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Brorosh be Mindin' 'is Own Bid'niss Ova'ere

Commander / EDH* BUG (Sultai) Counters Multiplayer Theme/Gimmick Tokens



Vorosh, the Hunter

I'm just sitting here drawing you guys cards and giving you guys mana. Don't need to worry about me none what-so- OH NO WHAT DID I DO TO EVERYONE!? I buried them in insects and eldrazi scions. I must be a god.


TIMMY SMASH! ...after Timmy polite and friendly.

The name of the game is very simple, make lots of dudes, and then make them as large as possible because I can.

Deck Building Rules

  • I'm refusing to run much in the lines of removal because I want more room for fun things that have counters and tokens. (Planeswalkers help fill this "gap" on removal, as does simply killing the guy doing things I don't want done.)
  • Cards must be super fun (and maybe a bit unnecessary) to cast. My goal is to "Timmy it up" as much as possible. (No Putrefy even if it's really good.))
  • Cards must fit to theme. They either have to provide me with tokens, counters (typically +1/+1 counters or loyalty counters) or tech so well with the deck (like Akroma's Memorial) that removing them will make me really easy to murder. (Also ramp, because ramp is good.)

Key Pieces

Other than your typical "doublers" ...

... this deck runs a few "key components" that manage to do some really nice work.

Like things that make my creatures unblockable.

Or make them HUGE (at least for a couple seconds) and give trample

And a little bit of both.


Things that work all by themselves to get a HUGE amount of profit. Simply cast, or activate, then smile at the mess you made.

And for extra mess...

The Bro in Brorosh

Why do I run all these "huggy" cards? Well, ignoring the fact stuff like Howling Mine and Font of Mythos are just GOOD, giving everyone draw, in addition to myself, lets me stay off everyone's radar while still netting some profit. This goes for the ramp as well.

In Case of Emergency


Deck Cycle


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