Broken Branches

Casual dorminjake

SCORE: 194 | 255 COMMENTS | 60340 VIEWS | IN 70 FOLDERS

Ohthenoises says... #1

It is ... my main use for it was I made a mono green ramp deck similar to this one used LureMTG Card: Lure and Engulfing SlagwurmMTG Card: Engulfing Slagwurm to attack someone with a Sun TitanMTG Card: Sun Titan and two Phantasmal ImageMTG Card: Phantasmal Images he had attacked with last turn. ROFL at that vigilance. and even if they did block it with something big the whole trample amount would go through because the kill is triggered by declaration of blocking.

March 9, 2012 5:50 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #2

lure + slagwurm is just unfair... I mean yea dies to removal but still

March 9, 2012 5:51 p.m.

dorminjake says... #3

The old comments section got too long, kind of broke the page's format a little. I blame the pictures I keep embedding. Anyway, further discussion, etc. is of course encouraged, and thanks for checking things out!

@Ohthenoises Your suggestion of Engulfing SlagwurmMTG Card: Engulfing Slagwurm has been added to the deck description and "Contributions" update above. Thanks thanks. /salute

Everyone else: green is fun. DISCUSS.

March 9, 2012 6:04 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #4

HAHA I'm glad to see you threw him in. I haven't seen a beautiful creature like that to beat token decks (with LureMTG Card: Lure) since the days of Avatar of MightMTG Card: Avatar of Might + LureMTG Card: Lure + VenomMTG Card: Venom. You are making me want to get out my green rares and make a elf ramp deck again you! and I'll have to get out my Caged SunMTG Card: Caged Suns again.

March 9, 2012 6:16 p.m.

zeekialrage says... #5

green is my fav and a never fail. loved Omnath, Locus of ManaMTG Card: Omnath, Locus of Mana+Bear UmbraMTG Card: Bear Umbra+Canopy CoverMTG Card: Canopy Cover. +1 for variety and originality. Since u have exp against heartless decks could really use your insight on KeepEm Comin

March 10, 2012 3:10 a.m.

zeekialrage says... #6

Genesis WaveMTG Card: Genesis Wave seems like it would be insurance for your army or a good comeback. seems more effective than the hydra.

March 10, 2012 3:14 a.m.

ZimmerRemmiz says... #7

So I'm sure someone has suggested this, but you might as well add Strangleroot Geist, he's probably the best green card in Dark Ascension and is a fantastic addition to any deck with plenty of green mana, also green sun for 3 and getting a 2/1 haste undying is quite satisfying...

March 18, 2012 1:09 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #8

slagwurm not working out for you?

March 18, 2012 1:13 a.m.

dorminjake says... #9

The view count! IT'S OVER 9000- ahem.

@ZimmerRemmiz Strangleroot GeistMTG Card: Strangleroot Geist is very good, but I'd rather run it with Sword of War and PeaceMTG Card: Sword of War and Peace backup if I ran it at all, or find some way to exploit the undying mechanic. It's a solid, scrappy beater for sure, but its casting cost does sort of compete with the elves, and the elves are the source of the deck's ramp.

I definitely want to play with the geist, because I personally love the card, but I just don't really have a place for it in this deck.

@Ohthenoises The site's deck editor and I had a disagreement earlier (read: user error on my part) and the Engulfing SlagwurmMTG Card: Engulfing Slagwurm was deleted. That wasn't intentional. I'm yet to actually play the card, but I'm still eager to see how it runs.

March 20, 2012 12:40 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #10

lol no worries i was wondering how this has held up for you

March 20, 2012 12:46 a.m.

ZimmerRemmiz says... #11

Understandable, being such a low cost card and not an elf I can understand it not really fitting into this deck...

March 20, 2012 10:41 a.m.

dorminjake says... #12

Opinion poll:

Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger MTG Card: Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger

Engulfing SlagwurmMTG Card: Engulfing Slagwurm and

Primordial HydraMTG Card: Primordial Hydra

walk into a bar, only to get into fisticuffs (toothicuffs?) over the last bar stool. Who wins? There are one or two slots in the deck that I keep rotating because I can't quite get settled on this question. Anyone with some strong opinions for/against any of the above care to weigh in and set me straight? What drink preferences do you think these guys have? With names like "Voice of Hunger" and "Engulfing," I can't imagine they'd be particularly picky, but maybe each of the hydra's many heads has a different set of tastes? HELP.

Would be most appreciated.

March 22, 2012 10:09 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #13

hydra is a mana dump slagwurm is health gain and vorinclex is more mana

March 22, 2012 10:21 p.m.

ZimmerRemmiz says... #14

I would go with the Hydra, you don't even have to use very much mana to get him on the track to being huge, I know from personal experience that a turn 3 primordial hydra can end up just as dangerous as one that starts out huge, the personal experience is getting my face smashed by the bastard, plus after a few turns it can be immune to tragic slip, which isn't something that the other two can say, as far as raw power goes the Slagwurm wins with it's om nom nom power, but the Hydra is more versatile and can be played a lot earlier, also you don't need anymore mana so you might as well skip Vorniclex, I find him most useful for things like Helix Pinnacle and Omnath where getting ridiculous amounts of mana is to your advantage...

March 23, 2012 9:18 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #15

The only downside I can see with hydra is you can't green sun for him and pay his x cost.

March 23, 2012 10:07 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #16

Again. You know my preference as I was the one who suggested him but he normally goes best with things like lure or anything that gives him trample.

March 23, 2012 10:10 a.m.

im running mine tonight with slagwurm. you try something else and we will compare field notes.

March 23, 2012 10:13 a.m.

killersuv says... #18

If I can just get one more Garruk for tonight and some wurm coils I will be running this. I play-tested with my friends and kill them hard with it. Defiantly one of my favorite decks in standard. If I could +100 On this I would!

March 23, 2012 2:01 p.m.

dorminjake says... #19

@killersuv I know it isn't exactly a top tier deck, and probably shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence as one, but I do have a LOT of fun with this deck, and I'm never disappointed that my win-loss ratio averages out to 3-1 or so. Glad to hear you're getting some use out of it!

@theurbanraptor I'm running an old Grand ArchitectMTG Card: Grand Architect deck of mine tonight (deck:deceiving-steel. It's accumulated some dust while I've been playing with elves and FogMTG Card: Fogs for the past three months), but I'll test this deck out some this weekend with 2x Primordial HydraMTG Card: Primordial Hydra. If I get an opportunity to, I'll try a couple of games with the slagwurm as well.

Thanks for the opinions, everyone! Keep em coming if you've got em. Right now it looks like it'll be either the Engulfing SlagwurmMTG Card: Engulfing Slagwurm with Green Sun's Zenith MTG Card: Green Sun's Zenith support, or the Primordial HydraMTG Card: Primordial Hydra as a 2x luck-of-the-draw mana dump. Either way, it's nice to have a use for excess mana in case the whole Ezuri, Renegade LeaderMTG Card: Ezuri, Renegade Leader plan goes bust. Appreciated!

March 23, 2012 3:25 p.m.

Mule Man says... #20

i know they're a high mana cost but you could put 4 Primeval TitanMTG Card: Primeval Titan in as they draw out the land which in turn can pump your hydra.

March 24, 2012 8:10 a.m.

OrgasmAndTea says... #21

Sorry, but I gotta add extra suggestions for the bar stool slot. I know you wanted less uncertainty rather than more, but, well, deal with it :P

Chancellor of the TangleMTG Card: Chancellor of the Tangle has vigilance, reach and (possibly) ramp, and the fact that he's 6/7 means that he can kill a titan and survive, which could be significant. Vigilance is absolutely beautiful in close games, which brings up my next suggestion:

VorapedeMTG Card: Vorapede against removal heavy decks, this guy is your best bet, and an absolutely solid card, so if you're struggling with too much removal, or find you need just a little bit of extra tempo, give him a go. Interestingly, though, the aforementioned Chancellor of the TangleMTG Card: Chancellor of the Tangle knocks him around the bar all day, whilst the owner screams in dismay "Take it outside! Oh, my beautfiul bar..."

Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger MTG Card: Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger since the strength of your ramp comes from elves, his ramp ability is a little limited. His last ability, though, is an extremely powerful control one (in green no less), so he seems an excellent choice against ramp and wolf run decks. He's also the most expensive, at a hefty eight mana, has trample, which immediately makes him more tempting than the fatties without trample, his 6 toughness means he dies to all titans. I question the need for extra ramp when you've already cast this guy for eight, but the control cannot be overlooked. The only reason I'd choose this guy over the others is if you desperately need to shut down games (well, late game at least).

I've got to put the rest on a second comment, because there's a character limit.

March 24, 2012 9:29 a.m.

OrgasmAndTea says... #22

Engulfing SlagwurmMTG Card: Engulfing Slagwurm obviously lacks trample, which is potentially crippling against chump decks. However, Bellowing TanglewurmMTG Card: Bellowing Tanglewurm can help to overcome this (I like to imagine that Bellowing Tanglewurm is the guy in the corner of the bar that has had a few too many and forgotten how to use his 'inside voice'). The biggest advantage to the slagwurm, and it's a pretty massive advantage, is that it kills fools dead. Phyrexian Obliterator MTG Card: Phyrexian Obliterator ? Hmmm tasty. Wolf run ramped titans? Perfect, that's one of my five a day. This guy's place is killing big fatties. If other fatties scare you more than control (Vorinclex) close games (Vorapede and Chancellor), run the slagwurm.

Primordial HydraMTG Card: Primordial Hydra is my personal favourite. I run four in my similar elf deck, as I think I've said before, and she(!?) simply becomes unfair with Increasing SavageryMTG Card: Increasing Savagery (which I still think deserves consideration, but I wouldn't know what to take out for it). The hydra demands to be removed, whereas the slagwurm and even Vorinclex might simply stall the game for a while. If your opponent doesn't kill the hydra or win quickly, you WILL win, and that's the bottom line. Add into that the flexibility of the hydra, that it is a threat from 3-mana onwards, and the fact that it's an excellent card to rely on if you find yourself top-decking, and the fact that it compensates nicely a big weakness in elf decks (mass removal) by just sitting in your hand as a plan B, and I think the hydra is the safest bet. He's also almost immune to infect. The only downside, really, is that he's quite useless against burn decks, which kill him easily early game and aren't likely to see a late game. He doesn't compensate against these deck types at all, and finally he can't be green sun'd.

Hope I've thrown some light on the subject. If you want to shut down control and wolf run decks, I'd go Vorinclex. If you're afraid of other big fatties, go slagwurm. If you want flexibility and a card that's a win-con all on its own, go hydra. And if you find yourself playing games that get right down to the wire, where you're afraid to attack for fear of being wiped out in the next turn, Vorapede and Chancellor are excellent. In fact, for the last category I might even throw in Village SurvivorsMTG Card: Village Survivors if you find green vigilance super-sexy.

March 24, 2012 9:33 a.m.

dorminjake says... #23

@OrgasmAndTea Thanks, that was quite helpful. Whatever doesn't make the main deck has a good chance of finding the sideboard (Vorinclex, for example).

Some day, in some deck, I definitely want to eventually use Increasing SavageryMTG Card: Increasing Savagery, because I love it so. Alas, alack.

Copperhorn ScoutMTG Card: Copperhorn Scout > Village SurvivorsMTG Card: Village Survivors, ha. She's just a little more aggressively suicidal about her pseduo-vigilance, is all.

Thanks again! I'm glad I have one or two of each of these, for science reasons.

March 24, 2012 1:20 p.m.

OrgasmAndTea says... #24

My pleasure, it's good to have another elf player to bounce ideas around with. And yeah, aggresively suicidal just about covers it. Mine have so much difficulty getting life insurance it's no wonder they turn to aggressive suicide...

March 24, 2012 2:27 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #25

I run lure for just that reason when I play elves lol keeps them off her and with slagwurm takes care of so much.

March 24, 2012 8:35 p.m.

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