Traumatize , Dovescape , Eldrazi Conscription , and Celestial Mantle were already on my radar but Grand Arbiter Augustin IV was not. That will be rectified soon. The others I was aware of but hadn't gotten around to personally evaluating them.
I will be looking at your deck shortly.
July 29, 2014 10:45 p.m.
Ok, after looking at -MisterJ-'s deck and several others I've decided to reign back on my budget. I've found some cheap and effective cards to put in place of the money sinks I had before. Expensive things I still want are in the sideboard and will be added if I ever get my hands on them.
Now with the deck as it stands now I'm open to any suggestions on more card alternatives. I'd also appreciate tips on how you would advise playing a deck like this.
August 4, 2014 4:29 p.m.
I have a Bruna deck too: Armor is Like, Soooo Mainstream..., and budget has never been an issue. She's not really a very expensive commander (Daybreak Coronet isn't worth it), and my deck consistently either wins or loses because the table gangs up on it. The only +$10 card I think is worth it is Serra's Sanctum .
I'm liking Cephalid Constable , and the Seance combo is very nice.
Eel Umbra however, is kind of useless, replace with Alexi's Cloak ?
August 4, 2014 6:47 p.m.
I see your point but Eel Umbra is like a flash regenerate at best and +1/+1 at worst. I'm a little torn because I do like Alexi's Cloak but I can see pro's and cons for both a flash Hexproof and flash Regenerate,+1/+1
August 4, 2014 7:44 p.m.
Flash hexproof will counter any kill spell or ability, and if your creature's dying for any other reason it couldn't have been too important.
August 4, 2014 9:13 p.m.
Wrath of God or the like board wipe? I guess if that goes off I have bigger things to worry about. Alright, Alexi's Cloak is in.
-MisterJ- says... #1
I have a Bruna deck built up that I play regularly. There are some cards I would recommend you look at. Specifically Traumatize and Tunnel Vision to help mill yourself out. Grand Arbiter Augustin IV is also an excellent add, and Dovescape can help shut down the game after you get the board secured.
As far as aura's go that would be excellent additions, Eldrazi Conscription is a solid add as well as Celestial Mantle and Flickerform /Vanishing to help protect her even further from disruption.
I implore you to look at my deck, Don't Blink for some idea's on how to Voltron Bruna as quickly as possible, setting up for a guaranteed win turn 6 or 7, maybe even as early as 4 or 5 with a fantastic hand.
If you have any questions about why any cards are in my deck, please feel free to ask!
July 29, 2014 9:35 p.m.