Breya, Combo God

Commander / EDH litchio


litchio says... #1

April 2, 2019 4:20 a.m.

RobbieDeHand says... #2

Just Curious, is your Breya a special promo kind of version or is it an altered artwork? It looks awesome.

April 17, 2019 7:44 a.m.

litchio says... #3

It's an alter i found on tappedout

April 17, 2019 12:13 p.m.

Bchong says... #4

Lol this deck looks like an early version of my breya deck. So I am going to comment/make advise from that point of view. I don't know what your meta is like and I don't know if you are trying to be super competitive or not, because it seems to me that this is a competitive casual deck.

The 2 biggest vulnerabilities of this deck are that:

You are unable to effectively kill your opponents quickly, efficiently, and most importantly all at once. Only one or two of your combos can actually kill every opponent the moment it touches the board, namely Nim Deathmantle + KCI or ashnod + Breya. The rest of the combos/wincons are fluff, because you can't seriously expect that the opponents are going to sit there and let you kill them one by one. So instead of having tons of combos, instead substitute for only a couple of combos and fill the void with cards like Demonic Tutor Enlightened Tutor Mystical Tutor and the rest of the space with protection/interaction with your oppenents which leads me to my next point.

You have little to no ability to interact with your opponents. Cards like Null Rod or Stony Silence are hilariously powerful against you. If one of these is on the battlefield, then you literally only have 2 cards in your entire deck to deal with it namely Vandalblast and only for Null Rod the more uncommon of the 2. Also have you ever played a game against anyone with counterspells? it will make you miserable. You need to play cards like Swan Song Wear Swords to Plowshares and any number of other interactive cards should be considered.

Another thing I notice was the fact that you have little to no cheap 1-2cmc cantrips or filtering. Consider: Ponder Preordain Faithless Looting Cathartic Reunion Night's Whisper Artificer's Assistant Riddlesmith Thought Scour Brainstorm . One of the most disgusting things in EDH is amount of crazy good recursion from the graveyard that exists. Consider your graveyard as an extra hand imagine T1: play Goblin Welder ; T2:play a random 1 cmc artifact and Faithless Looting discarding Bolas's Citadel and you win, probably.

Your deck's CMC is also way too high. One of the worst feelings that you can have in a game is watching another person combo off and you have only played a land or 2. Add every Talisman of Indulgence type of mana rock that you can.

It might be good for you to look at more competitive EDH decks and built towards it. There is also a different mindset that those deck have than you have and it will totally confuse you as it did me. If you look at my Breya deck...(its eggs kind of)... it is a little confusing(sorry) and its purpose is to delay opponents who would win uninterupted turns 3/4/5 with spellbombs/other interaction so that I can combo on turns 5/6. Ignore the lack of lands I just happen to be a person who never gets mana screwed.

April 20, 2019 10:36 p.m.

litchio says... #5

I appreciate your comment, however: Every one of the following combos will win you the game:

Myr Battlesphere + Nim Deathmantle + Time Sieve : infinite turns

Sword of the Meek + Thopter Foundry + Time Sieve + 5 manasources: infinite turns

Aetherflux Reservoir + Sensei's Divining Top + Bolas's Citadel : massive lifegain/damage/draw

and most of the other combos will win the game your next turn (no matter how many opponents are alive)

When building this deck i actually looked at quite a lot of other breya decks and playtested them a lot. So I understand your points and know that cards like Demonic Tutor and Enlightened Tutor are must haves in more competitive lists. I just prefer diversity over consistency and don't want to spent that much money on cards i don't enjoy playing.

I have actually never played against Null Rod and Stony Silence but i agree that I should play more removal and will definitly add a Swords to Plowshares and Wear . I also thought about adding Cyclonic Rift I'm not sure bcs of it's pricetag though.

Do you think those cantrips are worth it in an casual environment? I normally prefer having repeatable draw especially since I dont't have to win by turn 5 or smth.

I like the Talismans and might exchange 3 lands for them.

Thanks for your feedback.

April 21, 2019 8:02 a.m.

Bchong says... #6

yeah unfortunately a lot of cards have spiked in the meantime. cantrips are basically a must in every deck...they bring a lot of consistency and honestly something to do in the 1st few turns of the game so that you can get ahead of other players. It allows you to keep 1 or 2 land hand with one of your combo pieces and be very safe.

The only problem with some of the combos that you have noted above is that they are very expensive mana wise and the fact that the more pieces that go into a combo the easier it is to get disrupted... like Time Sieve will/should die the moment it hits the battlefield and same with Nim Deathmantle . Sadly the fact of the matter is that while this shouldn't make a difference in how your opponents decide to interact with does as you will be giving a massive red alert 2 times instead of 1 that a combo is in progress.

May 5, 2019 12:09 p.m.

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