Land (46)

ArtifactsMatter (20)

Utility Land (15)

STR (10)

Wipe (9)

Combo (6)

Finisher (5)

GYStuff (4)

Cheat (3)

MaybeCut (3)

Enhancer (2)

Enhancer 1 (1)

Other (1)

Enabler (1)

ManaSink (1)

WinCon (1)

Standalone (28)

Draw (21)

Enhancer (15)

Enabler (14)

Lifegain (10)

Colorless (7)

Equipment (6)

Tokens (5)

SacOutlet (4)

LifeSink&Trig (3)

Enabler Free (2)

Creature (1)

Enhancer free (1)

Standalone# Haste (1)

Triggers (1)

Commander (1)

Commander: altered Brion Stoutarm

Enhancer 0 (23)

Ramp (21)

Enhancer 2 (15)

Steal (12)

Sunforger (10)

Haste (7)

DmgDouble (5)

Tutor (5)

Fodder Cheap (3)

Redundancy (3)

Untap (2)

GYStuff (1)

WinCon (1)


Enhancer (14)

Utility Land (6)

ArtifactsMatter (6)

GYStuff (5)

Haste (4)

Colorless (3)

GYStuff (3)

Ramp (3)

Cheat (3)

Combo (2)

Insurance (2)

Seal (2)

Sunforger (2)

AntiSyn (1)

Copy (1)

Enabler Free (1)

Lifegain (1)

Steal (1)

Colorless (1)

Equipment (1)

Playtest (1)

Land (13)

ArtifactsMatter (7)

CardAdvantage (5)

Enhancer 1 (5)

Equipment (4)

MaybeCut (4)

LifeSink&Trig (3)

SacOutlet (3)

Steal (3)

Creature (2)

LastTurn (2)

Tokens (2)

Tokens (2)

Cheat (1)

DmgDouble (1)

Enhancer 2 (1)

ManaSink (1)

WinCon (1)

DmgDouble (1)

Token (1)

Sunforger (11)

Enabler (8)

Wipe (6)

Finisher (5)

Tutor (4)

Cheese (3)

Fodder Cheap (3)

Planeswalker (3)

Standalone (3)

BadDraw (2)

Enhancer 0 (2)

STR (2)

LastTurn (2)

Utility Land (2)

Draw (1)

Fodder Big (1)

Redundancy (1)

BadDraw (1)

Untap (1)


Sunforger (43)

Ramp (19)

Enhancer (10)

GYStuff (9)

Recursion (7)

Artifact (5)

Steal Slow (5)

MaybeCut (4)

SacOutlet (4)

Haste (3)

Steal Perm (3)

Fodder (2)

Steal Fast (2)

Copy (1)

Fun (1)

Lifegain (1)

Protec (1)

STR 1 (1)

Unknown (1)

Creature (32)

Draw (19)

Land (12)

Standalone (10)

Tokens (9)

Utility (7)

Fodder Big (5)

Tutor (5)

Planeswalker (4)

Cheese (3)

Seal (3)

CardAdvantage (2)

Finisher (2)

MassResurrect (2)

AntiSynergy (1)

Draw 2 (1)

GroupSlug (1)

OppoSac (1)

Steal Mass (1)

Untap (1)

Insurance (22)

STR (21)

Wipe (13)

Fodder Cheap (11)

Combo (9)

ArtifactsMatter (8)

Utility Land (6)

Resurrect (5)

Equipment (4)

Redundancy (4)

Enabler (3)

Steal (3)

DmgDouble (2)

Fling (2)

STR 2 (2)

Cheat (1)

Eldrazi (1)

LastTurn (1)

Other (1)

Refactor Goals:

  • fix curve
  • ensure draw & ramp are sufficient
  • repeatable/resilient effects
  • focus on steal+sac, lifegain, Sunforger, etc. more narrowly; ETBs vs artifacts generally vs equipment vs lifegain vs sac value is too much to pack in.
  • probaly want more ETBs than Sunforger effects b/c of extra GY/resurrection value


  1. Hasted creatures to swing, fling, copy, and resurrect
  2. Steal shit and chuck, sac for value, or keep
  3. Life outlets to extract value from Brion's lifelink and other lifegain
  4. Sunforger Package w/ removal, steal effects, creature invulnerability, combat tricks, mass resurrect effects(?)
  5. Tutors and equipment can make Brion hexproof at instant speed, double his triggers, or machine gun off an mass steal effect


Stonehewer Giant Show

Sunforger Package: Show

Treasure from Smothering Tithe/Curse of Opulence Show

Fling Knollspine Dragon in response to its own EtB trigger to deal 7, gain 7, draw 7

Mass Steal effects == Wipe w/ a repeatable sac outlet on board

Sneak Attack + many things + Brion Stoutarm = cheat in, ETB value, fling, and recur later


Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Zealous Conscripts /Restoration Angel = Infinite Hasted Tokens

Swing off of mass steal effect, then Brion Stoutarm equipped with Thornbite Staff to machine gun everyone's face w/ their creatures


  • Ish: Ramp=10, Draw=10, STR=5, Wipe=5, Land=38;
  • Standalone (25): work alone or in concert w/ cmdr; never a dead card
  • Enhancers (10-12): amplify or amplified by commander, standalones, and/or other enhancers; can be a dead card but frequently goes HAAM with another card {Redundancy, Resurrect, SacOutlet, Steal, Tokens}
  • Enablers (7-8): cover weakness/gaps in strat
  • Curve: 1/2 (14-15), 3 (12-16), 4 (8-10), 5/6 (6-9), 7+ (3-5); 6-8 flex slots


  • Put all of your 100% cards into a list
  • What are top 4-6 Sunforger targets? cut down to that
  • How many mass steal cards to run? Phyrexian Altar and Greater Gargadon turn these into one-sided wipes
  • How many sac outlets to include? synergies with



Twilight Shepherd Show

Recruiter of the Guard Show


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