Bring Me Back To My Former Glory. (HELP PLEASE)

Modern jund01


jund01 says... #1

parasitian I agree with taking out the Farseek and Sprouting Thrinax. I'm actually looking for some Deathrite Shaman and I have 2 Abrupt Decay in the sideboard. Dark Confidant is waaaay out of budget for me as are the fetch lands.

What do you think about adding 4 Deathrite Shaman and 3 Abrupt Decay? I'll still take out 1 Forest and 1 Mountain for the Stomping Ground though.

March 10, 2013 6:20 p.m.

jund01 says... #2

parasitian I agree with taking out the Farseek and Sprouting Thrinax. I'm actually looking for some Deathrite Shaman and I have 2 Abrupt Decay in the sideboard. Dark Confidant is waaaay out of budget for me as are the fetch lands.

What do you think about adding 4 Deathrite Shaman and 3 Abrupt Decay? I'll still take out 1 Forest and 1 Mountain for the Stomping Ground though.

March 10, 2013 6:20 p.m.

parasitian says... #3

That sounds great, I think Deathrite Shaman would really help the deck and if you ever get the fetchlands then he just gets better. I totally understand not wanting to get Dark Confidant as well because of his outrageous price tag. Hopefully he gets printed in the upcoming modern masters set, so his price will go down.

March 10, 2013 6:27 p.m.

jund01 says... #4

parasitian That's what I'm hoping too haha. Thanks for commenting!

March 10, 2013 6:29 p.m.

parasitian says... #5

Yep no problem and because I like the deck, +1

March 10, 2013 6:31 p.m.

c16sh1 says... #6

I have a few recommendations, but first I wanted to know if you delete the older comments because it seems like all the comments that were written before are gone. Now, I think you should take out farseek and try to replace it with Birds of Paradise or deathrite shaman if you can get them just because farseek is a bit slow. Also, 20 lands is pretty low for this type of deck, especially if your ramp costs 2 mana to cast. I would recommend 24 lands, or 23 if you get a playset of deathrite shamans/birds of paradise. Also, Inquisition of Kozilek is really good, and while they do cost about 7 bucks, I think that buying a few would be a worthwhile investment if you're willing to spend the money (they are good against combo decks, and hit almost everything in the format). Lastly, I would absolutely have 4 lightning bolts instead of three. They are cheap, versatile, strong removal, and can be used to get those last few points of lethal damage in. If you do add in more cards or any of these other cards, I think you can cut some of the 3 mana creature cards. 24 creatures is a lot, and 12 of them are 3 drops, so I think taking out some of those 3 mana ones would be a good idea. I really like the deck though, and I almost bought a budget jund deck myself after seeing this.

March 10, 2013 9:16 p.m.

c16sh1 says... #7

Also sorry to double post, but I think throwing in a couple Night's Whisper in would be helpful. Without dark confidant, you have no way of generating card advantage which this deck heavily relies on since it's one strength is the ability to basically do everything. In order to be able to control, and be a powerful aggro deck at the same time requires that you have both pieces in hand, which can be achieved through cards like night's whisper.

March 10, 2013 9:20 p.m.

jund01 says... #8

c16sh1 Oh the comments are in the update section. Just click on the updates and the comments should appear.

I think I will invest in some Inquisition of Kozilek. I didn't know that it said nonland card. I always thought it said noncreature, haha. As for Night's Whisper, I also think I could find some space in here for it.

I'm already taking out Sprouting Thrinax but what other 3 drop do you think I should remove? I'm thinking the Dreg Mangler but I'm open for suggestions.

March 10, 2013 9:58 p.m.

SgtPingwen says... #9

I don't know, man. This deck looks in good shape. Possible take out the Farseek and add some more burn, or Deathrite Shaman.I can use some help on my decks; return the favor!+1

March 11, 2013 5:40 p.m.

c16sh1 says... #10

I agree the deck is great, but since he is almost starting from scratch, this deck will have room for minor improvement for at least a little while. I think 24 creatures is a lot, especially for a deck which isn't fully revolved around them. Changes I recommended, which are obviously up to you, are to add in 3 or 4 more lands (HIGHLY RECOMMEND THAT), add in 1 more lightning bolt, add in a couple inquisitions, and a few Night's Whisper. I think that removing the thrinaxs are a good place to start, and that would free up 4 spots. Taking out the 3 farseeks would increase the number of open spots to 7, and then taking out 1 or 2 Dreg Manglers along with one Blightning would leave you with 9-10 open spaces. Enough for 4 lands, 1 lightning bolt, 3 night's whisper, and 2 inquisitions. Obviously all those numbers can and should be worked around to your liking, but that is just an example of what you could do.

March 11, 2013 9:26 p.m.

c16sh1 says... #11

Also, sorry to double post again, but I think Raging Ravine or Treetop Village would be good lands to add in.

March 11, 2013 9:31 p.m.

parasitian says... #12

I disagree with a lot of stuff you are saying c16sh1.

20 lands is a bit low and maybe he could bring it to 21 or maybe 22, but 23 or 24 makes no sense when his deck curves out at 4 CMC and the one card that costs 4 mana can also be used as a combat trick for two mana. (Which will happen a lot)

Also you say to take out creatures because 24 is a lot, but this deck is aggro, it is supposed to have a lot of creatures. I strongly believe you shouldn't go below 24 creatures in this deck.

Like I said earlier just replace Sprouting Thrinax with Deathrite Shaman. A few of c16sh1's points are very helpful. Take out the Farseek and 1 Blightning (this lowers your curve more as well) and then add 1 land, 2 Night's Whisper, and 1 Inquisition of Kozilek

March 11, 2013 11:18 p.m.

c16sh1 says... #13

Even though his deck curves out at 4, it is a 3 color deck. So, especially with this budget mana base, many lands are needed in order for him not to get mana screwed. Also I recommended adding in manlands, which not only come into play tapped requiring that enough other lands are present to avoid being mana screwed, but they also help take the place of some of the creatures. Also, you seem to be ignoring the fact that jund isn't just straight up beatdown, but rather a deck that does everything. That is why jund is good, and its ability to be aggressive while also controlling through hand disruption and removal is the strength of the deck. Therefore, having all these creatures is unnecessary because you don't want your hand to be composed of just creatures. You want to have a balance of control and of aggro, and in order to have this balance the deck can't just have some removal spells and a few blightnings filling in the control aspect. If this deck was just simply aggro, then it wouldn't be competitive, since the only decks that can actually succeed with minimal interaction with the opponent and that are completely aggro oriented are extremely fast decks, such as affinity. I recommend you look at some actual jund deck lists that placed in tournaments, and you will realize that basically the only placing jund deck with less than 23 lands was one from a PTQ in Greenbay, Wisconson, and that deck not only had a lower curve than this, but also had 4 deathrite shamans. You also will see how 24 creatures that are all pure aggro, rather than mana dorks or card advantage cards like confidant, is really a lot for a jund deck.

March 11, 2013 11:39 p.m.

parasitian says... #14

Well I'm not the super stubborn type that fights everything until the end even when they are wrong, so I will admit, I am wrong. You are right that the decks online run about 23 land on average. This seems a bit strange to me, but I understand that some lands can act as creatures (but come to play tapped) and some times you will need excess mana for activating manlands or using Deathrite Shaman. And you are right about the creature count as well, so overall I am completely wrong. Sorry for my ignorance.

Anyway, I think you should take out 3 Farseek and add 3 lands (the lands suggested by c16sh1) then remove 1 Blightning and 3 Dreg Mangler for 2 Night's Whisper and 2 Inquisition of Kozilek. And replace Sprouting Thrinax with Deathrite Shaman

March 12, 2013 1:04 a.m.

jund01 says... #15

From your suggestions, I'm guessing that I'll be switching this once again towards a midrange deck haha. I'll take your suggestions into consideration tomorrow when I'm at my local shop.

Thanks again, dudes.

March 12, 2013 1:57 a.m.

c16sh1 says... #16

It will still be considered an aggro deck, and it still will be fast with such efficient beaters. Personally, I think the recommandations will just make the deck more resilient over all, and with so much removal you don't need to always flood the board with tons of creatures. Also, sorry parasitian, I was a bit rude in explaining the reasoning behind my suggestions.

March 12, 2013 6:01 p.m.

parasitian says... #17

Yeah its still aggro. And @ c16sh1, yeah you did seem a tad bit rude, but you apologized so its all good. Also I think I should of worded my comment better as well because I appear to be accusing you and I didn't mean to write it like that. In fact you very well have just misinterpreted my comment as an accusation and then talked accusingly back because of the way I worded it. Regardless I apologize as well and I wish no harm.

March 12, 2013 9:08 p.m.

Aw you guys <3

March 12, 2013 10:20 p.m.

jund01 says... #19

hazyhomunculus Right? Glad to see some maturity in the Magic community!!

March 12, 2013 10:33 p.m.

Nebbers says... #20

The Bloodhall Ooze screams to be played with a Corpsejack Menace. A single CJM on the field alongside one of those Oozes will be tossing on 4 counters a turn. That sounds divine.

In addition, you may want to try perhaps sideboarding Putrefy to swap out your Terminate if you end up going against someone with nasty artifacts.

March 13, 2013 8:14 a.m.

jund01 says... #21

Nebbers I don't think I NEED to run Corpsejack Menace but I'll think about putting it in. What do you suggest taking out for it?

I never thought about running Putrefy! My Meta runs a lot of Affinity and Tempered Steel decks so that should do good.

March 13, 2013 12:11 p.m.

Nebbers says... #22

Well, the unfortunate thing is that the CJM really only has synergy with your Dreg Mangler and Bloodhall Ooze (Albeit, it works AWESOME with the ooze). If I were to take anyone out it would likely be the Sprouting Thrinax, and you could look at replacing your Putrid Leech for Lotleth Troll for more synergy and sweet sweet trample, but that might be diverting a little farther from what you have in mind for this deck.

March 13, 2013 12:23 p.m.

jund01 says... #23

Nebbers Yeah, those cards would be good in another deck but not this one hahaha. The Sprouting Thrinax is only there until I can get some Deathrite Shaman.

March 13, 2013 12:53 p.m.

jund01 says... #24

parasitian c16sh1 Alright guys, this is what the deck looks like now. I think I'm going to switch out the Dreg Mangler with Deathrite Shaman once I get them.

Thanks again for the suggestions.

March 13, 2013 7:08 p.m.

popboom53 says... #25

Ever think of Thoughtseize?

March 13, 2013 7:31 p.m.

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