Card Rundown:LandMountain: Because they are mountains. swamps: Because they are swamps.Smoldering Marsh: I feel this is a reasonably price duel-land and a good choice for turn 3 play.Blood Crypt: This card is great if you can fetch it out on turn 1.Bloodstained Mire: If this card is in your opening hand, fetch Blood Crypt, and/or Smoldering Marsh on turn 3.CreaturesZulaport Cutthroat: An excellent chump blocker with the added effect of life gain, and a point of damage dealt to your opponent. Monastery Swiftspear: This card is a key player in this deck. On turn 1, fetch Blood Crypt, tap for Monastery Swiftspear, deal a point of damage; turn 2, cast
Titan's Strength
and either Lightning Bolt or
Flame Slash
, attack with Monastery Swiftspear for 6 points of damage, plus you can scry.
Spike Jester
: I love this 2 drop Goblin. He is fast and deals 3 points of damage. As long as you control your opponent's creature count, he is a beast, especially with
Titan's Strength
.Night Market Lookout: This card is a 1 drop and can potentially deal 2 points of damage, while giving you a point of life. I attack every turn with this creature whether it goes to the graveyard or not.
Ashenmoor Liege
: I have to admit, I am a little on the fence, in regards to this card. However, this card has saved my ass on more than one occasion in the late game. It is fairly easy to get this guy out and if your opponent tries to remove him he still does 4 damage.
Rakdos Cackler
: This little devil is a great 1 drop, but never let him go without being unleashed. Non-Creature Spells
Titan's Strength
: This is another key card for this deck. Boosting your creatures in critical moments or just dealing an extra 3 damage too your opponent or blocking a creature with initially greater power and toughness. In addition, you can Scry 1, which might come in handy if you are top decking land after land.Terminate: This card is pretty straight forward and should only be used for creatures out of bolt range.
Flame Slash
: I love this card, even if it is just a sorcery. It is a 1 drop that deals 4 damage and most likely will be an important card early in the game. It also can free up your Lightning Bolt if you need to make quick work of your opponent mid-game.Lightning Bolt:Because...Lightning Bolt!!!Dreadbore: Everyone knows you will most likely encounter a planeswalker or two, which could potentially ruin your day and lead to bad life decisions. Dreadbore will save you and if in the highly improbable scenario your opponent has no planeswalker, not causing your significant other to leave you, just destroy a creature out of bolt range and make love to your wife and/or girlfriend (you see what I did there), because a planeswalker is in your near future.Others
Chandra, the Firebrand
: Should I keep her or not. Maybe I should trade her in for a new model, I don't know, maybe I am just settling.Elixir of Immortality: You must absolutely have this card in this deck. I remind you; this card must be in this deck.Ok, this deck my look like three day old raccoon roadkill, but it is effective and works well against most decks. The key is too not pilot this deck like a burn deck or even a RDW deck. This is more of a control deck with some life gain options. Keep your opponent's creatures off the board and attack with yours every turn using
Titan's Strength
to increase damage and don't worry about Blood Moon or other overpowered enchantments, this deck is unaffected by such things. Are Eldrazi making you want too lose your shit, they make me everytime. This deck can safely remove them no matter the size and allow you to crush your enemy and we all know women generally fall for a conqueror (seriously thoughout history women generally marry and start families with the men of a conquering army) what was I rambling about. Oh yea, I hate Eldrazi. Yea, I know that last sentence was not PC. In conclusion, give this deck a chance. When designing it I pulled some old college textbooks out on statistics and used statistical principles like hyper-geometric distribution and Nash's equation. I am currently working on a sideboard amd plan on adding cards like
Burn from Within
and Vandalblast to deal with typical artifact decks and indestructible creatures. Comment, criticize, or make suggestions.