A grindy control deck meant to exploit Breya. Goal is to wear the opponents down, gain board dominance and card advantage, and either find an infinite combo or make them scoop due to complete resource denial. Not counting Arcum we have nine tutors that can find a piece for our main A + B infinite combos, as well as Mystical Tutor which finds another relevant tutor.
Key combos and notes:
Krark-Clan Ironworks + Nim Deathmantle
With Breya on the battlefield, this allows us to loop her through the graveyard and generate infinite mana, then infinite tokens, then infinite activations of Breya to finish off the table. Most likely way to win the game, especially since both of these cards are fetched by effectively all of our many tutors.
Krark-Clan Ironworks + Eldrazi Displacer
Again, instant win with Breya. Displacer is not an artifact so it can be harder to tutor up, but it has more value then Deathmantle in non-infinite situations, because it easily generates extra tokens over time with our general.
Clock of Omens + Eldrazi Displacer + Mana Vault or Grim Monolith
Produces infinite tapped thopters with Breya. Not a way to win the same turn and thus not as powerful a line as with Ironworks, but still an option to keep in mind.
Myr Battlesphere + Master Transmuter + Clock of Omens + Gilded Lotus
A convuluted and fairly rare combo, but it's good to know all of your options especially if a key piece like Ironworks hits the exile zone. Basically you use the tokens generated off Battleball to untap Transmuter with Clock, constantly flipping Gilded Lotus into Battlesphere and vice versa ad infinitum. You will generate infinite blue mana and infinite tapped tokens, and then use the blue mana to repeat the combo and generate infinite mana of other colors. Now cast Breya and you know the rest.
Mindslaver + Goblin Welder
Not a pure infinite, but Mindslaver is generally one of the better plays in the mid-to-end-game to make with this deck to help strengthen your board, neutralize the biggest threat at the table, and even use a combo player's turn to kill everyone else. If one or more of your infinites get exiled Mindslaver can be a viable win condition itself especially if your opponents aren't paying attention. With a card like Welder among a few others, being able to rebuy the Mindslaver every turn is generally backbreaking. Especially when your general creates Welder fodder and can even be welded in and out herself with the Slaver. Oh so much value.
Clock of Omens + Winter Orb or Static Orb
One of the better ways to break parity with the very powerful and sodium-rich prison orbs. You can deploy one of these global taxing effects, and before you take your turn, tap an orb to Clock of Omens and get your full untap step. Unfair really, hope you're playing Nature's Claim homie. Also relevant is Whir of Invention, being able to tap down an orb for full value shenanigans. Breya and Ironworks can also throw away an orb before you untap if need be.
Ghirapur AEther Grid + Winter Orb or Static Orb
Similar to the above combo. Clock is generally a more powerful card but Grid is another cute option to break the parity of your orbs. It also allows you to ping some mana dorks, utility creatures, and maybe some walkers which can really matter in the fight to keep the others down.
Notion Thief + Any Draw 7
I don't really need to explain this one. Sometimes you will immediately win the same turn after resolving your draw-7 sorcery. Other times you will need to pass the turn but you likely will have some cheap interactive spells up and hey you just drew 20+ and Mind Twisted your friends so I wouldn't be complaining if I were you.
Uba Mask + Any Draw 7
You have to careful with this one as you'd like to have a decent amount of spare mana left over after casting a wheel effect with Uba Mask out. However Mind Twisting all of your opponents and exiling the top seven cards of their deck seems... I dunno, fair? Sure they can cast any instants the same turn if they have any open mana, but you can see everything coming and should be able to play around it. Dack Fayden is a worthy mention here with Mask. If you're hellbent and activate his +1 on yourself you basically just draw two. Now granted you have to use those cards this turn or lose them forever, but it can be great value. And if you want to be a huge dick, have Mask on the table, and use Dack's +1 on an opponent. You basically Hymn to Tourach him and mil his top two cards. The salt!
Uba Mask + Smokestack
The slow grind that if setup properly, creates a virtually inescapable lock barring some very cheap interactive topdecks. Normally you get to this state after using the aforementioned Orb synergies along with maybe Breya, a strong walker like Daretti II, and possibly Armageddon etc etc. Once Smokestack gets going with 1-2 counters and their resources are low, Uba Mask forces them to play only lands or cheap mana sources/spells and exile everything else they draw. Meanwhile Smokestack forces them to sacrifice those same resources in their next upkeep before being able to draw a relevant spell. Although this sounds like a long tedious grind, it should get the concessions rather quickly especially as we advance our board state and largely ignore both of these "taxing" effects.
Skullclamp + Stuff
Man, I don't know if you know this, but Skullclamp is really dumb. Like, they actually printed this card. Did you know that Breya comes with two 1/1's? Trinket Mage, if I'm not mana hungry, is likely to get this broken equipment every single time. Nevermind the antics with Daretti II, Battleball, Welder, Displacer, blah blah blah.
Excuse me, could you please pass the PJSalt?