I guess it's about time I make a kind of primer or a guide on how I play this deck and how I play Bruna as a whole. A quick background on me, I started playing magic right before BFZ came out and only played standard until the start of SOI where I switched to commander with a "Sick" Angel tribal deck. After I got board of an average CMC of 6 I began to decide what deck I wanted to make next, at the time my playgroup had no rules, no boundaries, and most importantly NO CONTROL. So I took it upon myself after seeing this to make this deck. What started with just a bunch of jank enchantments and counterspells slowly warped into what my playgroup called "Boardwipe Tribal", and as my idea of an expensive card changed I began to make this deck into my pet deck by shoving money into it.
- Can win literally out of thing air.
- Can cheat in really expensive auras from your hand, and grab them from your graveyard over and over.
-Having Vigilance built in is super helpful, meaning no one is ever going to swing at you.
-Super commander dependent, if she gets locked out you are kind of out of the game. Do not fret though, you can always put your enchantments on enemies creatures to decide who wins.
-Can be susceptible to graveyard hate, one of the main reason I don't do the self mill package with Traumatize, and Mirror-Mad Phantasm is because all it takes is a Tormod's Crypt to ruin your day.
-No one really likes playing against control, so if you don't play your politics correctly you could just become target #1.
Wins through combat damage, meaning you don't kill everyone at once so it gives people a few turns to finish you.
Win Condition
I have put them in the order that I usually tutor for them in, depending on board state and players at the table you may want to prioritize the protection that Diplomatic Immunity gives. So pretty much for a one hit all you need is 2 of the 3 from the top 3 enchantments (Assuming infect is 10).
Eldrazi Conscription- The big papa enchant, being able to cheat in an 8 mana enchantment that gives +10/+10, trample, and annihilator 2 is pretty much the most soul draining thing you can witness as you announce Bruna's power and toughness.
Battle Mastery- One of the main win-cons, wins with either Eldrazi Conscription or Corrupted Conscience.
Corrupted Conscience-Infect is pretty good when you can easily one hit people, also can be used to steal other people's creatures...with infect.
Steel of the Godhead- Gives her unblockable and lifelink, "Oh you have 400 creatures...I don't care".
Diplomatic Immunity- One of the most underrated enchantments in the deck, the amount of times people can't deal with Bruna because they can't even target her or Diplomatic Immunity is insane.
Indestructibility- Indestructible is pretty sweet, good if you need to board wipe and don't want her to die.
Utility Lands
Pretty much run all fetches I can, then I try to have as many lands as possible enter the battlefield untapped.
Boseiju, Who Shelters All- Pretty much for making sure that either your tutors or your counterspells actually resolve. If there are any other blue players at the table I would recommend trying to get this with Tolaria West if given the chance.
Serra's Sanctum- Late game powerhouse where it can produce 3-8 mana depending on when it's played and if Bruna is swinging in. Early game is weaker but I believe there are enough low cost enchants that you can get it to tap for at least one.
Cavern of Souls- Same thing as boseiju, really want it to make sure that Bruna hits the field. I have never once said anything besides Angels for this and I most likely never will.
Hall of the Bandit Lord- Gives Bruna haste, which in voltron decks is pretty sweet. Being able to swing the turn she comes in helps a ton and can help eliminate troublesome people.
Maze of Ith- Helps a TON with politics, "Oh he's gonna swing at you, I'll Maze of Ith it if you don't mess with me". Also helps protect you against a lot of damage through a game.
Azcanta, the Sunken Ruin- Used to either tap as an Island, or you can use it to go through deck and look for answers. On top of the enchantment side being good early game filter, can flip pretty fast with all the counter magic, fetches, and tutors.
Soldevi Excavations- If this land entered tapped I would never run it, but the fact that it does not and also helps if you're in a top deck mode. Being able to scry is super nice, but it does cost a total of three mana so I would only do it on someone's end step.
Tolaria West- Really only used as a tutor to find any land or Pact of Negation. Main land targets are Boseiju, Who Shelters All, Cavern of Souls, Hall of the Bandit Lord, and Tormont's Crypt if there is any kind of graveyard shenanigans happening.
Strip Mine- Used almost exclusively to blow up Maze of Ith, Gaea's Craedle, and Arcane Lighthouse
Aura Tutors
These all accomplish a similar role, which is searching for the main win condition of this deck.
Heliod's Pilgrim- Just an aura tutor
Enlightened Tutor- Can also search for a Lightning Greaves, Swiftfoot Boots, and any mana fixers that are needed. Super versatile and pretty much an auto include in any white deck.
Intuition- Grab your win con, they think they are putting it in the graveyard but it is really all illusion of choice as Bruna is gonna grab them back anyways...also instant speed.
Three Dreams- Sater than Intuition but also costs more mana, does get around graveyard hate and is just another way to grab the win cons.
Idyllic Tutor-Same as Enlightened Tutor except you can't grab artifacts, but it does go to hand which makes it nice if you need it on that turn.
Open the Armory- Grabs haste enablers or win con, pretty versatile and only costs 2 mana.
Other Tutors
Tolaria West- See Lands
Muddle the Mixture- I run 16 2 drops in this deck so what you can grab with this is what makes it so good. Anything from haste enablers, counterspells, more tutors, to most of the creatures in this deck.
Mystical Tutor- I tend to grab either Intuition, Force of Will, and Mana Drain. Being able to grab what you need at someone's end step really helps.
Merchant Scroll- Same as Mystical really used to grab a the same things.
Control (You know...the Sub-theme)
Counterspell-Classic, two mana counter anything is pretty good.
Cryptic Command- At 3U it is pretty pricey, but it is by far the most versatile counter in the game, earning it a spot on the list. Being able to tap down someone's creatures before combat, return a Maze of Ith to their hand, and or just straight up counter something it is rarely bad.
Flusterstorm- Great card really good for 1 mana, cheap protection for Bruna that is hard to counter.
Force of Will- I mean this card has won me more games than anything else besides Bruna herself. Being able to play Bruna, have no mana open, and still be able to protect her has been extremely useful. Also being able to stop someone from winning the game because they think you're tapped out is also pretty cool.
Pact of Negation- So a bit worse than force considering you can't use it before turn 5 (Most of the time), but it is really good for when you're about to win and you don't even have to make it to the next turn. You could try pairing it with Angel's Grace for a sweet combo.
Mana Drain- This card really is just meant to either cast Bruna super early, or Ugin, the Spirit Dragon. Card is good.
Render Silent- Similar to Time Stop where you can just stop someone from winning, but they can still attack and activate abilities so it is more to stop storm.
Dispel-1 Mana counter is really good for counter wars or spot removal, so it’s really good at protecting Bruna.
Mental Misstep- Free counterspell is good counterspell, better the more competitive the pod since there are more targets.
Swan Song- Helps when someone tries to counter your counter or your Bruna and you have mana open. That 2/2 bird they get does absolutely nothing and you get to let your spells resolve.
Glen Elendra Archmage- So it is a creature, but have Negate on a creature has proven very useful and I enjoy saying Glen.
Muddle the Mixture- So I guess this is also a counter, but I think I have only ever used it as one once. So for the most part you're gonna wanna use this for it's transmute purpose.
The Real Tribe
Not really gonna go into to much detail since most of them are similar.
Wrath of God, Day of Judgment, Supreme Verdict- All pretty similar, just good 4cmc board clears.
Cataclysm- Used a finisher preferably with free counter backup or cheap counters to help protect Bruna after you play her and do this.
Austere Command- Same as Cryptic Command super good in almost any situation, can blow up really whatever you want it to.
Cyclonic Rift-Yeah I mean...Yeah card's good.
Armaggedon- Drop Bruna then blow up everyone's lands and then close out he game.
Ugin, the Spirit Dragon- Pretty easily ramped out with something like Mana Drain, exiles boards or starts bolting people and creatures. The ult is pretty nice card draw as well, though it most likely won't be used to often.
Path to Exile and Swords to Plowshares are the best spot removal in white, you can also throw in Pongify and Rapid Hybridization if you want
Card Draw
Brainstorm- More of a filter, and with fetches you can really get stuff you don't need out of your hand.
Jace, the Mind Sculptor- Much better in 1v1 format, but if he stays for more than a few turns his value just goes up exponentially.
Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
- Before he flips he is a good loot effect, then on the other side he helps you flashback tutors or boardwipes.
Windfall- Good to disrupt combo players, or if your hand is empty to refill.
Teferi, Hero of Dominaria- His +1 is good card draw and it untaps a land leaving you with counterspell mana up. His -3 is great removal and his ult if you get it off ends the game over the course of a few turns.
Sensei's Divining Top- Not as much draw as it is filtering, same as with brainstorm and Jace fetches help get what you don't need out.
Rhystic Study - Potentially the highest source of card draw, the least amount of cards I have ever gotten was 3. No matter how it goes this card is bonkers no matter how annoying it is.
Greater Auromancy- Protects Bruna and her enchantments, can usually draw some kind of enchantment hate.
Lightning Greaves and Swiftfoot Boots- Haste enablers and they also give her shroud/hexproof.
Diplomatic Immunity-Untargetable Bruna, and Bruna's protection
Containment Priest- Good against graveyard shenanigans and many many other things, the only thing it negatively effects is Glen Elendra Archmage.
Grand Abolisher-Helps against people interfering with Bruna, does not stop Maze of Ith.
Grand Arbiter Augustin IV- All around a crazy card, does usually draw some aggro, but making counterspells cheaper and making Bruna cost four is worth it.
Snapcaster Mage- Variety of uses, from flashing back tutors, to counterspells and removal there are plenty of uses.
All help get Bruna out as soon as possible.
Chrome Mox
Sol Ring
Azorius Signet
Mana Crypt
Mox Diamond
Teferi's Protection- A great way to protect Bruna until your turn by having her phase out until your turn.
Mission Briefing- Very much like Snapcaster Mage except it gives you the ability to dig alittle further before casting say a tutor or counter spell.
Savor the Moment and Time Warp- Help with extra combats and turns, you can also run temporal master if you want to.
Isochron Scepter- Pretty crazy how many insane cards there are to put under this: Path to Exile, Swords to Plowshares, Mana Drain, Open the Armory, Counterspell, Pact of Negation, Swan Song, Mystical Tutor, Enlightened Tutor. Almost always have something to put under it.
Tormod's Crypt- Standard graveyard hate
Thanks for reading and taking a look at this and feel free to let me know if you have an questions. Sorry if there are any formatting or spelling/grammar errors, if you see any let me know. In the future I do plan on foiling this deck out, it is currently over half way there!