This deck was made in collaboration with mtgThaen, who's Breya deck can be found here:

Breya, Etherium Shaper

Commander / EDH mtgThaen



This combo deck is designed to win in the most competitive of environments. It is built around three incredibly fast combos capable of winning the game (or putting it out of reach) as early as turn one. All three combos are compact and mana efficient. They also can win without having to cast Breya until after the combo is assembled.

1) Bomberman: Auriok Salvagers + Lion's Eye Diamond for just I can hardcast both. I can assemble this combo for as little as if I Entomb + Reanimate Auriok Salvagers. This combo produces infinite colored mana, which can be used to cast and sacrafice Breya, Etherium Shaper and one of her thopters an infinite number of times to kill the table with her Lighting Bolts. The downside to this combo is that it nukes your hand. Therefore proactive protection like Silence, Jace, Vryn's Prodigy   , Judge's Familiar, and Grand Abolisher are vitally important.

2) George: Animate Dead + Worldgorger Dragon : This combo can be assembled for just via entomb+reanimate dead. This will form an infinite loop that will exile and return all my permanents to play and infinite number of times. Assuming that two conditions are met I can kill the table in the same way with infinite colored mana. These conditions are:

A) I have a permanent (or permaments) in play that can tap for without damaging me (i.e. Command Tower, which allows me to produce infinite colored mana.

B) I have a way to break the cycle. This can be a creature in any graveyard, which I can target with Animate Dead or Dance of the Dead instead of George. Judge's Familiar is very useful in this capacity. I can also break the cycle with Chain of Vapor to bounce George back to my hand or just use the creatures I killed with Toxic Deluge as my outlet.

Note: If I have Breya in play already I do not need a way to break the loop. I can simply use infinite colorless mana to kill the table by sacraficing the infinite copters the George loop creates.

One downside to this combo is my opponents can exile my permanents permanently with a well timed Stifle or Doom Blade so I utilize a solid counterspell suite.

3) Thief of the Winds Notion Thief+Winds of Change: For just to hard cast both (or spread out over two turns if I Entomb then Reanimate Notion Thiefinto play) I can draw 20+ cards and essentially Mind Twist the table. This combo is capable of going off as early as turn 2 without ANY acceleration, but turns 3-4 is much more common. I go aggressively for this combo because it negates Breya's weakeness to interection while almost always giving me the pieces needed to win the following turn. Wheel of Fortune, Timetwister, and Windfall also work, but since they are more expensive, they are less ideal for the early combo.

There are two other good ways for this deck to all but ensure my game ending combos are successful:

1) Ad Nauseam: which can draw a ton of cards on my opponents end step and then combo off the following turn with the help of Words of Wind , which can refresh my hand with 15-20 new cards once I have cast all my cheap mana sources.

2) Necropotence: Allows me to draw 25 to 30 cards. Hopefully this will get me Chain of Vapor or Tear in hand, which can be used to remove Necropotence before the discard phase to prevent exiling most of the cards I just drew. This is particularly important for George.

Doomsday is easily one of the most difficult to navigate and poorly played cards in all of cEDH. It truly can be a nightmare to use correctly at times. Fortunately for Breya, both combos can be assembled using the same simple pile to ensure victory as early as turn 2 with a turn 1 Doomsday. The only extra cards needed to "1 card combo" to victory are Doomsday and Thought Scour.

George DD pile (From top to bottom)

Thought Scour

Worldgorger Dragon

Any creature

Animate Dead

Dance of the Dead because why not have a second chance?

Bomberman DD Pile (From top to bottom)

Thought Scour

Auriok Salvagers

Lion's Eye Diamond


Animate Dead

Note: If we have a reanimation spell in hand when we cast Doomsday we can make the fourth card our my pile Silence to proactively protect either combo.

Like Doomsday, Intuition is often a difficult card to use effectively. However, if I manage to get a reanimation spell in hand (i.e Animate Dead) and Intuition I can form a "perfect" pile for Bomberman combo: Lion's Eye Diamond, Reanimate, and Auriok Salvagers.

Literally no matter what card they choose to go into my hand on thier end step I can assemble my combo the following turn for a reasonable mana investment. The worst looking pile of Lion's Eye Diamond to hand is the best since it allows me to end the game for just 1-2 mana.

The following tutors are simply the best options for this color scheme and can be considered staples: Vampiric Tutor, Demonic Tutor, Mystical Tutor Gamble, Enlightened Tutor, Lim-Dul's Vault, Grim Tutor , Buried Alive & Entomb

The rest of my choices are simply good for this particular build.

Merchant Scroll: Grabs a large number of useful spells in the deck besides Intuition.

Trinket Mage: Lion's Eye Diamond is the primary target, but he is very useful outside this capacity.

Recruiter of the Guard: Grabs the best card in the deck Notion Thief among other relevant targets.

Dark Petition: Provides me with another functional copy of Doomsday

As with many competitive EDH decks, Breya requires a lot of fast mana to be consistent:

Chrome Mox & Mox Diamond: Simply put, speed kills. Trading a non essential card for extra mana is well worth the card disadvantage. Does not play well with George though, so keep that in mind.

Dark Ritual and Cabal Ritual: Works well with Ad Nauseam, Necropotence & Doomsday.

Lion's Eye Diamond: More of a combo piece, but in a pinch it can get us some mana - at the small price of our hand.

Pro Tip: Sac this in response to casting a wheel effect so you can have a better chance of casting what you draw. Can also be used when casting a tutor for a wheel and use LED's mana to immediately go back to a hand of 7.

Lotus Petal: one free mana of any color? Good! This makes our payoff from AdNaus even better, as it gives us a way to start generating mana.

Mana Crypt & Sol Ring: only one of these has a downside, and we don't really care about it. This much mana for this little cost is too good.

Mana Vault & Grim Monolith: Think of them as colorless Dark Ritual/cabal rituals that have the added benefit of being able to used on a later turn. Allow for some explosive plays like turn 2 Ad Nauseam

Talisman of Dominance, Talisman of Indulgence & Talisman of Progress: They are better than the signets here because we can get mana without having any other sources available.

Dimir Signet, Izzet Signet & Mox Opal: Unlike mtgThaen I don't use these cards because I value other cards more. mtgThaen uses them to filter his mana for the George combo and for a higher concentration of ramp.

These cards are essential for disrupting other fast decks and ensuring that my fragile combos are successful. In contrast to mtgThaen I have devoted more slots to these cards to ensure I can interact with the board throughout the game.

Force of Will and Pact of Negation: "free" hard counterspells are simply wonderful for a deck like this.

Swan Song, Dispel &Flusterstorm: These are the best 1 mana counterspells available for an aggressive combo deck.

Mana Drain: This card is beyond broken. It disrupts AND provides a delayed ritual the following turn.

Swords to Plowshares: Best creature spot removal ever printed

Chain of Vapor: Facilitates George and bounces problematic permanents of all types for 1 mana.

Wear / Tear: Can remove 2 pesky permanents for just 3 mana or just one for even cheaper.

Cyclonic Rift: Versatile and powerful removal for all phases of the game.

Vandalblast: Like rift this card is very versatile. It can either take out a key artifact on turn 1-2 or blow out the rest of the table a couple turns later while leaving me unaffected.

Toxic Deluge: Untargeted removal/board wipe that allows me to fill graveyards for George combo.

Anguished Unmaking: Versatile, aggressively costed, and an instant. Need I say more?

Silence: The best protection spell in the deck for both combos.

Grand Abolisher: Very powerful proactive protection for Bomberman Combo. Double white makes it difficult to play at times unfortunately.

Judge's Familiar: Solid tax effect that can protect Bomberman and facilitate George.

Card advantage engines: Are often just as important as tutors at advancing our gameplan

Necropotence and ad nauseum: The best two sources of raw card advantage in this color scheme bar none. Getting either of these to resolve on turn 2 or 3 usually results in GG the following turn.

Jace, Vryn's Prodigy   : Provides incremental advantage for free after the initial investment. His flashback makes him indespensable.

Snapcaster Mage: Like baby jace, this little powerhouse can do so much, especially with such a high concentration of cheap targets in the deck.

Faithless Looting: Looting effects are very good in this deck and this is easily the best.

Sensei's Divining Top, Ponder, Impulse & Brainstorm: while none of these are technically card advantage, each allows us to dig deep for early combos and make the most our top deck tutors.

Wheel of Fortune and Windfall: The key to these cards is to break parity either by dumpimg your hand quickly or by pairing them with Notion Thief.

Timetwister: In some ways this card runs counter to our stated goals. It resets our graveyard, which is sometimes not good, but it also disrupts other graveyard decks, resets the scultped hands of our opponents, guarantees us a full hand, and provides redundancy.

Winds of Change: While somewhat situational, the combo potential and mana effeciency of this card makes it well worth a spot.


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Revision 18 See all

(7 years ago)

-1 Dispel main
+1 Fire Covenant main
-1 Grand Abolisher main
+1 Marsh Flats main
+1 Spell Pierce main
-1 Toxic Deluge main
-1 Windswept Heath main
Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years
Key combos

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 0 Mythic Rares

53 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 99
Avg. CMC 1.93
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Emblem Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, Spirit 1/1 C, Thopter 1/1 U, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders EDH, Breya, Take Note, Breya, Breya Ideas, cEDH, Interesting Brews, Breya, Breya competative, Competitive EDH
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