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Bright, Sparkly Control

Modern Control Five Color



Mono-Multicolored Glory, stupid, senseless fun.

Win Conditions: Ultimate Ajani Vengeant or Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver and win from the sheer value, or just wait out the game until your opponent naturally decks out, putting Wheel of Sun and Moon on yourself to win the race, or just beat your opponent over the head with a giant, glowing fetus, namely Child of Alara .

Card Choices:

Abrupt Decay: Old reliable, hasn't let me down yet and I don't expect it to anytime soon.

Ajani Vengeant: Our only mainboard wincon, excellent control tool as well.

Bring to Light: It slices, it dices. Well... it gets things that slice and dice, same difference.

Consult the Necrosages: Good vs. control tool, tearing up that nice wincon they've been holding since lunch or drawing you into more answers.

Crime/Punishment : Steal a big threat, kill lots of dudes, have a few laughs.

Detention Sphere: One dude, Two dudes, red dude, blue... wait... where is everyone?

Glittering Wish : Basically Demonic Tutor in modern, so there's that.

Izzet Charm: Izzet worth putting in the mainboard? I'd say so.

Kitchen Finks: What's not to love? They're short, creepy, gremlin looking buggers who are really good at keeping you alive.

Lightning Helix: Lifening Bolt.

Maelstrom Pulse: Detention Sphere that can't be broken but also doesn't exile, pretty fair tradeoff, nice to have other options vs. Abrupt Decay.

Mystic Snake: Indie Opponent (Probably).

Qasali Pridemage : Value Kitty

Reborn Hope: It's Glittering Wish fo' yo' 'yard.

Rise/Fall : Even Grixis control is running this, so it must be good... right?

Sin Collector: Would have Castigate in this slot, but the creature body is just too valuable and this deck doesn't care much for non-instants/ sorceries your opponent may have.

Supply/Demand : Emergency token spam and even more tutor effects. Goodie.

Supreme Verdict: And BOOM goes the dynamite.

Terminate: A staple, of, well... decks that can run it.

Sideboard card decisions: Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver: Vs. control or midrange finisher.

Child of Alara : Giant, glowing fetus of ultimate retribution and explosions, lots of explosions.

Fiery Justice : Aggro doesn't like aggressive halitosis.

Heros Reunion: Like your school reunion, but, you know... less sucky.

Hide/Seek : The greatest trick this card ever pulled was convincing your opponent their singleton wincon didn't exist, oh, and it eats artifacts/ enchantments.

Loxodon Hierarch: A big butt for burn to try and burst through as best it can.

Meddling Mage : Tailor made for the discerning combo player who insists on running no removal because "It interferes with consistency" .

Pure/Simple: Moar removal, moooooar.

rakdos return: That's a nice hand ya' got there, shame if something were to happen. To. It.

Shadow of Doubt: This one's a bit iffy, the lack of surprise factor hurts it a bit, but it hasn't let me down yet so I'll just keep using it until it dissapoints.

Slaughter Games : Oh, so you play solitaire? Neat.

Supreme Verdict: Because having 7 uncounterable wraths mainboard seems good./

Teferi's Moat : If that creature deck is just either a tad bit slow or too drained from your earlier removal it's gonna have fun trying to chew through this one.

Trygon Predator: Artifacts? Gone! Enchantments? Gone! Opponents smug grin? Gone! Gone! Gone!

Wheel of Sun and Moon: Alt wincon and shining, round middle finger to Gifts Ungiven or other reanimator decks

Hope you enjoyed, comment if you have any fun or gimmicky suggestions that may be even slightly modern viable, or too fun to ignore.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 3 Mythic Rares

35 - 9 Rares

15 - 3 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.11
Tokens Saproling 1/1 G
Folders a b Training sick
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