Breya Engine: Angry Esper Queen
Commander / EDH*
@Revenantmike: Thank you for comment and your upvote!
So far the deck is very color-hungry. Facing an opponent stripmining our duals is painful. It really needs more signet.
I noticed another problem also. The deck is less resilient against artifact hate. Having access to a recovering spell in the command zone in the form of Sharuum the Hegemon helped a lot. This isn't the case here.
But there are several advantages:
Comboing out is more easy.
Access to red grants Goblin Welder, Daretti, Scrap Savant and Scrap Mastery.
Breya is better at protecting our planeswalkers.
I use Krark-Clan Ironworks in place of Ashnod's Altar because I can get mana from it by sacrificing other artifacts (which are more abundant than my creatures package). Moreover, KCI can sacrifice itself if someone tries to exile it.
But, right now I am looking for a free slot in order to put both KCI and Altar. Myr Turbine is my weakest card because it only shines with Clock of Omens (or Voltaic Key).
November 19, 2016 2:43 p.m.
Revenantmike says... #5
Stefouch: Love eldrazi displacer in this. I hadnt heard anyone talking about it for breya. Seems a natural fit. I wonder how you feel about pyrite spellbomb. Seems underpowered to me. Also i was wondering if you had any suggestions. I got a zur player in my group. His deck isnt optimized yet but it is already proving to be a pain. I was thinking of adding Mindlock Orb and Stranglehold to the deck. Perhaps you have a different suggestion? He tends to pull diplomatic immunity right off the bat. So its fairly hard to get rid of. Then the phase enchantment immediately after. Usually at that point i find myself at a loss on what to do.
November 19, 2016 9:44 p.m.
I am currently testing Pyrite Spellbomb. It is very efficient against a lot of utility creatures and powerful generals like: Edric, Animar, Mizzix, Kaalia, Arcum, Azami, Sisay, Alesha, Gaddog Teeg, Grenzo, etc..
Combined with Salvaging Station the spellbomb can do a lot of damage vs bigger generals and it can blow planeswalkers.
This is the theory. I feel also it is a bit underpowered. It need more testing. At worst it is a cantrip. At best a great draw engine with Salvaging Station and a wrath resolving.
Currently I feel that the list have too much baubles and needs 1 or 2 more Wrath effects (I am thinking of Toxic Deluge and/or Supreme Verdict and/or Blasphemous Act
About Zur the Enchanter, I am an old Zur-Enchantments player (Not the Doomsday list) and I can tell you the best cards that worked against that Commander were Ensnaring Bridge, Stranglehold and Pithing Needle/Phyrexian Revoker naming Vanishing (without that phasing aura, Zur is easily destroyed by any boardwipe). The best part of Pithing Needle is that it locks a lot of utility creatures and commanders, and it cost only one mana: fetchable with Artificer's Intuition and Trinket Mage
November 20, 2016 1:39 p.m.
Revenantmike says... #8
So stranglehold over Mindlock Orb? I like Supreme Verdict and Toxic Deluge. Not sure about Blasphemous Act. Seems high on the mana cost. What about something like Scourglass? Its pretty one sided in our favor and can be recurrable.
November 20, 2016 8:48 p.m.
Revenantmike says... #9
I also think you are right about pyrite. I didnt think about the planeswalker threat. Ive got cards like Anguished Unmaking in my deck atm as subs until i get some others so it didnt occur to me to have a recurrable bomb for dealing damage. I like it alot more just for that. Ill have to get a Pithing Needle as you suggest and some wrath effects. Ive already got revoker in the deck. Im thinking of using Dross Scorpion in the deck since we sac so much. I was thinking of using Trading Post as well. I like the utility of it. I wonder about Wurmcoil Engine,Myr Battlesphere, and Myr Turbine. We got a token generater for a commander seems unnecessary to have more. You can always recur her from graveyard if killed or use Master Transmuter to bring back to hand. So far in my games commander tax hasnt really been an issue. Out of those though i like wurmcoil the best. Has always been a favorite of mine. Sorry if i seem critical. Talkin with you bout this deck helps me understand it better and gives me ideas of my own. Plus your suggestions are always so helpful.
November 20, 2016 9:39 p.m.
Revenantmike says... #10
Nvm bout Trading Post. Less efficient than i thought.
November 20, 2016 9:58 p.m.
Yes I would prefer Stranglehold because Mindlock Orb also locks you.
Myr Battlesphere is a great tokens producer and very effective in the combat phase. The damage dealt by tapping Myrs overcome the defenses of your opponent and may be redirected to his or her planeswaler(s).
Moreover, Myr Battlesphere creates infinite colorless mana and infinite Myrs in combination with Altar/KCI and Nim Deathmantle.Wurmcoil Engine is more a pet card. She is powerful on the battlefield and she also comboes with KCI + Nim Deathmantle for infinite colorless mana and token Wurm.
I would play Dross Scorpion only if I need an infinite combo with it, and I already have enough combos in the deck.
Myr Turbine is on the verge of being removed from the list.
Scourglass: I dislike it because you can activate it only during your upkeep. I have another Sharuum player in my meta who is using it and I can always turn around it with my other EDH decks.
Anguished Unmaking: I like this card, as Path to Exile and Swords to Plowshares. But I play a lot of wheel effects and I try to play a maximum of artifact permanents. Maybe one day I will change this and insert those instant spells, because the actual list is lacking immediate responses in the form of instant speed removals.
November 21, 2016 7:19 a.m.
Revenantmike says... #12
Ah ok. Thanks for the explainations. I see toyr point o. Stranglehold. I forgot how much we rely on searching our library.i may try scourglass myself. Just test it against my meta. Its pretty removal heavy so i feel the recursion might be worth it but who knows, youre probably right about it. Anguished is a great card. Every time i get it i have a use for it. Dross Scorpion is out for me.
November 21, 2016 11:59 a.m.
Revenantmike says... #13
Stefouch: i was thinking of using Celestial Dawn to help with not having the best lands for the deck. Do you see any conflict with using it?
November 23, 2016 8:11 p.m.
@Revenantmike: Celestial Dawn seems so much a wasted slot to me. If dual-lands, filterlands and fetchlands are a problem to you, try the ravnica bounce-guild-lands (ex: Izzet Boilerworks), the painlands, the checklands, scrylands, fast lands, etc.. There are plenty of alternative options, at the cost of deck speed.
December 6, 2016 6:33 a.m.
Revenantmike says... #15
StefouchI have most the lands. Its just the original duals that are an issue. Im not a fan of lands that come tapped. Id rather use basics. But yea im prolly not gunna use it. Think i misunderstood it when i read it.
December 6, 2016 7:33 a.m.
So Revenantmike.. if I was you (having fetchlands and shocklands), I would replace the duals with the checklands (ie: Drowned Catacomb) or the painlands (ie: Underground River). Both are budget options really efficient.
My mana base is :
- 4 fetchlands: Flooded Strand, Scalding Tarn, Polluted Delta, Marsh Flats.
- 4 bilands: Tundra, Volcanic Island, Underground Sea, Scrubland.
- 4 shocklands: Hallowed Fountain, Steam Vents, Watery Grave, Godless Shrine.
- 4 filterlands: Mystic Gate, Cascade Bluffs, Sunken Ruins, Fetid Heath.
- 5 rainbowlands: Command Tower, Glimmervoid, City of Brass, Mana Confluence and Reflecting Pool.
Another option (I am considering also) is playing 6 ( and ), or even all 10 fetchlands with 6 shocklands (or duals). But free space is missing in my list.
If you have more room, play some guild signets that make blue and something else. (Blue is our most important color. ie: Dimir Signet, Izzet Signet, Azorius Signet.) Note that Filterlands work very well with the signet by producing 3 colors together.
December 6, 2016 3:10 p.m.
multimedia says... #18
Stefouch, since you're using 1x of basic lands maybe Tainted Pact could be an option to find a specific card, a combo piece and put it into your hand at instant speed.
December 16, 2016 6:11 a.m. Edited.
Indeed, it is a powerful tutor that can even combo with Laboratory Maniac.
Unfortunately, I do not play any single counterspell (by personal choice). This tutor needs protection.
December 16, 2016 6:34 a.m.
We run a very similar strategy, how has Winter Orb been working for you? It usually paints a huge target on me and I figured it's most useful if you run it in a full stax build. Feel free to check out my list too.
December 19, 2016 2:05 p.m.
@Enral: Nice list, I upvoted it because you wrote a nice primer.
Winter Orb is a nasty card that I like a lot. This is the only piece of Staxx I dare to play. With only this one, I did not lose too much friends ;)
My expensive Breya's deck has already a huge target, this little artifact doesn't add more.
Winter Orb has a lot of interactions. It is easily tutorable and played at the right time can net you some extra turns for only manas. Moreover, I am almost insensitive to its hampering effect thanks to our many manarocks, Goblin Welder, Master Transmuter and Clock of Omens.
I am eager to test Quicksmith Spy with it :p
December 21, 2016 4:10 p.m.
Thanks Stefouch! I will be testing Winter Orb out and see how it goes. What are your thoughts on the Hex Parasite? It is 1cmc and kills planeswalkers as well as granting us immortality with Glacial Chasm. I figured since it is really meta dependent it might be kinda useless/redundant.
December 22, 2016 9:45 p.m. Edited.
@Enral: The combo Glacial Chasm + Hex Parasite doesn't seem attractive. It's a land that doesn't produce mana. You still need to pay 2 life each turn (because of how works cumulative upkeep).
If you are looking for a card that allows you to gain some time in order to assemble a infinite combo, I would play Ensnaring Bridge instead.
December 25, 2016 5:01 p.m.
Hi there,
I have tested Spellskite, Pithing Needle and Engineered Explosives, they are quite good and I will keep them in my list!
Currently testing Scrap Trawler and Sly Requisitioner. Scrap Trawler is amazing with our baubles and is strong against Bane of Progress &cie for deck resilience. Sly Requisitioner I am less convinced but deserve more testing time.
Now I will test Universal Solvent in place of Spine of Ish Sah. Spine is stronger and can benefit from the doubling effect of Panharmonicon, but Univ. Solvent is easier to tutor and can be recured with Salvaging Station.
January 19, 2017 6:33 a.m.
I have tested Scrap Trawler and it is pretty darn amazing and doing great work..I completely removed trading post and have not looked back ever since. Other cards I'm currently testing and highly recommend is:
- Paradox Engine: This card warrens me to put Riddlesmith back and has been doing great work from testing.
- Paradoxical Outcome: The ability to save your artifacts AND draw cards is amazing..highly recommended.
Revenantmike says... #1
Nice. I was already building breya engine nd saw you already built one. Looks great. Is the mana the only issue with the deck so far?
November 19, 2016 9:52 a.m.