Breya Eggstraordinary

Commander / EDH* PhotogenicParasympathetic


Daedalus19876 says... #1

Seems good! Mana base could use a little work, but of course I recognize that it's always an issue of budget. Still, City of Brass, Mana Confluence, and Forbidden Orchard always do good things for cheap.

I think that this deck could use a Semblance Anvil and a Null Profusion. Both would help you find your proper combo pieces. Have you considered Open the Vaults as another clone of Second Sunrise?

Without a way to use her in a combo, I personally think that Saheeli Rai is trash here. Also, Tezzeret's Ambition is pretty bad and I would use Thoughtcast or Rhystic Study or Vedalken Archmage or Necropotence instead.

Hope this helps! :)

February 2, 2017 5:01 p.m.

tonybcrd says... #2

liking the look of this deck, but, id try have a bit more mana, again thats just me.

February 18, 2017 4:18 a.m.

hoardofnotions says... #3

I like all the 1 mana artifacts with Salvaging Station. If you do add the station add as many of the 1 mana non-creature artifacts from your maybeboard as you can!

maybe mana cost reducers like what Daedalus19876 suggested and Paradoxical Outcome

Magus of the Future and Future Sight are really good

not sure about Quicksmith Spy, doesn't look like you have many untap effects to really break it

Solemn Simulacrum seems too fair for a combo deck, especially with a low curve.

speaking of low mana curve, Thran Dynamo could maybe go?

Why the big stuff? Myr Battlesphere and Filigree Angel

Thirst for Knowledge is great!

maybe add Peregrine Drake for Eldrazi Displacer to combo with? or remove the displacer entirely?

no Sword of the Meek to combo with Thopter Foundry?

no Ashnod's Altar to combo with Nim Deathmantle? Kill with you commander

could Inspiring Statuary be good in here?

maybe Temple of Deceit?

February 18, 2017 10:47 a.m.

Thanks all!

hoardofnotions: I'm liking Salvaging Station, that seems really good here.

Quicksmith Spy has actually been great here- turns things like Ichor Wellspring into repeatable extra value while I'm waiting for a way to sac them, or makes Blinkmoth Urn one-sided, etc.

Solemn is here more for the card draw than the ramp, but honestly, even though I've got a low curve, I'm CONSTANTLY drawing cards, so having more mana to cast 10-11 1-drop spells in a turn does end up mattering.

The big guys are how I win - Myr Battlesphere goes infinite with Mimic Vat and Time Sieve, while providing a big body and lots of sacrifice fodder while waiting for the combo. Filigree Angel is stupid good with Aetherflux Reservoir, letting me kill people very quickly, and Eldrazi Displacer helps both of them do their work, while also going infinite with Krark-Clan Ironworks and my commander. The KCI also goes infinite with the Nim Deathmantle, same as Ashnod's Altar would.

I tried out the Sword of the Meek/Thopter Foundry combo. If I have the infinite mana to make it a true infinite combo, I've already won using my commander, so it really is just incremental value. Good, but not lethal. I kept the foundry because sometimes I just need more flying blockers or a touch more life, but cut the sword.

I've been toying with Inspiring Statuary, I'm not sure if I want it or not. I think I'll give it a try, see how it goes.

Definitely do want the Temple cycle, just need to wait for the funds to start upgrading the mana base.

February 18, 2017 4:24 p.m.

MoGoose831 says... #5

No Ashnod's Altar?? Works wonders in Breya!

I agree with the other comments your mana base seems to be a bit on the weak side. Are you finding yourself short on mana most games?

May 15, 2017 2:44 p.m.

2gherkins says... #6

So I'n not an eggs expert (egg-spert) because I didn't get into magic until after the eggs meta. I have some feedback, though. Serum Visions is really strong in modern, but fairly mediocre in commander. Think Lightning Bolt. Thoughtcast seems much better to me. Scrap Mastery seems essential here as well, possibly over Fortuitous Find, although your list seems fairly tight.

May 16, 2017 7:35 a.m.

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