
Sorcery (4)


Trying to build a zombie deck for the Gameday, hopping to get top the top 8 (at least).First thing : I love creatures. 26 in the decks, + token zombies.. gotta love creatures. I'd like to keep it that way.

My goal here with this deck, is to fill the board with my zombies, then attack. Stitched Mangler helps me clearing the way, as well as Compelling Deterrence .

Forgotten Creation is here to make me discard, either for From Under the Floorboards madness cost, or even to put zombies in the graveyard to enventually bring in Diregraf Colossus with as much +1/+1 counters as possible.Geralf's Masterpiece mainly to get a big flyer, and to bring him back on the battlefield by discarding (triggering previously mentioned effects). Also, by coming back on the battlefield, he brings back Prized Amalgams from the graveyard with him. Relentless Dead also bring zombies back, again to trigger Prized Amalgam and simply because it is good. Moreover with the comeback from the graveyard : Stitchwing Skaab, which is another flyer and makes us discard to. Finally, Risen Executioner pumps our zombies and can come back from the graveryard also.. that's the spirit of a zombie deck !

Nantuko Husk to put zombies in the graveyard by pumping him. Simple as that.

Also, each time a creature is sacrificed or dies, Liliana, Heretical Healer   flips (and puts another zombie token on the battlefield, yeah ! ). Her +2 will help us discard if we need to, while -X is great to bring EVEN MORE zombies from the graveyard to the battlefield. And well, if you can get her emblem.. why not ! haha

And last creature but not the least, Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet because.. because Kalitas ! Lifelink is good, and zombie tokens ! Also it exiles card of the opponent, preveting the delirium a bit. Oh and also, he pumps himself pretty easily, you'll just have to sacrifice a zombie (zombie in this deck?!?) :D

As for the non-creature spells, To the Slaughter because it is always fun to make the opponent sacrifice a creature, clearing our way to victory. Sinister Concoction is good to : you discard, put a card from your library to your graveyard, pay one little life, and boom destroy a creature. Sure, the opponent will see it coming, but hey, we're playing black here, wasn't it already obvious ? Gisa's Bidding should be cast for its madness cost (should be easy by discarding all the time) ! And brings zombies again to the battlefield.

As for the sideboard, I haven't really thought about it much yet, and I don't really know what would be good in the meta right now. There are 4 Shamble Backthat take away creatures from the opponent's graveyard and brings zombie, and makes you gain life.

I'm really opened to propositions, this is just a test, but I really enjoy the feel of it. Thank you ! :)


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

20 - 0 Rares

8 - 0 Uncommons

6 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.08
Tokens Emblem Liliana, Defiant Necromancer, Zombie 2/2 B
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