Bring Your Baabies to Work Day 2.0

Modern PenguinTaskForce


Gattison says... #1

Well, I'm not a super-awesome player, but I might be able to give you some useful advice. First of all, get your deck down to 60 cards. This may not seem like a big deal, but look at it this way: each card you draw would be a 1-in-60 chance of being the card you need. 1-in-64 is not as good as 1-in-60, and it does actually make a difference.

The cards I would personally remove would be 1x Brood Monitor, 2x Molten Nursery and 1x Call the Scions, but you may have different priorities because of the meta of your playgroup.

Also, notice that I suggested a bunch of 3-CMC cards to remove. That's because your mana curve is all wonky, and you should try to make it flow more smoothly, and you have a crapton of 3-drops, but only 1 5-drop. If you lowered the amount of 3-drops you have, and added some more 2-drops and 2-3 5-drops, your deck might start to play better.

So, you have the deck listed as Modern, but you also said you play Casual, and I noticed that all the cards in your deck are Standard. Are you just getting into the game, and only have cards from BFZ? I ask because if you only have access to Standard cards, then I can make a couple card suggestions. But if you truly play Casual or Modern, then I wouldn't be able to make as good suggestions, cuz there's just so many MtG cards, lol.

November 11, 2015 7:31 p.m.

Gattison yeah im very new :D i made this deck out of a booster box so they are all BFZ, the only reason i listed it as modern is cause my play group agreed on the modern style. im open to any suggestion you may have! i know that 60 cards is much better odds and am looking into side boarding a few of the more specific cards like Plummet, Outnumber and Reclaiming Vines because, some specific play styles of my play group. however, i would like to keep this as current as possible so suggest away! thanks for responding! :D

November 11, 2015 9:07 p.m.

Wolvang says... #3

This seems a little too much like standard deck to me. For starters I would replace the sylvan cariatids with Birds of Paradise or Noble Hierarch or even Elvish Mystic. Also I would play Lightning Bolt if I were you. I would also look at the original zendikar eldrazi spawn generators because they usually ramp more quickly. I would add some better Eldrazi's to ramp up too. Finally I would look at some tron decks because those are considered to be the premier modern ramp decks being able to generate 7 mana off 3 lands.

November 18, 2015 3:30 p.m.

Wolvang my friends play a lot of early removal which is why i went for the Sylvan Caryatids, the hexproof helps a lot. im on a pretty low budget for singles, i cant spend more than $10 on a single (Group rules). we are allowed to trade for them and are able to pull them from packs. so some of the more "premier" modern decks are out of my reach sadly:(. At this point im really just looking at trying to make the deck more consistent with play. but if you could link me some Tron decks that would be very helpful :)

November 18, 2015 4:12 p.m.

Wolvang says... #5

Here is a link to the R/G Tron Primer

Not every card from this list will be relevant but some of the land base, and tool box for digging up the lands may be relevant. (Sylvan Scrying, Expedition Map, Ancient Stirrings) the best part of this is all of the core cards are less than $10, and you can swap out some of the finishers with things you like. Considering most your deck is colorless you may also want to check out All Is Dust which will only wipe your opponents fields.

Pathrazer of Ulamog is also pretty cheap and is better than Bane of Bala Ged. If I were you I would look up other colorless fatties on TCG that are less than $10 which will help the reach of your deck.

November 18, 2015 4:29 p.m.

Wolvang says... #6

This would be a very trony version of your deck it might lose a little too much of your decks essence but this is one direction I could image your deck going in. (BTW I kept all cards less than $10 individually)

November 18, 2015 7:55 p.m.

Wolvang thanks for the input i REALLY like the All Is Dust but i could throw a few more fetch lands in there like Sylvan Scrying that could pull my Eye of Ugin.

i also like the urza lands but its a little more than im looking to spend for a play set right now :( i am gonna look at the older fatties and see what i can do there. but thanks for the input! i might go build something Trony deck with all that info now

November 19, 2015 8:24 p.m.

Wolvang says... #8

No problem I hope you enjoy your deck.(PS check out ebay for the tron lands every once in a while. Sometimes you can find a play set of all for $10 or less).

November 20, 2015 2:58 p.m.

Darkmagi1131 says... #9

Welp sideboard often depends on what your expecting to face at the venue your going to. A good rule of thumb is to pack answere to what you expect that are also able to be used vs other decks. For Green/Red I like: 4x Nature's Claim, 2x Back to Nature, 1x Crumble to Dust, 2x Witchbane Orb or Leyline of Sanctity, 2x Fracturing Gust, and finally 3x (insert favorite sweeper here)

January 13, 2016 12:44 a.m.

Darkmagi1131 Really great input! all those cards look like they would fit in really nicely in the sideboard for what i play. seems really solid. what did you think of the deck as a whole?

January 13, 2016 2:08 p.m.

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