Yeah, like Demonicgrizzly says, the Ponder/Preordain issue is kind of a personal preference. Ponder is better if you're digging for a particular card or cards, and if you have a fetch in play to shuffle away the card(s) you don't want from the top three. Preordain is just less conditional. And, for this reason, better early game if you're searching for the next land drop or piece of acceleration. Anyway, you can totally run both, if you find you want to cut something else.
Although, I'm not a huge fan of these kind of cantrips in CEDH combo decks. Decks like this one run a lot of huge, powerful spells (necro, ad naus, wheel of fortune, etc), and you're better off spending 1 mana to try to set that up (eg, imperial seal) than 1 mana to dig for the next card. We're also land-light, so that 1 mana is not trivial.
April 25, 2017 12:34 p.m.
Daquartzinator says... #3
just traded for a breya and i'm gonna make this. it'll be my 2nd CEDH deck, after Brago.
June 19, 2017 3:17 a.m.
Hi Daquartzinator,
Awesome! Glad you've decided to try out this Breya list. It's the best Breya list there is. :) It's challenging and fun; the Doomsday lines are insane; and the deck does well against the top decks in the format.
Good question on Metalworker. Basically, this is not an artifact deck. So a lot of artifact synergy stuff doesn't work that well here. It's a Doomsday - Ad Nauseam - combo deck, which is just better than doing silly artifact stuff. We run artifact ramp here because we're not in Green, so we need the ramp, and running 15+ or so artifacts lets you run Mox Opal; but otherwise we're not loading up on unnecessary artifacts. There are a lot of other more causal Breya Artifact-based decks you can find on the net; but they're just not as good.
I think the best artifact deck is Teferi, Temporal Archmage, which you can see here:
June 20, 2017 11:42 a.m.
Whatever777 says... #6
Why is there so much talk about having extra cards to target with animate dead? If you're already infinite you can simply cast Breya and sac her, let her hit the GY and use her as a target, regardless of any other creatures in your whole deck. Obviously subjected to hate and answers but, sooo much talk about casting stuff to get other creatures in yard and what not
July 6, 2017 2:15 a.m.
Yeah, it's cause if there isn't another creature in the graveyard, then the Worldgorger dragon combo ends the game in draw. So you don't have time to cast Breya and sac her, even tho you have infinite mana, because the game is over. :(
Worldgorger combo is weird.
July 6, 2017 1:28 p.m.
Whatever777 says... #8
Oh yeah lol I don't know why I thought it'd work as if she had flash
July 6, 2017 1:52 p.m.
Sgtpopnfreash says... #9
So if Breya is out when you do the worldgorger combo you can just pay 2 mana to sac the thopters that are created each time she comes out correct? Or do you not get priority while all of that is resolving.
July 30, 2017 11:01 p.m.
Sgtpopnfreash: yeah! That's totally right. So if Breya's in play you can set up the WGD combo at instant speed and win; or do it without another animate dead target.
Its just that WUBR is hard to get out sometimes.
July 31, 2017 12:23 p.m.
heartofwolf says... #11
hi, what do you think of Sunscorched Desert with Worldgorger Dragon combo?
August 2, 2017 3:26 p.m.
heartofwolf : That's an interesting idea. I sort of don't like it since it's such a terrible land, but as a combo piece it doesn't seem awful. It seems slightly worse than Bazaar of Baghdad; but possibly budget replacement for Bazaar? I'd have to test it. Or, if you test it, let me know how it goes!
August 3, 2017 11:13 a.m.
heartofwolf says... #13
It is a bad land but lets you run combo without having all four colours to co cast breya as finisher. Another question is Insidious Dreams. It lets you setup combo and discard George if you have him in hand. What do You think?
August 4, 2017 1:06 a.m. Edited.
Sgtpopnfreash says... #14
The problem with insidious dream's is that discarding your hand is part of the cost of the spell so your opponents KNOW you have no answers if they counter it and when they do you are basically out of the game.
August 4, 2017 12:45 p.m.
heartofwolf says... #15
Hi mmcgeach,
I totally felt in love with Breya Doomsday build. I've created deck basing on your list but my meta prefers Leviathan over standard EDH. We are playing 1v1 and 2v2. So bad thing is that cards like Sol Ring, Mana Crypt, Vampiric Tutor, Imperial Seal, Sensei's Divining Top and Mox Diamond are banned. This is a huge disadvantage for Breya but I still want to play it. I would be very thankful for any comments and help on my deck:
Thank You!
August 12, 2017 10:34 a.m.
Heya heartofwolf,
Sorry, I don't know anything about that Leviathan format. But I'll take a look at your deck!
I'm pretty sure Breya Ad Naus is awesome enough to work just about anywhere... :)
August 31, 2017 11:27 a.m.
Any thoughts on Angels grace for ad nauseam? Ever have a problem casting Necro or it feeling slow? I find myself not even wanting it in a lot of my decks recently.
September 26, 2017 7:19 a.m.
Sgtpopnfreash says... #18
Personally I think breya has enough win conditions through bomberman, worldgorger and isochron scepter combos I don't think Angel's Grace is worth the card slot. It's dead a lot of the time and breya isn't as 1 dimensional as a deck like DD Zur. With Necropotence it's kind of the same issue. There are enough cheap 2 card combos and enough tutors in black and blue that you don't need to have Necropotence but it is a really strong effect. The reason I leave it in is because I'm playing DD and am running Dark Petition, I wouldn't say it's an auto include though.
September 26, 2017 7:37 a.m.
Sgtpopnfreash says... #19
Lol this isn't my deck. It's just very very similar.
September 26, 2017 7:38 a.m.
Heya Sgtpopnfreash, thanks for the assist.
buuchuu, yeah, sometimes life loss is a general problem. But, usually it's just if you have to clear some stuff with Fire Covenant, which is good, but costly. Then if you also have to Necro and Doomsday or set off an Ad Naus, it can be pretty constraining. But, with stuff like Mana Crypt and Ancient Tomb and talismans and fetches, pretty soon you can be low on life and be cut off from strong Ad Nauseam lines; although usually Necropotence works at lower life totals. The short answer is I haven't found that I want Angel's Grace, but you're welcome to try it. It can be kind of slick, sometimes I Pact of Negation something that's preventing me from going off, then Angel's Grace with the pact trigger on the stack. Then if you can get Ad Nauseam off in that same turn, that's pretty strong. Hmm. I guess, my recommendation is to try the Angel's Grace and see how it goes.
I wouldn't ever cut Necropotence. There's a few rituals to cast it and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth. It's easy to tutor for turns 1-2, and costing only 3 mana makes it easier than a 5-mana Ad Nauseam. Plus, if you fill up your hand with Necro, it's really easy to assemble a hot Doomsday pile with protection from there, check my description above for the pile.
September 26, 2017 12:53 p.m.
demonicgrizzly says... #21
this has to be one of the most expensive mana bases i have ever seen. really effing awesome, but wow. are any of the lands crucial to the game plan? i am thinking of building something like this but with a more budget mana base (no OG duals, no bazzar, etc),
September 28, 2017 2:53 p.m.
em ni gr zz y, there's a whole section on the mana base... But basically, if you want to use the WGD combo then you lands that don't ETB tapped and don't hurt you when you tap for colors. The duals kinda go with the WGD.
Bazaar, on the other hand, is pretty marginal. I like it, but it's one of the weaker cards in the deck. Feel free to replace with any other good spell you want to use. Like, Angel's Grace, if you want to continue on with the last comment, or more interaction. Maybe Delay.
September 28, 2017 9:10 p.m.
demonicgrizzly says... #23
Question of clarification on the WGD combo. if you don't have Breya out, once you initiate the WGD combo, at what point can you cast her? One you animate WGD, the combo is an infinite loop unless you have another creature to target. In the scenario when Breya is not already on the battlefield, there is no opportunity to cast a permanent unless I am missing something?
Btw your primer has been very helpful for me research-wise and I am definitely going to build something similar.
October 9, 2017 5:37 p.m.
demonicgrizzly Correct. You have to first end the WGD loop by animating another creature in someone's yard. But, at that point, you have infinite mana. Then you can cast Breya with infinite mana and sac her to herself repeatedly.
You can cast instants during the WGD loop, tho, if you have one that will help to put a creature in a yard. Stuff like Lightning Bolt, Izzet Charm, Intuition, Entomb, Fire Covenant, Frantic Search or a top-deck tutor + Thought Scour. I had been running slightly more of those cards, but moved away from them. You can also cast bounce spells to end the loop by targeting animate dead or the WGD itself. And if you have Bazaar of Baghdad in play, then that solves that problem.
October 10, 2017 2:30 p.m.
demonicgrizzly says... #25
mmcgeach that is what i thought. thanks for the clarification!
demonicgrizzly says... #1
Dake being able to bottom unneeded cards is a huge reason.
April 25, 2017 7:19 a.m.