic Tutor
  2. Vampiric Tutor
  3. Tainted Pact
  4. Imperial Seal
  5. Entomb
  6. Lim-Dul's Vault
  7. Merchant Scroll
  8. Gamble
  9. Enlightened Tutor
  10. Mystical Tutor
  11. Buried Alive

(I don't own a Grim Tutor, but, I don't think it's worth running here.)

UPDATES: Dark Petition was hard to cast at 5 mana, and Intuition rarely did precisely what I wanted it to. They've been cut for Imperial Seal and Tainted Pact, which have been great.

The black tutors are the best, obviously, but Tainted Pact is sort of best used right before you win; early pacts for value are riskier. Also Tainted Pact + Laboratory Maniac is a win. Merchant Scroll is better than it looks cause it can get a counterspell or Izzet Charm or Frantic Search - and Izzet Charm just does so much here. Enlightened Tutor is better than Mystical Tutor here because you can get Lion's Eye Diamond or Animate Dead. Enlightened is also cool for grabbing ramp early (Mana Crypt) or Necropotence. An especially slick play is to cast Enlightened Tutor off of Gemstone Caverns before your first turn. Mystic Tutor earns its place cause it's so helpful in setting up an early Ad Nauseam by fetching either that or Dark Ritual. Buried Alive is just not at all versatile.

But, man, is making that list kind of silly. I think part of the trick to playing a deck like this is knowing what to do if your opener is 3 mana sources and 4 tutors. It can be kind of overwhelming. I can't say I've quite mastered it, but it definitely involves reading the table and deciding how much protection you need to go off. If you have a lot of tutors, try to get Cavern of Souls on human and then Grand Abolisher and then win with Doomsday, there's basically nothing that screws all that up.

Breya, Etherium Shaper is actually a great card. If you put it into play before you go off with Dragon, then you don't have to generate infinite mana of every color - since she'll blink in and out and generate infinite thopters, and you can sac those with infinite colorless to kill the table. That also works at instant speed if you have to go off with Necromancy or without a second creature in the graveyard to break the Animate Dead loop. Also, Breya provides blockers, even flying blockers, which is great if you're playing against Brago, King Eternal or something that requires the combat step. Also, she can just kill most creatures. You can kill Zur the Enchanter, Yisan, the Wanderer Bard, etc, etc. It also makes the deck slightly less vulnerable to hate bears, since Breya can just kill anything that's giving you problems (Deathrite Shaman, Hushwing Gryff, Gaddock Teeg, Thalia, Heretic Cathar, etc.) Of course it still loses to Linvala, Keeper of Silence and Stony Silence, but everything has it's counters. There's still plenty of tutors in the deck to find the answers to those cards (Wear / Tear, Swords to Plowshares, Chain of Vapor, Toxic Deluge, or Cyclonic Rift).

If you find yourself with 4 mana and you're not about to lose the game if you don't hold up interaction, cast Breya. She provides a startling amount of board presence - your opponents will realize that no creature is safe and they have to watch their planeswalkers and life totals.

Bazaar of Baghdad: This card is sort of better than Careful Study but also kind of marginal. It's great if you're going off with Dragon; it's great if you've just resolved a huge draw spell or draw seven, and it's good in the opener usually. Eh. I guess it's pretty strong.

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth: Not sure if there should just be a basic island and basic swamp in the list. If so, this would probably go. It's cool cause it lets Bazaar tap for mana, and it sometimes helps cast a turn-3 Necropotence, but it's not the best thing.

Memory Jar: This is great, right? It bins a lot of stuff, it lets you refill your hand and go off, it sequesters counterspells your opponents might be holding, and it combos with Notion Thief. But it also costs 5 making it really expensive. It's good late game, but weak early game. Since most of the deck is focused on a strong early game, it's sort of debatable how much late-game gas you really want.

Dark Petition: Same problem as Memory Jar, it's awesome later game and weak early. Need more testing; but it is good for enabling a big late-game Yawgmoth's Will turn, or a late-game Doomsday.

27 or 28 Mana-Producing Lands?: I'm pretty sure the right number is one of these. It's hard to tell which is better. I feel like drawing 5 or more land in the first 5 turns is usually a loss; but on the other hand, you need 2 in your opening 7.

Prophetic Prism: I kinda love this card, but I'm a guy who preordered 4 Baleful Strix as soon as it was spoiled. I find that spending the 2 mana for a rock that replaces itself is generally fine turn 2; and it helps go off at instant speed with dragon. Of course, it's not a real mana rock, (compare Prismatic Lens), but the color fixing does help if you want to cast Grand Abolisher or Mana Drain or Necropotence or something.

Removal and Answers: You want some of Wear / Tear, Chain of Vapor, Cyclonic Rift, Fire Covenant, Toxic Deluge, Pyroclasm, Anguished Unmaking, Izzet Charm. I don't think the deck can fit all of these, but some of them are great, depending on your meta and how much hatebears you're likely to face. I've recently cut Cyclonic Rift since I never cast it for overload, and it's inability to target my own stuff is a huge drawback. My meta needs at least two creature sweepers - for hatebears and for mana elves: Toxic Deluge is best, then either Fire Covenant or Pyroclasm is ok. I've also experimented with pro-active answers: the deck can support Aven Mindcensor and Ethersworn Canonist, which help if your meta is full of other fast combo decks.

The idea is to use lands that don't enter the battlefield tapped, and that don't hurt us for entering or tapping. So that's basically the 10 fetches plus the 6 dual lands. Then after that, there's a few 5-color lands that don't hurt: Cavern of Souls, Command Tower, Forbidden Orchard. And a couple pseudo-5-color lands: Reflecting Pool, Exotic Orchard. Then after that, basically you might as well run City of Brass and Mana Confluence cause they're so good. Next, you can use fast lands like Darkslick Shores because if they come into play along with another 5 lands during the dragon combo, they still come into play untapped. And then you can consider stuff like: Gemstone Mine, Aether Hub, Tarnished Citadel, etc. If you can't find any more good 5-color lands, then add another u/b land of some type : Watery Grave or Darkwater Catacombs or Underground River.

Further Reading

There's been some great threads on Breya at the Competitive EDH subreddit. Like, this one on the possible Combos:

I want to point out another great build of Breya, which is by Lilbrudder : Breya, Trouble Comes in Threes. I prefer my own build, but this guy knows what he's talking about.

Finally, the original draft and inspiration for this deck is due to beduno : Breya: Bomerwoman

Budget Options

Budget Breya Ad Naus

Breya is expensive, but this budget build isn't!

Updates Add

I feel like the deck is in a good place. I'm happy with the tutors and combos and lines; I love Laboratory Maniac -> Tainted Pact. I sometimes feel the deck has too much life loss, which mostly comes up when I have Necropotence and need to wrath with Fire Covenant.

I think the remaining issue is tuning the interaction suite to your expected meta. I think playing Aven Mindcensor can be good, and the mix of counterspells and removal you want, eg: Dispel vs. Izzet Charm, is something you want to tune for your meta.

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Date added 8 years
Last updated 6 years
Exclude colors G
Key combos

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

17 - 0 Mythic Rares

45 - 0 Rares

25 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 1.88
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Emblem Dack Fayden, Emblem Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, Spirit 1/1 C, Thopter 1/1 U
Folders cutthroat fun, Breya, The Etherium Shaper, Breya, Competitive EDH, Breya, Expensive Breya, Interesting, Competitive EDH, Deck Ideas, EDH
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