BRUTAL AGGRO for cheap! Seriously... its BRUTAL!

Standard* Brewshock


Kmodos says... #1

4X Zurgo Helmsmasher is too many because of the legendary rule. Also, where are your duals?

June 15, 2015 7:41 a.m.

Brewshock says... #2

Kmodos, 4 is there to pop another one out incase of spot removal. I suppose I could run 3 and add another Brutal Hordechief. As for the duals, I might throw 2 of each in there... im not a huge fan of having the majority of your mana base coming into play tapped. Just my opinion.

June 15, 2015 7:45 a.m.

youngben says... #3

June 15, 2015 7:48 a.m.

Kmodos says... #4

Brewshock: I used to run 4 in my build as well. Even with spot removal, it was often too many and I had one in my hand dead. I would at least trade 1 for another Brutal because IMO it's a better card overall. I would recommend throwing in at least 1 of each dual because mana screw is real in tri-color without them

June 15, 2015 7:49 a.m.

Brewshock says... #5

Kmodos Yeah, I think you are right man, I made the appropriate changes.

Also, youngben thanks for the suggestion, I added a couple of the duals in but I am trying to stay away from M15 since we are getting Origins soon. I have the majority of these cards, I just need to add a few more and I am trying to be as cheap as possible! :)

June 15, 2015 7:54 a.m.

N4pht4 says... #6

FYI (just in case you don't already know, because it's not very clear) : When origins will be out neither Theros block nor M15 will rotate. It's only when the first extension from the origins block will come out (in october) that Theros block goes out. And you'll need to wait until the second extension of the origins block (in january) to see M15 go out.

About the deck, it looks brutal. I love Zurgo Helmsmasher. Only thing, Ankle Shanker is a horrible 5 drop. I think you already noticed it but you take out Ankle Shanker, all others creatures you have are Warriors. Maybe consider replacing Ankle Shanker by Chief of the Edge ? Also, if you want another high-CMC card you could put in Obelisk of Urd. Since you control only warriors, it's highly efficient.I would also suggest to take out Crater's Claws. It's a good spell, but you won't benefit of Ferocious unless you have Zurgo Helmsmasher out. It's too conditionnal, a paying 4 mana to do 3 damage, you'd better put Lightning Strike instead (preferably Kolaghan's Command, but it's pricy).

As for Brave the Sands, is it really useful ? I wonder...

But still +1 !

June 17, 2015 6:46 a.m.

Brewshock says... #7

N4pht4 Thanks for the upvote. I agree that Ankle Shanker being the only goblin I have throws off the synergy, however I use it solely for the ability of giving everything first strike and deathtouch. The only thing that can stand up to block that would be something else with first or doublestrike. I may give the Obelisk of Urd a try though as a substitute and maybe take out the Crater's Claws and replace them with Lightning Strike or Arc Lightning.

As for the expansions... is Origins going to be a block? I thought it would be the same thing as Core set so it would only be one release, which would mean when the new Zendikar is released in October, M15 would rotate out. That was the impression I got anyway, I could be way wrong though :P

June 17, 2015 7:17 a.m.

N4pht4 says... #8

No you are right Brewshock, Origins won't be a block and can be seen as a core set. I should have said Zendikar block, not Origins block. However, since wizards is currently modifying the standard format (2 extensions per block instead of 3) the rotations will be a little strange until the Khans of Tarkir set is out. What I said is correct, and the period going from july to october will be historic, because it will be the moment when you'll have maximum available cards for standard ever.

June 17, 2015 8:26 a.m.

Brewshock says... #9

Ok, So I ended up not getting rid of the Blood-Chin Rager and instead dropped Ankle Shanker and put in Arashin Foremost and Alesha, Who Smiles at Death. I feel like that rounded out my creature curve and gave me a few more options, also gonna try to fit in a few Duress to hopefully keep some removals off my back.

June 20, 2015 9:45 a.m.

phDaemon says... #10

I recommend keeping End Hostilities in the SB. There is absolutely 0 reason why you need to be mainboarding that card. Especially in an aggro / warrior deck. Also, why aren't you playing Chief of the Edge?? You're not taking advantage of the tribality your deck has. CoD and Obelisk of Urd would both do wonders for this deck.0-Take a look at my deck that I've actually gotten pretty good results with. The Horde Smiles at death

June 20, 2015 1:48 p.m.

phDaemon says... #11

The Horde smiles at death *

Sorry, for some reason it did a relative link. :/

June 20, 2015 1:49 p.m.

Bignate92 says... #12

I see a few issues with the deck that I think if you changed them, the deck would be better. First, since you are an aggressive deck, you don't want so many enters-tapped lands. Pick up some Caves of Koilos and Battlefield Forge. They are pretty cheap right now, and the damage they deal to you won't matter much. Also, I think Duress should be in the sideboard. It can be a dead card against many decks right now, because a lot are highly creature based. Put it in the board and use the empty spot for more threats, or hard removal like Ultimate Price or Murderous Cut. Lastly, clean up the sideboard a bit if you can. Since you struggled against aggro, put in some Anger of the Gods or Drown in Sorrow, it'll kill your stuff most of the time too, so they'll just work as cheaper board wipes than End Hostilities. Also, grab a Glare of Heresy or two, it works wonders against abzan. Also, take a peek at some articles on SCG or ChannelFireball to see what kinda sideboards other Mardu decks have. Hope this can help a little, and I like the deck. Best of luck! :)

June 20, 2015 7:29 p.m.

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