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Budget Belcher (Turn 1 Win!) (Suggestions Wanted)

Legacy* Combo Competitive RG (Gruul)




Instant (1)

Sorcery (1)

Zero Mana

  • Lotus Petal: This serves as a great way to kick off the deck and is relatively inexpensive.
  • Simian Spirit Guide: This doesn't increase my storm count, but it can't be countered, so it can surprise my opponent and force the last mana through.
  • Elvish Spirit Guide: Serves the same purpose as the Simian Spirit Guide.
  • Land Grant : I will almost always be able to play this for free, granting me a Stomping Ground and decreasing the chance that there will be a land in the top ten cards of my deck.

One Mana

  • Rite of Flame : Can produce the mana needed to curve into my larger rituals, and increases in power the more of them you have in your hand.
  • Tinder Wall : Also curves perfectly into larger rituals, and can be used as a blocker against Goblin Lackey and others.

Two Mana

  • Pyretic Ritual: Add one to my mana pool and increases my storm count.
  • Desperate Ritual: Another spell that increases in effectiveness the more you have in your hand.

Three+ Mana

  • Seething Song: The only ritual that will always add two to my mana pool.
  • Reforge the Soul: If I don't have a win condition in my opening hand I can ramp up to and then play this to reset. I may even carry some mana over.

  • Street Wraith: If I can manage a first or second turn win, paying two life isn't much of a drawback. This and the other cantrips decrease the effective number of cards in my deck to 48.
  • Gitaxian Probe : Has the same effect as Street Wraith, while allowing me to look at my opponent's hand and check for any nasty surprises like Force of Will, at the same time as raising my storm count.
  • Manamorphose: Allows me to fix my mana and draw a card. This vital in raising my storm count or casting Channel the Suns .

  • Goblin Charbelcher : Since this deck only runs two lands, both of which are mountains, this almost always will deal upwards of 40 damage to my opponent. I can play this card and win on turn one if I start with it in my opening hand.
  • Empty the Warrens: With the eight storm raising cantrips in this deck and my ability to lay out my whole hand, I can play this card for between 12 and 20 Goblins on turn 1. This quickly facilitates a win. As a bonus, this card is nearly impossible to effectively counter.


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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #42 position overall 10 years ago
Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 3 Rares

16 - 9 Uncommons

36 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.49
Tokens Goblin 1/1 R
Folders Gimmick Decks, Interesting Decks, turn 1 win, Boss Decks, Legacy Favourites, Other, Wombo combo, lgc, Storm Decks, Neat stuff.
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