Bruna, Light of Alabaster: The Game!
Commander / EDH*
Joshuawesome says... #2
Scepter was in for tutors, but I get your meaning. Taking it out, adding Spirit Mantle and taking out Auramancer for Celestial Mantle
June 26, 2013 12:50 a.m.
also anything that gives bruna doublestrike is pretty devastating. Protective Bubble is really sweet with bruna! Vanishing imo is too expensive to just save bruna, try something like Pemmin's Aura which gives you more utility and its just cool to make your own Morphling ! Spectral Cloak and Spectral Shield are pretty essential to protect your bruna, usually my bruna dies so quickly i cant even swing once. id imagine once you cast bruna, you either have to protect her on that same turn or give her haste somehow. trade Fountain Watch with Greater Auramancy or put them both in for maximum fun! imo celestial ancient doesn't do enough in your deck but it might be special you know? Deadeye Navigator is cute in this deck but it only serves to protect bruna i think. you're better off using an aura to do that or the Elgaud Shieldmate . upvote! please take a look at my deck as well at Jenara budget blink edh! thanks!
June 26, 2013 1:05 a.m.
Joshuawesome says... #4
Greater Auramancy
and Fountain Watch
are both in the deck already.
I'm keeping Vanishing
in as it's a 2-mana means of keeping Bruna out of trouble.
Pemmin's Aura
and Protective Bubble
go in, removing Deadeye Navigator
and False Demise
for them.
Not adding Spectral Shield
or Spectral Cloak
as shroud auras are already in and can be tutored for.
I appreciate all the suggestions 3p1cness and will check out your deck. Thanks!
June 26, 2013 1:12 a.m.
It was only a proposition to help you choose between the two deck, I didn't expect you to start over XD
I also have a Bruna EDH deck, you'll probably find a couple of key item in it that really help a good Bruna: Ridiculously Threatening Auras [Bruna EDH] . The list is a bit outdate, I'm trying to make it more competitive but here's some suggestion that really help.
Haste enabler: Hall of the Bandit Lord , Helm of Kaldra , Lightning Greaves , Swiftfoot Boots , Sword of Vengeance - Those are the ones I run, I've made a selection and you want to have Bruna online ASAP and swinging with her the second she hits the board, she's way to weak otherwise.
Protection: Treachery + Flickerform (almost perfect and infinite protection, works against all boardwipe, they have to use 2 resources to deal with it), Indestructibility , Hyena Umbra , Umbra Mystic , Diplomatic Immunity . These are the one in my deck, but like I mentioned there is tons other, but you need a way to protect her
Currently if your Bruna, Light of Alabaster get tucked (Oblation , Condemn and the likes) or that casting her is out of the question, what are your other options? Who else can take the flame of Enchantment, Kor Spiritdancer is a good option but is only 12 enough? Who else can you have? I'd run a bigger number or better way to get creature because in case your plan fail you're kinda screwed. Cards like Replenish help passing the flame along after Bruna gets killed.
Last suggestion Intuition , instant speed triple tutor for enchantment. If you cast this and manage to attack with Bruna, and it isn't game, you're doing something wrong.
People know what to expect from Bruna when they see her at the opposing end of the table, be ready to deal with all the stuck they have. I like the disruption you've put into your deck so far. Keep it up.
June 26, 2013 2:08 a.m.
NotSoLuckyLydia says... #6
I've found that the best way to win with Bruna is to cast either Intuition or Three Dreams , searching up Battle Mastery , Eldrazi Conscription , and Protective Bubble . It wins when she connects, which she will.
June 26, 2013 2:11 a.m.
Joshuawesome says... #7
MurasakiRose: Many of the cards you named are in the deck, other's I'll be implementing for sure. You asked about tucking options... I'd use Vanishing
to phase her out. I agree I need some haste, and am going to work on that also. I'm intrigued by adding Replenish
and Intuition
also. I just need to find what I wanna cut.
The_Wizard: All the cards you named are in already, 'cept Intuition
(see above) and Battle Mastery
, which I'll be making room for.
Thank you both for having a look.
June 26, 2013 2:19 a.m.
NotSoLuckyLydia says... #8
I knew they were in. Just mentioning the packages. I've actually found in my deck that most auras aren't needed, and I have cut down to like... Twelve. It's surprising how few it takes to represent lethal. A few other things to consider are Traumatize and Mirror-Mad Phantasm .
June 26, 2013 2:27 a.m.
Joshuawesome says... #9
I've been considering Traumatize , would be an awesome way to start strapping auras onto Bruna.
June 26, 2013 2:36 a.m.
Joshuawesome says... #10
Alrighty, swapped out a bunch of stuff you guys mentioned. Thanks again :)
June 26, 2013 10:24 a.m.
RobSchneider says... #11
This is a really cool build. It's like a Zur deck, but because of Bruna's effect, you get to use even cooler enchantments. You have my +1, good sir!
June 26, 2013 11:10 a.m.
Joshuawesome says... #12
Thank you for having a look RobSchneider, and thanks for the +1!
June 26, 2013 11:12 a.m.
I have a Bruna deck myself and have found Celestial Ancient to be a little too slow for my liking. I feel like I'm hard casting less enchantments than I'm just dropping onto Bruna when she swings or blocks.
I do like things that allow me to have flash like abilities as I've found it allows me to respond to instant speed removal things. Leyline of Anticipation is an example, with it out I'll wait until someone uses removal, then at instant speed play something that prevents the removal, thus causing them to essentially lose a card of theirs and save Bruna in the process.
June 26, 2013 12:13 p.m.
Joshuawesome says... #14
Thanks for having a look Punmonkey.
I can do some of that with counters. Main reason I put counterspells in there was for wipes and tucks. I agree though, Celestial Ancient
needs to go. Putting Mesa Enchantress
in for it to get more draw.
June 26, 2013 9:29 p.m.
Happy to take a look, also gave a +1 this morning (since I forgot yesterday, haha)
I do like Mesa Enchantress better than Celestial Ancient for sure.
I should mention something I've experienced that may help you is in regards to cards like Empyrial Armor and Righteous Authority , I found that often times I was dumping most of my hand on the table when Bruna would swing or block which made those two cards in particular less effective since I didn't typically have any cards left in my hand. A change I made that I've found useful is attaching different "Umbra" type Auras. This way if someone sweeps the board or directly targets her you simply lose an "Umbra" and she stays on the next time she attacks or blocks that "Umbra" gets to come back to her for free. Maybe a couple of "Umbras" could be used to replace Empyrial Armor and Righteous Authority if you so choose.
My last suggestion is possibly looking to add cards like Blue Sun's Zenith or Sphinx's Revelation if you have access to them (since the Revelation can be pretty expensive). I like these cards because I can possibly load my hand up with lots of Aura's/Enchantments to drop on Bruna when I swing next...or heck even when I block.
Best of luck with Bruna, I certainly enjoy playing her.
June 27, 2013 9:21 a.m.
Righteous Authority is better than Empyrial Armor , and IMO redundancy is not necessary in this case. Cut Empyrial Armor .
I like Scout's Warning . Lay back and wait until the end of turn 7 (sans ramp), then get a surprise swing turn 8. It's just as good as haste. Better even, because you can drop her in as a surprise blocker and get the auras triggered onto her. This card is so much better by virtue of replacing itself.
If the point of Flickerform is to protect Bruna, I like Vanishing better since you don't need the ETB trigger and it's easier to activate and provides longer-lasting protection. Honestly though, I find neither to be necessary. Cut Flickerform .
I like Auratouched Mage
. One mana more than Totem-Guide Hartebeest
, it's another tutor that gets to wear its aura. 6cmc is a crucial point in the curve, but I still find it worthwhile. Especially if you can flash in Bruna next turn.
Fool's Demise is a great enchantment for card advantage, but you'll usually have something better to do than cast it for five mana. Since we can cheat in either from the graveyard, I prefer False Demise . In my own deck I played both for redundancy for a long time, and it can be worthwhile, but I ultimately cut Fool's Demise . Replace Fool's Demise with False Demise .
Cut Azorius Signet for Kor Cartographer . It depends on the group you play with, by I tend to find signets are great early game (turn one land, Sol Ring , signet is always lovely), but are generally fragile. I'd rather just wait a couple turns and hard ramp. It'll get Hallowed Fountain . Mana Crypt and Mana Vault could be better acceleration for you, as long as you're lands are pretty heavily on color.
Cut Plains for Solemn Simulacrum . Another 4-mana hard ramper, he's good in just about every deck especially because he blocks so well and replaces himself. IMO, you have too much land in this deck, which you don't really want bogging down your hand. Especially since you have ways to filter through your deck, you can go lower on land.
Cut Island for Winding Canyons . It requires you to basically have an extra 3 open, but if you can lay back and play control for a while, it's fantastic in board-wipe heavy environments.
Well, anyhow, those are a few of my thoughts, but it depends what style you want to play Bruna. As a totally different suggestion, if you're going to play so many auras, you might want add a few self-mill cards (Dreamborn Muse , Mesmeric Orb , Mirror-Mad Phantasm . At the moment I'm doing control + tutors in my deck, so have pretty few auras. I'm finding it more fun that way. If you wanna check out my deck, it's mostly accurate, though I forgot what some of the most recent additions were -- Bruna's Blessed Beating.
3p1cness says... #1
haste haste haste haste sooo important Swiftfoot Boots Celestial Mantle is also pretty good i heard. Holy Mantle Spirit Mantle perhaps? take out Isochron Scepter and Auramancer . think about it its okay if auras are in the grave. i dont get the scepter very much. is it just for counters? you should win by turn 5-7. also add mana rocks :)
June 26, 2013 12:44 a.m.