B/U Tribal Zombie Swarm

Modern* AgentRourke


Ty-Indigo says... #1

drop white, dont need it, run thoughtseize to minimize the amount of stuff they are counterspelling, drop the artifacts, they are useless to you, more endless ranks they are good for this type of build. drop the rises too.

March 9, 2016 12:40 a.m.

AgentRourke says... #2

What do you guys think of splashing blue in this deck?

May 5, 2016 5:37 p.m.

lagotripha says... #3

Blue splash is fine, but I'd love to see some card draw- something like Mikokoro, Center of the Sea or some Tidings to make that rooftop storm big.

June 20, 2016 3:03 p.m.

AgentRourke says... #4

I agree! Also, I've been looking into some artifact/enchantment removal for this deck, but B/U seems to be limiting my options. Played a lantern control, and it didn't end well for me XD

June 20, 2016 3:14 p.m.

lagotripha says... #5

Artifact and enchantment removal is a little tricky, especially on a budget, but Ratchet Bomb works wonders and also deals with tokens, as does Engineered Explosives(abeit in a more expensive fashion) against most threats. some sideboarded counterspells and Duress are probably your best bet though, and will help with the combo matchup too. Pithing Needle is it's usual, excellent self.

June 21, 2016 3:53 a.m.

Ghomrag says... #6

Hey man so for this deck my recommendation would be switch all Lord of the Undead to Diregraf Captain since it is a much better creature. Then to make up for the loss of the recursion ability run a playset of Unholy Grotto. It will be more resilient to removal since its a land and the ability is cheaper. I think Grave Titan could go and be replaced with Grimgrin, Corpse-Born. With good token generation he can be super powerful. Or even playing Gravecrawler a lot. Altar's Reap is better card draw for this deck in my opinion because I think Tidings isn't efficient enough. Dread Slaver is not very good because while his ability is cool, no one is going to block it and you have no way of forcing blocks so it can have better cards in its slot. One card that I think could be good is Cemetery Reaper. It buffs other zombies and it has a really nice effect you can dump mana into for tokens. Another thing is with the enchantments. I think you need to be a bit more focused. Like don't have 3 one-ofs. I would say do like 2 or 3 Rooftop Storms or Grave Pact. I think the weakest enchantment is Call to the Grave and you might not need 4 Endless Ranks of the Dead. Lastly some other cards I have seen that you could use are Undead Alchemist which would be better if you run Grave Pact and more sac outlets or the card Vengeful Pharaoh.

June 26, 2016 1:44 a.m.

lagotripha says... #7

heads up, unholy grotto isn't modern legal last time I checked? anyways, technically, it would be best with 4 diregraf 4 lord of the undead and a swarm of gravecrawlers, with cemetary reapers and a bunch of 1 drops, but thats not as fun as tidings/concentrate with a rooftop storm out, especially if your opponent is playing boardwipes. Focussing enchantments rather than playing one ofs is great for competitive play, but playing casually decks are a lot more fun with a wide spread of options, especially if you have the tutors, and can survive a lot more relaxed mana costs. Its your call.

June 26, 2016 4:02 a.m.

lagotripha says... #8

heads up, unholy grotto isn't modern legal last time I checked? anyways, technically, it would be best with 4 diregraf 4 lord of the undead and a swarm of gravecrawlers, with cemetary reapers and a bunch of 1 drops, but thats not as fun as tidings/concentrate with a rooftop storm out, especially if your opponent is playing boardwipes. Focussing enchantments rather than playing one ofs is great for competitive play, but playing casually decks are a lot more fun with a wide spread of options, especially if you have the tutors, and can survive a lot more relaxed mana costs. Its your call.

June 26, 2016 4:02 a.m.

Ghomrag says... #9

Oh ya thanks for pointing out grotto isnt legal in modern. It was really late when I was typing that up and forgot to check legality. You can still play casually but focus enchantments. The Rooftop Storms and Tidings interaction is great so just having more copies of those in the deck could make it fun. I get that the deck has tutors but they are such high costs it would take multiple turns to get it going. But I mean that's just how I would build a deck. This is my friends deck and he asked me to take a look at it so I did and tried looking up cards and suggesting different things. I typically try to play more competitively so it's just my first reaction is to try to focus a deck a bit more.

June 26, 2016 12:05 p.m.

AgentRourke says... #10

While Cemetery Reaper is a cool card, his ability is expensive just for one toke, and I think I'd rather play more Diregraf Captain instead of Cemetery Reaper. Also, question, when Undead Alchemist ability activates, is that putting token creatures under my control or the opponents? And probably the direction that I'm leaning towards is not quite so many one-drops, but more drawing a lot of cards and playing them for free with Rooftop Storm.

June 26, 2016 12:33 p.m.

Ghomrag says... #11

You would get the tokens from Undead Alchemist

June 26, 2016 12:41 p.m.

Akujiki says... #12

I think you might consider Cryptbreaker from the new set, it will offer card draw with all your zombies plus it's a nice one drop

July 18, 2016 10:55 a.m.

AgentRourke says... #13

I agree. I've also been thinking about the new Liliana, the Last Hope in place of Grave Titan & Unbreathing Horde, for the ability to delay the game (Most of the time works in my favor) as well as add the ability to cast from the graveyard, as opposed to just bouncing cards from grave to hand. Example being Lord of the Undead's ability.

July 18, 2016 11:10 a.m.

AgentRourke says... #14

Oh, derp. Lilianas ability doesnt work that way

July 18, 2016 11:11 a.m.

AgentRourke says... #15

Gisa and Geralf was the card that I was thinking of that allows the ability to cast from the graveyard, although Liliana does have great abilities that would help this deck significantly, such as delaying the game until I can cast her emblem ability & bring out larger cards in my deck, such as Grimgrin & Undead Warchief

July 18, 2016 11:26 a.m.

Akujiki says... #16

If you have ways to protect Liliana, the Last Hope the ultimate is bonkers for you and will most certainly leads to a win, I think the only downside to Gisa and Geralf is that there aren't zombies but that doesn't really matter. Also i forgot about it but Graf Harvest can give your zombies Menace could be interesting sideboard option maybe.

July 21, 2016 6:20 p.m.

AgentRourke says... #17

I think that Gisa and Geralf's ability is just too good to pass up, even though they aren't zombies (although it is a massive dissapointment). I like the idea of Graf Harvest, the one-drop zombies have menace, although I won't be using its mana ability much. Thanks for the recommend! Also, thoughts about swapping the 2 Grave Pact with Liliana, the Last Hope?

July 21, 2016 6:55 p.m.

Akujiki says... #18

I don't know Grave Pact seems good with your grimgrin and gravecrawler combo. Maybe Unbreathing Horde 3 drop for a 3 drop? Oh i know it's not cheap but maybe you can use a Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, also Gray Merchant of Asphodel for value ?

July 22, 2016 10:16 a.m.

AgentRourke says... #19

I hadn't thought of that... Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx is a really good land, and though it is $7 a piece, I think that it is worth putting in. I don't know if Gray Merchant of Asphodel really fits into my main, but I think that it is a good sideboard option. Thanks Akujiki!

July 22, 2016 10:45 a.m.

Akujiki says... #20

No problem always a pleasure to help.

July 22, 2016 11:52 a.m.

Akujiki says... #21

Hello again i don't know if you need those effect but Mikaeus, the Unhallowed, Havengul Lich, Sidisi, Undead Vizier, Forgotten Creation are good zombies overall.

July 24, 2016 2:04 a.m.

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