Round 1: U/W Control 2-0
Game 1: I am on the play I lead with T1 Search for Tomorrow, T2 Sakura-Tribe Elder, T3 Search for Tomorrow + Sakura-Tribe Elder. He taps out T3 for something and I kill T4 with Scapeshift + Supreme Will backup on Force of Negation.
Game 2: He mulligans to 5, decided to keep a 0 land hand but said it was the kind of hand he could come back from. I assumed that meant 1-2 Force of Negation. The game goes somewhat slow, once he has 3 lands he casts a Narset, Parter of Veils, I Remand it and cast Bring to Light for Scapeshift. Turns out he didn’t have Force of Negation.
U/W feels like an easy matchup. It was easier before Modern Horizons probably, but even now it is pretty easy. BtL kills in one turn and U/W has no clock. Just be patient and have multiple backup threats or counterspells.
Round 2: Affinity 2-1
Game 1: I’m on the play and keep a hand with my maindeck Anger of the Gods. He dumps his whole hand on his second turn, the sweeper pretty much ends the game on the spot.
Game 2: I kept the board mostly clear, but couldn’t find a Scapeshift in time
Game 3: He plays 2x Cranial Plating by turn 2 and swings for 10, unfortunately he plays an Inkmoth Nexus that turn or I probably would have searched for Madcap Experiment to buy more time. I decide to Bring to Light for Force of Vigor to destroy both platings. He draws a third Cranial Plating. At this point I’m trying to sandbag the second Bring to Light in my hand to close the game out, I use my Snapcaster Mage on Search for Tomorrow, then block a plated up Bomat Courier and Path to Exile my Snapcaster Mage before damage. I Scapeshift for the win my next turn.
This match was really close with the exception of game 1. Game 3 I was very happy to see him go in on damage instead of infect, I didn’t have a Path to Exile early in the game.
Round 3: Bant Spirits 0-2
Game 1-2: My hands were a little clunky and he had 2-3 lords on the battlefield turn 3 each game and kept up Spell Queller for my sweepers.
Round 4: G/W Infext 2-0
Game 1: He plays a turn 1 Glistener Elf, I suspend a Search for Tomorrow. He uses Scale Up to hit me for 6 infect on turn 2, thankfully he played an Inkmoth Nexus so he didn’t have protection for my Path to Exile. Turn 3 he puts me to 7 infect. He plays a second Inkmoth Nexus and uses it to crack his Horizon Canopy. With his only green source he plays a Glistener Elf. I don’t really have any good plays here, so I decide to play Teferi, Time Raveler and bounce the Elf hoping he doesn’t have a pump spell. He thinks for a while replays the Glistener Elf, plays a Horizon Canopy and plays a Noble Hierarch, Uses one Nexus to animate the other and puts me to 9 infect leaving Teferi at 1. During my turn I shock in my 5th land, uptick my Teferi and pass the turn. He ends up animating both Inkmoth Nexus (which I think is a mistake) and swings with three lethal attackers, I cast Bring to Light during combat searching for Supreme Verdict (I should have searched for Anger of the Gods, I could hardcast Supreme this game but not Anger). From here it was just living until I could close out with a Scapeshift.
Game 2: This game he didn’t have a fast Scale Up I drew a Teferi and ticked him up since I had a Timely Reinforcements in hand. He puts me to around 5 infect with his two Glistener Elfs. The next turn I ambush his creatures in combat with Timely Reinforcements, I think my opponent didn’t fully realize how Teferi’s static ability works. He plays a Inkmoth Nexus but I topdeck my Izzet Staticaster which will end the game by itself.
I was really impressed by Teferi in this matchup. I think it is a risky play, but if you live being able to cast sweepers mid combat to hit their manlands was sweet.
Round 5: Jeskai Saheeli Rai 2-0
Game 1: This game was super weird, he never went for his combo, he ended up with his own Teferi, Time Raveler in play while I had a Narset, Parter of Veils. Once I had 9 mana he resolved his own Narset and revealed Saheeli off of the impulse. I decided this was as good of a time as any and cast a Scapeshift. He was surprised that he was playing against Scapeshift (I don’t know how there were 2 Valakut’s in play) thought for awhile then used Spell Pierce + Snapcaster Spell Pierce, I paid for both and he died. Super weird game, I was not expecting to resolve my spell.
Game 2: This game played out more like the control matchup normally does We both play lands I end up with a stacked hand of Flusterstorm
, Supreme Will, 2x Remand, Cryptic Command *list*, Scapeshift. We fight a little over his Vendillion Clique, each time I’m able to win the counter battle. The turn I was planning on trying to force through the Scapeshift I draw Teferi, Time Reveler which is a much better test spell. He Remands Teferi, I recast him and he resolves I made sure to leave up 4 mana so I would have access to Supreme Will + Flusterstorm
during his turn, but I just cast Scapeshift ending the match.
His build was kind of weird with mostly permission based counters and Remand, but it was a cool deck. I think his version had a better chance of winning than U/W as he actually can close out the game in a reasonable amount of time. Blue Scapeshift is hard for other blue decks to deal with though since I will have the mana advantage, can kill in one turn, and have protection for my spells.
Round 6: Burn 0-0-3 Draw
We were 5th-6th with a massive lead on tiebreakers so we were able to draw into top 8
Top 8 Split the prize.
Additional Thoughts:
This was my first time playing BtLw as for the last few years I’ve always stuck with BtLb, but I really like the changes. Teferi, Time Raveler is insane, definitely an upgrade over my previously sideboarded Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir. My gut reaction is to take the Teferi from the sideboard and move it into the main I’m not 100% sure what to swap with it though, an easy choice would be Narset, Parter of Veils. While she is very good at finding answers and action she can be a little clunky the turn she is cast. Teferi on the other hand worst case can bounce + draw to buy some time. The other change I think I’ll make is switching the Into the Roil to a copy of Echoing Truth. I was being greedy and wanted to cantrip, but I think there are enough circumstances where bouncing multiple Leylines or a token wrath would be beneficial. Overall I’m extremely happy with how the deck performed I’ve been playing some variation of Bring to Light for a long time now. This version feels like the best I’ve tuned so far It has interaction and some early threats which it was missing before. I think I need to work on my sideboard some more, but overall I like where the deck is at right now.
-1 Narset, Parter of Veils
+1 Teferi, Time Raveler
-1 Into the Roil
+1 Echoing Truth
-1 Teferi, Time Raveler
+1 Narset, Parter of Veils