Bring to Light Jaceshift

Modern Scobyawezome


Scouty says... #1

I feel like splashing either white or black is a bad idea. I could totally be wrong, I feel as though it'd be dangerous and possibly inconsistent to run the appropriate shocklands. If I were you, I'd stick to the colours you're given in RUG, but that's just me. I don't know the way the deck plays out with splashed colours.

Still, the deck looks solid. +1 from me

November 15, 2015 11:22 a.m.

Scobyawezome says... #2

From having played a fair bit with it now, the fourth color isn't really a problem. you have so many ways to search the basic swamp. and I'm actually playing one extra land from a lot of builds. Its just very good to bring to light for the other cards when needed

November 15, 2015 1:42 p.m.

Kyresh says... #3

hello, fellow scapeshift player here a few questions.

  1. do you find that Anticipate is better than Worldly Counsel or Peer Through Depths? in my build i am deliberating between the three, so id like to here your thoughts.

  2. how good is Hunting Wilds? lots of decks are running it now, but i dont see the allure.

3.what are the fulminators in the side for? you have a virtual 4 Crumble to Dust so isnt your tron matchup good as it is? and you dont have much against affininty, i would suggest a artifact wrath Shatterstorm, Creeping Corrosion or Fracturing Gust to have use against boggles and pillows fort, and probably another cunterspell Negate is a pretty wide one which is efficient.

(P.S. i have started a forum for scapeshift players so if you are interested in the discussion here is the link SCAPESHIFT!)

November 24, 2015 7:12 a.m.

Scobyawezome says... #4

I really like the anticipates just for hitting lands over peer through depths. Have never played with wordly council yet so no idea about that one. Hunting wilds has been great for me so far. Being able to go from 4 to 7 the next turn really speeds it up.(turn 1-2 ramp, turn 3 hunting wilds, turn 4 have seven lands) Also being able to bring to light turn 4-5 to get it to have lethal is great.I play fulminators right now because of tron and bloom. I play against UW tron U tron and RG tron as well as other scapeshifts. So thats just a meta call. I have never really found affinity be that bad. Bolts/anger/treminate plus being able to kill them fast too has been enough. I always cary a shatterstorm to tournaments for if there is A LOT of affinity just in case I wanna switch my board. I actually bring about a 25 card sideboard and just pick it the day of:P

November 24, 2015 3:01 p.m.

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