
Do you like playing cEDH?

Do you like playing combo heavy decks?

Do you enjoy dominating a table?

Look no further!!!

This is a Doomsday/Ad Nauseam Variant

When Breya was first announced, there was a flurry of ideas on how to build her. Obviously, as an artifact creature that produces artifact tokens, there were a bunch of neat modular and artifact style decks constructed that abused token generation as a win condition.

Breya is no exception to that.

What she wants to do is abuse her enter the battlefield (ETB) effects to set up the win by either using those effects to deal damage to a player, gain life to stay in the game, or control the board state by looping these ETB effects.

In this variant, we will utilize cards like Doomsday and Ad Nauseam to set up a win condition as fast as possible. While being a difficult strategy to play, learning hoe to set up different Doomsday piles can help to make the player pilot the feck more effciently.

The deck is heavy with combos. Breya herself is a sacrifice outlet and utility to get things going, and once she does, its hard to stop her.

With a powerful control/removal package we can assure we have the upper hand.

Breya as a Win Condition

First, lets look at Breya, Etherium Shaper herself

She is a win condition in the Command Zone. Being a Lightning Bolt on a stick is nothing to joke about, and being able to to ETB with the artifact sac fodder needed to activate her ability is just the icing on the cake.

This is powerful in its own right. The sheer diversity of what she can do with only herself makes Breya a powerhouse of a commander.

Setting up the Win

This mana loop can be risky, as we need atleast a way to stop the loop by either instant speed removal of his ability being placed on the stack or another creature in the graveyard to be targeted by the Aura, but its also one we can pull off extremely early for a win.

By making infinite mana, as long as we have a land that can produce all 4 sources of color or have lands that can produce up to the 4 color sources we can continually cast and sac Breya, Etherium Shaper and bolt the board for game.

Another infinite mana loop we can abuse that has great artifact synergy as well (bonus points!) Called "The Bomberman" in the community, we can loop the LED with the Salvagers to make infinite colored mana and repeat the Breya loop.

We have a Doomsday package, with 3 different piles to make:

Each pile is for a different situation and boardstate, but they will get the job done if played properly and carefully.

The maybe board is stuff people can swap in for a more storm/scepter tyoe combo if your playstyle isnt ad naus/doomsday


Updates Add

This list in particular hasnt been updated much and here's the reason: she was stolen. A few years ago my car was broken into and my backpack with all my decks was stolen, including Breya. I spent alot of time getting the stuff for her along with most of a 15 yr long collection. Since then I havent really been playing as much and have slowly just been acquiring a collection again that's unfortunately not the same caliber as my collection that was stolen. While I do have plans to re build Breya along with my other decks I will not be making her into the doomsday variant she was, but rather a scepter variant to help compete with my current cedh meta at my lgs's. If yall wish to see this variant recieve updates for new potential cards for playability let me know

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Revision 37 See all

(2 years ago)

Top Ranked
  • Achieved #4 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 8 years
Last updated 2 years
Exclude colors G
Splash colors WUBR
Key combos

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

18 - 0 Mythic Rares

47 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 1.96
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Emblem Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, Energy Reserve, Spirit 1/1 C, Thopter 1/1 U
Folders New Commander Ideas, Idea Decks, all decks, Research (Saved from others), Breya EDH, EDH, Breya ideas, netdeckeos, sick decks, EDH decks
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