B/R/U/G - Cruel Demons (CC)

Standard* Puz


mrbloo1848 says... #1

You're missing a few staple cards that a Grixis midrange could run:



Tamiyo, the Moon Sage

Sire Of Insanity

Vampire Nighthawk

Crypt Incursion - sideboard

And you need to run around 24-25 lands to reliably hit 4 mana by turn 4 since you have no way of ramping (you don't have any sac lands like Evolving Wilds for Deathrite Shaman to ramp with).

June 18, 2013 7:32 p.m.

Puz says... #2

Hmm, Yeah I never thought to use Evolving Wilds with him. I'd have to toss in some basic lands to make that work, too. Thanks for that.

The nighthawk is an amazing card and I did dabble with him in just a Black/Red version of this deck but maybe I'll just pull out Rakdos and pop them in instead. I'll consider this as well.

Dreadbore would be traditionally a great card but few people have been using planeswalkers at FNM. It's mostly just aggro decks.

The rest of them.. I can see how they are staple cards but to me those are more for decks that plan to bring the game into late game. I'd rather try and end it earlier than when those cards are useful. Good suggestions though! Tamiyo might be a good one of.

June 18, 2013 7:48 p.m.

dantares25 says... #3

I would swap 4x Vexing Devil with 4x Pillar of Flame , pillar has many uses revolving around zombies and even the ever popular voice of resurgence right now, if you pillar the voice the token won't be created. In the end, your pillar can also finish your opponent. Vexing devil at best will be 4 damage for 1 mana which is decent, and it will also trigger morbid for you...but you don't run much morbid

June 19, 2013 12:51 p.m.

Murlochieftain says... #4

I like the list, really want to play it.

Wouldn't this be 4cc instead of Grixis though?

July 6, 2013 9:42 p.m.

Puz says... #5

Yes, I suppose it would be. It really evolved into 4cc but the green is only in there for the singleton Kessig Wolf Run and the 3 Deathrite Shaman . Since I have the Evolving Wilds , I'm able to get a basic land for whatever I have going on at the moment, so the four colors are rarely an issue.

With that being said, mainboard the only blue spell I have is Far / Away . So really, it's Rakdos colors with splash of Blue and Green. >>

July 6, 2013 10:45 p.m.

TrailMix says... #6

Against Superfriends, Dreadbore is great, Pithing Needle can be sideboarded along with Gaze of Granite , which murders tokens. Slaughter Games can also remove their important cards (or control's win cons).

July 7, 2013 4:26 p.m.

Puz says... #7

Gaze of Granite for tokens is an amazing idea, thank you. I'll swap that my sideboard as a two of and drop the three Cyclonic Rift . Maybe I can squeeze in a singleton Pithing Needle as well.

July 7, 2013 5:01 p.m.

JasonMB says... #8

I play superfriends and control mostly and I'll tell you a card that really screwed me over (even with a tamiyo emblem on the field): Reap Intellect

That card ripped cards from my hand/deck and straight out exiled them all.

And ya, the other good way to beat a deck like mine is Slaughter Games and Rakdos's Return . Make sure to name Sphinx's Revelation with the slaughter games than just wait for the rakdos return to come up to strip my hand and gg... I have to then sideboard in Witchbane Orb , but I feel a lot of people don't side that for the hexproof.

July 8, 2013 5:39 p.m.

Puz says... #9

I'm not sure if I could ramp for the reap intellect to be honest, By the time I think I'd get to play it, my opponents hand would be empty. Though I think I could make due without Sever the Bloodline . I'll run two Reap Intellect in side board in their place and see what happens. Thanks for the suggestion!

July 8, 2013 9:57 p.m.

droslag says... #10

Master Biomancer is always good..

July 9, 2013 7:22 a.m.

Blakkhand says... #11

You should really cut blue. The deck isn't utilizing it enough for it to be worth it.

July 9, 2013 3:14 p.m.

Puz says... #12

I might keep the blue in if I decide to squeeze in reap intellect. I like the blue for fusing far and away together to rid my opponent of 2 blockers before swinging with master of cruelties or desecration demon. Also, I want to keep the color in so I can side board a handful of negates as well. :s

July 9, 2013 3:51 p.m.

dude9914 says... #13

If that is how you are primarily using Far / Away , then would Blustersquall be better for you? It's cheaper than the rift, offers a 1 mana option, and can be used to tap down token decks giving you a turn or possibly an opening if they don't have a main 2 creature.

Also, Appetite for Brains may be a good side for super friends.

July 11, 2013 5:51 p.m.

Puz says... #14

Duress gets rid of any planeswalker from hand without the 4cmc drawback. I might drop Far / Away for Tribute to Hunger and then drop most if not all blue to add more golgari cards like Putrefy or even Dreg Mangler . I realized that I can completely change this deck to add more green and perhaps even utilize Varolz, the Scar-Striped in this deck but I'm still on the fence. It did well at FNM last week so depending on how it does tomorrow, I'll decide what I want to do. As always, I appreciate the suggestions.

July 11, 2013 11:54 p.m.

gawec says... #15

with 4 masters and no large tap effects try out 1-2x rogue's passage to sneak in the damage to take them to 1

July 19, 2013 4:34 p.m.

Puz says... #16

I've dismantled this deck to build a new one. It can be found here: R/B Creature Control

Check that one out for me, please. :)

July 19, 2013 4:40 p.m.

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