

Let's engineer ourselves a perfect army, shall we? In this semi-budget build, Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer transmogrifies tokens into whatever shape or size we desire. Many speculated with dragon tokens, abusing Mimic Vat, trying to copy artifacts, or break Kuldotha Forgemaster. I have a different approach.


There are several cards that create Clone tokens, meaning that you can turn you entire horde of tokens into whatever creature you want. I've chosen an army of lords. By creating a token that's a copy of a lord|card:Supreme Phantom, then all my tokens buff each other. Combine that with the fact that most of my lords have flying or trample, and lethal damage becomes easily dealt. All I need to win are 3 tokens; 3 tokens + original lord + token copy + Brudiclad's myr = 6 copies of a lord. Giving me 6 6/6s with flying/trample!

Every engineer needs materials to build with, and these cards spawn tokens at a very efficient rate. Most of these cards will create enough tokens to win, and others create tokens as we draw cards, such as Young Pyromancer. These spells provide the basis of our army, as they will be turned into much more powerful creatures.

No project can be down without research and development! These spells create tokens of my creatures, so that I can target them with Brudiclad. While the original token may not stick around for very long, as in Twinflame, the duplicates will be sure to beat face next turn.

These creations are the core of the deck. The goal is to turn any one of these creatures into a token, and then turn all of our other tokens into it. Many of these are lords, buffing each other token created (Supreme Phantom), or, when duplicated.

Timestream Navigator works similarly: Have it, a token copy, and Brudiclad on board. Make a token copy of the navigator, go to combat, two navigator tokens, use one to take an extra turn. Next turn, go to combat, get another token copy of navigator. Rinse and repeat.

Regardless of how good our draws are, we can't win if our opponents blow up our board or play cards like Ensnaring Bridge. We've packed in a sweep of counterspells to negate (no pun intended) board wipes, removal, and cards that are a general pain to us and our strategy.

Oil: We need the machine to keep running smoothly! Cards like Drift of Phantasms can tutor for any piece we need: token-makers, clone spell, or masterwork! A suite of other filter and draw effects can help dig through our library quickly to find the missing pieces!

Cleanup: This array of spells and permanents can deal with a variety of problems. From simple permanent removal in Chaos Warp or dealing with multiple creatures with Curse of the Swine. If I need to reset the board, Nevinyrral's Disk lends its aid.

Fuel: Gotta ramp in order to pump out sweet, sweet combos. These cards are standard mana rocks, but also rituals like Battle Hymn to get Brudiclad out easier!

Funding: Our array of lands, basic and budget (except for Command Beacon).

Several cards evocative of Young Pyromancer are not in this deck. card: Poppet Sticher and Trail of Evidence, are excluded due to their mana cost. Improbable Alliance, Mad Ratter, card:Minn, Wiley Illusionist, and Nadir Kraken are excluded as they aren't consistent enough and I don't have enough draw spells (and Minn's tokens don't have evasion and only have 1 toughness). I'm still working out the proper synergies, so let me know what you think!

So let's create a masterpiece shall we!?

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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #61 position overall 6 years ago
Date added 6 years
Last updated 8 months

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 1 Mythic Rares

37 - 5 Rares

18 - 2 Uncommons

19 - 0 Commons

Cards 107
Avg. CMC 2.67
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Blood, Boar 2/2 G, City's Blessing, Clue, Copy Clone, Cursed, Devil 1/1 R, Eldrazi Spawn 0/1 C, Elemental 1/1 R w/ Haste, Faerie 1/1 U w/ Only Block Flying, Frog Lizard 3/3 G, Goblin 1/1 R, Myr 2/1 U, Rat 1/1 B w/ Can't Block, Spirit 1/1 W, Thopter 1/1 C, Treasure
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