Winter of 2015. After a brief stint playing in Lorwyn block, 18 year old Brolamog found himself nothing to do and as a college student who was getting sick of his comic book collection but still enjoyed going to the store got back into Magic with the Battle for Zendikar block, not knowing that he was opening and playing with some of the worst cards ever printed in recent memory. However, after a fateful night of drafting a U/B Eldrazi deck and getting prize packs ya boy opened up an Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger (yet still didn't get sleeves for the $20 card at the time of opening shivers) and after failing to make him work in Standard discovered the format of EDH and decided to be a cheeky bastard and challenge himself by building a $100 dollar colorless deck around the time of Oath of the Gatewatch (which explains that now poorly aged first comment). Years later, as all Magic players do they get a nicotine-like addiction to the game and pump hundreds of dollars into getting more powerful cards, and this Ulamog deck was no exception. This deck is easily my most favorite EDH deck (and Ulamog by extension is my favorite card) due to the fact that faceless yet hungry tentacle monster showed me that winning prizes and opening cards worth money was sweet which is honestly why I'm still playing today. Furthermore, I get to feel like a special snowflake watching people get surprised seeing an entire 100 card deck running no colors then later watching that surprise turn to annoyance as I force them to exile 20 cards off the top of their library then steal all of their lands with an Oblivion Sower . This, and more is not only why I (and maybe you) enjoy playing this deck.

So while sentimentally, Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger is my favorite I have since collected every Commander legal Eldrazi Titan who could also be my Commander, and judging by other colorless decks Ulamog doesn't seem to get the love he deserves. The way my deck is built, drawing cards isn't typically an issue which makes Kozilek, the Great Distortion and Kozilek, Butcher of Truth less needed as an effect I need multiple times. Furthermore, Emrakul, the Promised End requires inefficient cards like Eldrazi Conscription and Skittering Invasion to get maximum value and while her protection is good, she really doesn't do much outside of her powerful initial effect. Furthermore, the deck isn't artifact based so Karn, Silver Golem , Hope of Ghirapur and Traxos, Scourge of Kroog don't really work here. Ulamog is not only indestructible but also exiles important cards from the opponent's libary, providing much needed interaction the deck usually struggles to get. Essentially, it mostly comes down to the fact that a colorless deck needs removal more than it needs draw, and Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger exiling two permanents is better than Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre from destroying one.

So I said before this deck struggles with interacting with the board, but luckily we have few surprises that can really impact the board or prevent the opponent from winning in a significant manner.

All Is Dust : Is essentially the deck's versions of Cyclonic Rift as it is mostly a one sided board wipe that can either give a chance to get back into the game or secure our dominance at the table.

Nevinyrral's Disk : The next best board wipe in our deck, with an Ulamog out or Soul of New Phyrexia out this card is also a one sided board wipe, also being able to wipe the board at instant speed helps as well.

Boompile : Is effectively the second copy of Nev's Disk, albeit more inconsistent due to the fact that it requires a coin flip to work. Still, it sticks around until it does wipe the board so eventually it will wipe the board and typically attracts less hate.

Perilous Vault : This one isn't great due to requiring 9 mana in total and can never be asymmetrical like the other board wipes, but exiling is a great way to permanently get rid of threats so it's not the worst even if it hits our stuff.

Gruesome Slaughter : The worst out of the bunch, only works if we have a bunch of big creatures out (typically we do) but in a colorless deck sometimes you just need to take what you can get.

Duplicant : Exiles a threatening creature then becomes that threatening creature, exceptionally good in this deck.

Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre : Curving Newlamog into this guy is super satisfying to do when you get him online, and this card not only can win a game on it's own but also blows up any permanent in our way. Also goes in the big beefy boys category.

Meteor Golem : Does a decent Ulamog impression, the body doesn't do much and it can't hit lands but I'm not complaining.

Scour from Existence : Exiles any permanent giving us trouble, it's expensive and we won't have much to show for it afterwards besides a potentially cheaper Emrakul but it gets the job done.

Titan's Presence : This is one of the best removal spells in the deck due to exiling a creature, being cheap at 3 mana and typically we'll always have a big dumb colorless creature to be able to exile any creature our opponents can muster.

Warping Wail : Easily my favorite piece of interaction in the deck. This card typically isn't removing anything relevant with 1 power or toughness, but being able to counter an extra turn spell, board wipe or anything else that may lose us the game like a Scapeshift is huge in a deck like this. At worst it creates a dude to block a creature or ramps us.

Relic of Progenitus : Graveyard hate is important in EDH, and this card not only gets rid of all graveyards but draws us a card as well. Also, there is some exile synergy in the deck we can abuse.

Tormod's Crypt : Same as Relic, but only targets one player.

Maze of Ith : Keeps us from dying to an opponent's attack and deters others from attacking us at the same time.

Quicksand : Never underestimate the power of a land that can also kill or at least allow to favorably block against creatures attacking us. I've definitely been in situations where opponents see this card and don't attack because of how it changes combat math.

Skysovereign, Consul Flagship : Basically an Inferno Titan in this deck, is an evasive beater that also takes out smaller threats at the table.

Our Commander costs 10 mana, and if (god forbid) the table removes Ulamog it'll cost more. This means we need more Ramp than the usual Commander deck. Luckily, we got that in the form of Creatures, Artifacts and Lands that Ramp us.

Kozilek's Channeler : A 4/4 that taps for 2 mana. Solid both in getting us to our big boys and being a medium boy himself if needed.

Warden of Geometries : Less good than Channeler but it's still a card we can play semi-early, and can both attack and tap for mana.

Hedron Crawler : Early mana dork we can use to get stuff rolling, also is a blocker. Definitely worth running as the deck needs early plays.

Oblivion Sower : This card has honestly won me more games than Ulamog himself. As alluded to earlier, Oblivion Sower makes use of our exile effects to get an assload of lands and there is no better feeling than swinging with Ulamog, exiling 20 cards from our opponent's library then putting 8-12 untapped lands into play.

Palladium Myr : Like Channeler but less beefy and comes down earlier.

Solemn Simulacrum : This guy ramps and draws us cards all on one body, even though it only grabs Wastes it's still a Commander staple and belongs in this deck.

Blight Herder : Another card that relies on our opponent's exile, but a 4/5 body that nets us 3 mana is too good to pass up.

Sol Ring : Duh

Basalt Monolith : No infinite Rings of Brighthearth combos here but still an insane mana rock.

Everflowing Chalice : Mana Rock that exponentially ramps us.

Thought Vessel : Reliquary Tower that is also a cheap mana rock

Seer's Lantern : Not the best, but sometimes using the extra mana to scry is worth it.

Urza's Incubator : Makes all of our Eldrazi cheaper, but sometimes we don't really have a ton of Eldrazi to abuse it with. Considering cutting from the deck entirely.

Thran Dynamo : Like the Monolith but untaps every untap step.

Cultivator's Caravan : Mana rock that also can become a dude to swing with

Mind Stone , Dreamstone Hedron and Hedron Archive : These are all basically the same card. They ramp us fairly efficiently then draw cards later.

Temple of the False God : Pretty shit early game but basically becomes a free Sol Ring later.

Urza's Tower , Urza's Tower , Urza's Power Plant : Yes, we are attempting to live the Tron dream in EDH. Not really "ramp" but it doesn't hurt to run these cards in the deck.

Eye of Ugin : Makes the few Eldrazi left in this deck cheaper but unlike the Incubator this card becomes a tutor later in the game.

Eldrazi Temple : This temple actually can be used early in the game and lets us ramp into Eldrazi cards.

Spawning Bed : Is a noteworthy piece of ramp that can be sacrificed to put 3 scions into play, effectively netting us 2 mana for a turn or giving us blockers.

Shrine of the Forsaken Gods : Another free Sol land that isn't terrible early in the game.

Zoetic Cavern : This is kinda ramp in that it potentially lets us get 2 lands down in a single turn, plus having a Morph in a colorless deck is a great meme.

Every good Commander deck needs ways to keep cards in their hand, and even better ones have ways to get specific cards into their hand. Luckily, this deck has ways to do that (don't ask whether or not these ways are good).

Kozilek, the Great Distortion : Easily the best source of draw in our deck, as it completely refills our likely empty or close to empty hand and makes every card we draw a source of interaction for the rest of the board. Plus counts a big beefy boy.

Sandstone Oracle : Does a pretty good Kozilek impression and can be even better in some cases if an opponent gets greedy with the amount of cards they're drawing. Really good at milling opponent's who run Consecrated Sphinx .

Kozilek, Butcher of Truth : Only draws us 4 cards, but thanks to Annihilator is an overall better threat to put down than the other Kozilek. Also overlaps with the big beefy boy category.

Staff of Nin : It's a Howling Mine but just for us, plus it pings dudes which is sometimes relevant.

Howling Golem : This one draws our opponent's cards but honestly we don't give a shit because we need card draw and this guy blocks.

Endbringer : Basically another copy of the Staff but stapled to a 5/5 body.

Mindless Automaton : A good mana dump that can also turn dead cards in our hand into gas, extremely underrated as far as draw engines go.

Matter Reshaper : It replaces itself so it's kind of card draw? Sometimes it ramps us? Don't really know where to put this guy.

Karn, Scion of Urza : All this guy does is draw cards and make big dudes, one of the best draw engines in our deck and it surprisingly political.

Sea Gate Wreckage : Extremely underrated land, does a great job at making sure we don't ever end up in a situation where we have no cards in hand.

Ash Barrens and Blasted Landscape : Basically the same card, thins the deck and can be a mana source if needed.

Inventors' Fair : Tutors for an Artifact if we need it and is a land that gains us life, most of the time it's grabbing a boardwipe or it's grabbing one of the big beefy boys.

Sanctum of Ugin : Speaking of, this land solely grabs the big beefy boys.

Conduit of Ruin : Not only grabs us the big beefy boys but makes them cheaper

Tamiyo's Journal : Perfect card in this deck, is either a card draw engine or it tutors a specific card we need.

Ring of Three Wishes : Pretty inefficient but it can get the job done, and with enough mana can do enough damage to win the game.

This is the moment you've all been waiting for, these are the big dumb things we plan on slamming onto the field besides the big bad booty daddy Ulamog to help us beat our opponents into a hopeless realization that the Eldrazi will take over the plane that is the table.

Emrakul, the Promised End : The biggest of boys, Emrakul lets us screw over one player at the table and if that doesn't kill someone then being a 13/13 Flying Trample probably will.

It That Betrays sits on the top end of the curve, but can win all on it's own if it lasts long enough. Being able to literally take over the entire board is an insane effect to have and the 11 body with Annihilator helps us get there.

Void Winnower : The king of all hatebears, not only is this card an 11/9 body but it almost literally prevents your opponent from casting half of their deck. Great for securing a win.

Soul of New Phyrexia : A 6/6 Trampler isn't that big comparatively to some of the other cards in the deck, but the activated abilities are what we want. Being able to protect our board even at 5 mana is great for securing a win.

Platinum Angel : This card isn't a big beefy boy on the outside, but is a big beefy boy on the inside. Preventing us from losing the game makes us immune to combo wins and can let us swing in for the kill or respond on the crackback.

Artisan of Kozilek : Back to the beefy boys, this card lets us bring back another one of our beefy boys or at worst brings back some mana dork we had in play earlier.

Spawnsire of Ulamog : This guy is in here for the memes. Spawnsire ramps us further and has an ability to instantly win the game if we have 20 mana just sitting around. If your opponent's need an example of a combo kill you can do, just say you cast a Nettle Drone , a Forerunner of Slaughter to give it haste, then an indefinite amount of Eldrazi on the stack.

Desolation Twin : 20 power of creature for 10 mana? I'm in. Probably casting Ulamog instead to be honest.

Endless One : Theoretically the biggest boy, while it's just a vanilla creature the fact it can come in anywhere on the curve is good enough.

Bane of Bala Ged : Kind of has Annihilator, but is a decent threat for our opponents to deal with while we wait to cast our bigger boys.

Reality Smasher : The smallest of the beefy boys, this card is harder to remove than your new stepmom and comes down early to start smashing face.

Not of This World : Not a big beefy boy, but this card is basically Force of Will and Stifle combined for our beefy boys so this gets on this list and this is my post so deal with it.

In conclusion, this deck is really dumb and typically wins in a really dumb way. If your playgroup is one of those cursed ones that doesn't run any interaction and attempts to sit there and do nothing until they win in a single turn, this deck is sure going to stop that shit. This deck is also considerate to the colorblind, so even if you lose you can at least say that I guess.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 0 Mythic Rares

28 - 0 Rares

38 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 5.05
Tokens Clue, Construct 0/0 C, Eldrazi 10/10 C, Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C, Eldrazi Spawn 0/1 C, Morph 2/2 C, Thopter 1/1 C
Folders colorless commander deck, Ulamog, the infinite hunger, Budget, edh, EDH, Commander Decks, EDH, EDH, EDH IDEAS, decks to look at mono colored
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