Broken Branches

Casual dorminjake

SCORE: 194 | 255 COMMENTS | 60340 VIEWS | IN 70 FOLDERS

dorminjake says... #1

@aeonstoremyliver I used a code for embedding images that can be found here:

Scroll down to the section labeld "IMAGES" and copy the last line that has

img src="/path/to/img.jpg" alt="alt text" title="Title"

in angle brackets. Replace /path/to/img.jpg with a path or url to the specific image you want to use, and voila presto abracadabra, you have an image. Hope that helps!

Also, about Autumn's VeilMTG Card: Autumn's Veil. I used to run it in the sideboard, but I just never found myself using it much. I feel like it's definitely viable in the format, I just haven't needed it lately. My fears about an increase in control decks didn't pan out at my local store last FNM, so that could be why.

April 4, 2012 11:40 a.m.

dorminjake says... #2


So tonight involved a small crowd, but I wanted to play the deck once or twice before Avacyn Restored actually becomes a thing.

Win record: 3-0

Decks beaten:

So that was an odd assortment. Thoughts: I am definitely not regretting running the 2x Karn LiberatedMTG Card: Karn Liberated main deck again. I saw him at least once every round, if not game. He makes it REALLY difficult for slower decks to recover if he's landing on turn 4.
April 20, 2012 11:53 p.m.

theurbanraptor says... #3

How about the new Descendants' PathMTG Card: Descendants' Path

April 22, 2012 2:26 p.m.

dorminjake says... #4

I really like Descendants' PathMTG Card: Descendants' Path. I haven't decided about its inclusion here, however.

I kind of want to build a deck specifically around it, maybe with a slightly higher concentration of creatures with a more unified tribe. Topdecking another elf doesn't really help all that much unless it's an Archdruid. I like that it lets me filter my legend draws, but I dunno.

I may end up adding more wurms. The Path + wurms seems sexy. Wurmcoil EngineMTG Card: Wurmcoil Engine, Engulfing SlagwurmMTG Card: Engulfing Slagwurm, Bellowing TanglewurmMTG Card: Bellowing Tanglewurm. I could get behind that, sure.

Going to mull it over. Lots of things to consider with a new set.

April 28, 2012 9:33 a.m.

dorminjake says... #5

Added a new blue variant of this deck here: Reflecting Elves. This version trades Glissa and GFtT for rampant abuse of Infinite ReflectionMTG Card: Infinite Reflection. If this seems fun/silly/stupid, feel free to hurl comments at it!

May 9, 2012 8:31 p.m.

dorminjake says... #6

Just did some minor numbers tweaking above. The biggest change is the +2 Wolfir SilverheartMTG Card: Wolfir Silverhearts I've freshly added. They're pretty big (literally) removal targets, but so is everything else in this deck, and I honestly can't argue with the fact that they protect Ezuri or an Archdruid from being easily burned to death, as well as enabling 10/10 Wurmcoil EngineMTG Card: Wurmcoil Engines, 7/7 deathtouch/firststriking Glissas, 7/7 lifelinking wurm tokens, 5/6 Ezuri's ArchersMTG Card: Ezuri's Archers that can shoot almost anything out of the sky, etc. etc.

Even a soulbonded Acidic SlimeMTG Card: Acidic Slime can do a zombie-less impersonation of a Grave TitanMTG Card: Grave Titan, swinging for 6 points of damage that no one really wants to block.

So, thoughts on Wolfir SilverheartMTG Card: Wolfir Silverheart? Again, could be problematic with instant speed removal messing up combat math, but s/he seems strong enough for sizable swings in game advantage.

May 17, 2012 2:40 a.m.

warper says... #7

Primal SurgeMTG Card: Primal Surge would be a late game finisher and you do get the mana. Although this takes up a big card slot. Just thinking.

May 23, 2012 12:07 p.m.

dorminjake says... #8

I think I'd rather have Genesis Wave in this deck over Primal Surge , for a few reasons:

  • the Wave rolls right over instants and sorceries, pitching them to the graveyard rather than stopping abruptly.
  • the Wave rolls right over excess copies of Ezuri, Renegade Leader or Karn Liberated , and gives me the option to NOT play them without hampering my churning through the deck.
  • having a limit to the digging in the form of an X spell means I have a little more flexibility in casting.
Primal Surge is always going to cost 8GG, is always going to stop at Go for the Throat or card:Green Sun's Zenith , and is going to be annoying if I decide to put a Karn into play when I already have one out. There are ways to get around this, like replacing GFtTs with Ratchet Bomb s and GSZs with more creatures, perhaps, so that is an option.

But both spells are a bit clunky for my personal tastes. I've always got the fear that my opponent will havea Terminus , Devastation Tide , card:Black Sun's Zenith, or Bonfire of the Damned the turn before I attack with my nice, new, giant army, and considering those are board sweepers in 4 of the 5 colors, it's almost always a possibility.

I DO like the card, though. It's big and flashy and AWESOME. I'm just being cautious and boring, haha.

May 25, 2012 1:46 a.m.

dorminjake says... #9

Small update posted, with some thoughts post-AVR. The deck's been playing really well lately. That, and/or it's been pretty lucky. Probably a bit of both.

May 26, 2012 12:42 a.m.

dorminjake says... #10

So Magic 2013 is bringing Arbor Elf and Elvish Visionary back, along with an as-yet revealed Elf legend named Yeva, so this deck is going to be getting a sudden surge energy between the months of July and October, at least until set rotation.

I'm not going to make any changes until more of the set has been spoiled, and maybe not even until the prerelease, but I'm excited all the same.

June 6, 2012 6:56 p.m.

marsil says... #11

Quite balanced deck, I like it much... maybe I'd think about some draw options, just an idea and I am sure you already did :D


June 14, 2012 5:04 a.m.

dorminjake says... #12

@marsil I've got the one copy of Garruk, Primal Hunter that gives me some decent drawing power. I used to run a second, but he got cut for one of my Wolfir Silverheart s, I think.

I could probably use some Lead the Stampede , but I would probably want to increase the creature count slightly, just to optimize the card. For now, I like playing the deck with a little bit of control in the form of Karn Liberated and Go for the Throat , just because of the kinds of decks I usually face at my local game shop.

Adding a bit more draw is something I'd like to explore though. I'll probably wait and see what M13 has in store. Thanks for your comment!

June 14, 2012 11:34 p.m.

liam_grifith says... #13

Do you have any answer to Naya? It seems like an Invisible Stalker or Geist of Saint Traft , combined with Increasing Vengeance or an opponents Wolfir Silverheart would destroy you. Can I suggest Tribute to Hunger ? You could remove either Go for the Throat or one Sever the Bloodline .

June 15, 2012 11:02 a.m.

dorminjake says... #14

My hope in that matchup is to race with Wurmcoil Engine and my own Wolfir Silverheart s, or to kill with a trampling elf army. I've just got to out-aggro, and that's usually never much of a problem with all the ramp. I can also side in Phyrexian Metamorph to kill the St. Trafts and copy the Silverhearts, so I've got options.

June 15, 2012 11:19 a.m.

dorminjake says... #15

I just realized I swapped Phyrexian Metamorph out for Sever the Bloodline . Apologies. I might be switching things back after tonight. We shall see, we shall see.

June 15, 2012 4:42 p.m.

dorminjake says... #16

Phyrexian Metamorph added back in, Tumble Magnet dropped. I'll just clone the things I would have been using the Magnet on in the first place (Mirran Crusader , Inferno Titan , enemy Wurmcoil Engine , etc.), with the added bonus of legend-killing.

June 15, 2012 6:21 p.m.

Benda says... #17

I love elves. Nice idea. :)

June 16, 2012 10:39 a.m.

Alphawolf626 says... #18

I am really interested in hunting up these cards and trying this deck out at my local FNM. Did you happen to go tonight? (June 22), if so, how did you do? and how well does your deck play against control and delver?

June 23, 2012 2:47 a.m.

Blackrun says... #19

I'm really loves elves and you're the one that makes me want to build an elf deck, again.

June 23, 2012 9:09 a.m.

dorminjake says... #20

@Alphawolf626 Just posted another tournament report/update up top. The gist: I visited a new store I haven't been to yet and managed to tie for first place! This other guy and I both went 3-0 and just decided to split the prizes.

I played against control (in the form of Solar Flare) in round 1, and really had no trouble against it at all. But I think part of that is most people's unfamiliarity with Ezuri, Renegade Leader , and the fact that I could regenerate half my field in the event of a Day of Judgment (he wasn't the only player to make that mistake last night).

The guy I split prizes with was playing U/W Delver, and we played each other afterwards in a for-fun game (we didn't bother cutting decks, and could mulligan to 7, that sort of thing). He absolutely destroyed me. I've played against other Delver variants, like U/R, U/B, U/G, and win maybe 3/5 of the time, but the stock U/W build can be really difficult for me. Then again, it was a fun game, sooooo.... Nah, he destroyed me. Just keep in mind that card:Ezuri's Archers is an excellent card to have in that matchup!

June 23, 2012 12:54 p.m.

Alphawolf626 says... #21

Awesome results. My main standard deck, Call the WHAAAAAAMBULANCE, Placed 8th last night. It seems my hardest matchups are control and Delver variants :/ Thanks for the insight!

June 23, 2012 1:19 p.m.

dorminjake says... #22

@Alphawolf626 I really like that deck you posted. Wolfir Silverheart +Mirran Crusader looks exceedingly fun to play! +1 from me.

June 23, 2012 1:56 p.m.

Alphawolf626 says... #24

Thanks, it really is fun to play. I love the look on people face when I cavern+bird to a turn 2 mirran and a turn three hero of bladehold lol +1 to your deck as well

June 23, 2012 2:25 p.m.

dorminjake says... #25

After some consideration, I'm going to try a mono-green list this weekend, dropping the usual splash of black. I'm losing:

1x Glissa, the Traitor (1x additional copy in sideboard)

2x Go for the Throat

sideboard 2x Sever the Bloodline

...and gaining:

1x Ezuri, Renegade Leader (total: 3x)

2x Revenge of the Hunted (total: 4x)

sideboard 1x Phyrexian Metamorph (total: 3x)

sideboard 2x Garruk Relentless  Flip

Thoughts: I like Glissa, but she rarely came into play, and even when she did, there were only a couple of occasions I got to use her artifact renewal triggers. She benefits more from a deck built around her. Go for the Throat was often useful, but just as often a dead draw. Revenge of the Hunted often ends up acting as removal on its own, and you can also get a ton of damage through at the same time. If I need more targeted removal, I now have the option of Garruk Relentless  Flip in the sideboard.

What does everyone think? I'm trying to keep the deck roughly the same in terms of functionality, while improving the consistency a little, and trying not to sacrifice the weaknesses that green has that black was capable of filling (i.e. removal).

So far, my removal package is looking like:

Main deck: 2x Karn Liberated , 4x Revenge of the Hunted , tremendous amounts of combat damage.

Sideboard: 3x Ratchet Bomb , 2x Corrosive Gale , 2x Garruk Relentless  Flip , 3x Phyrexian Metamorph (conditional)

June 25, 2012 8:39 p.m.

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