Unfortunately, we're losing access to Velomachus Lorehold in the rotation, which is making boros reanimator a Lot less appealing. Fortunately, with a bit of a pivot into naya, the deck should have more than enough value to survive.
Primarily, our goal is to use Invoke Justice to fish Titan of Industry out of our graveyard and build a big beefy skyscraper to beat the opponent to death with, ideally followed up by paying one red mana for Molten Monstrosity to widen our board to 3 creatures (assuming you made a rhino with the titan), 2 with trample.
Getting there is another matter entirely, but to do that we've got a good mix of removal, discard/draw, and additional threats/reanimation targets. Our board presence in the early game is going to be handled by Fleetfoot Dancer and Brutal Cathar
, giving us a hasty threat and some spot removal respectively. Don't be afraid to break out a Justice for either of these, by the way; just because they aren't the big flashy spells doesn't mean they aren't completely worthwhile reanimation targets themselves, especially Dancer.
The role of dedicated removal is being played by Strangle and Valorous Stance, the latter of which can double as protection for our reanimation targets after they hit the board. Thrill of Possibility, Fable of the Mirror-Breaker
, The Restoration of Eiganjo
, and Big Score are all high-value discard outlets that draw us cards, help ramp us into Justice, and/or are playable at instant speed. Last, but very much not least, is The Wandering Emperor, who fulfills sort of a jack-of-all-trades role here. She's great removal, can grow creatures, can fill out a board, and she herself is a completely legitimate (and often quite good) reanimation target.
Our sideboard is full of situation-specific removal and boardwipes, mostly aimed at controlling enchantments and preventing wide token boards from taking over the game -- though don't forget the two-of Unlicensed Hearse. That card will absolutely save your ass if you end up staring down a mirror match.
As always suggestions are appreciated, thank you!