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Brutal Rakdos Aggro

Pioneer* BR (Rakdos)



So this used to be my aggro deck for theros standard but i wanna rebuild it for pioneer, wondering if theres any obvious card swaps you can recommend me! This deck used to destroy and I'd love to play it again :)


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ended 2-2, went to top 8 and lost round 1.

Round 1 - mono black - 2-0 - Not the best player so this was a blowout, swarmed with creatures and beatdown for the win both games

Round 2 - devotion to golgari - 2-1 - won game 1 by swarming, lost game 2 due to not being able to get rid of lotleth and won game 3 with removal and swarming

Round 3 - mono black aggro - 1-2 - mana starved 1st game, had enough removal second game but too much mana 3rd game.

Round 4 - USA control - 0-2 - complete blowout just couldn't play anything he ended up with ultimate jace twice and beat me down with my own exava both games ¬¬

Top 8 - I ended 8th after 4 rounds

Round 1 - mono blue devotion - 1-2 - game 1 I managed to have double madcap skills on a shred freak which was too much for him to deal with, games 2 and 3 were very similar with rapid hybridization and domestication stopping me from doing anything

ended 8th overall


Date added 10 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Pioneer legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 6 Rares

12 - 2 Uncommons

16 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.11
Folders fnm
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