I appreciate the detailed comment.
Myth realized is an experiment that I desperately hope will work. Right now with 28 non creature spells in the deck I have no problem getting 4-6 counters on it by the time I want to start swinging with it.
Kitchen finks have done nothing but be great in this deck since I put them in. I have a pretty painful mana base, and I don't have great game 1 match ups against aggro decks. Kitchen finks helps both of those weaknesses a lot.
Tide hollow sculler often feels like my weakest card. Best case scenario though he takes a card that throws them off their tempo, and then he eats a removal spell. That is good value. However if I do start to see him not really make an impact I will most likely drop him for more discard spells.
I don't like Olivia over falkenrath for the sole reason that she cost 6 mana to dodge a bolt, while falkenrath costs 4 and a creature to dodge pretty much everything but path to exile.
And lastly I think I will end up removing vault of the archangel, I've used it maybe once in my games.
Again I really appreciate you taking the time to give me a very insightful detailed comment.
qabado3 says... #1
I see you are trying to use the myth realized, which is awesome, so with that in mind lets keep creatures to a low and removal to a high. Since there is no green in the deck, having to hit double white to play Kitchen Finks may come into an issue at times. Although it is indeed a fantastic card im not sure it quite fits in the deck. Tidehollow Sculler is also good, however it can be replaced with more hand hate. Two more Inquisition of Kozilek can help deal with the early threats and adding two more Thoughtseize is just a good choice in general. I would aslo go to four copies of Terminate since it deals with basically everything. I would also consider boarding in two copies of Lightning Helix since it does provide some life gain with removal cheaply. Olivia Voldaren is a card thats been seen in jund midrange decks and also wouldn't be a bad option here. It's been able to lock out your opponent since you can keep stealing their creatures, or pinging their weenies and make her huge. This would replace the Falkenrath Aristocrat since it is a better late game value card. The Vault of the Archangel I think is a bit unneccessary since you could easily do better with the four mana. If you want more card advantage, then adding some Phyrexian Arena may not be a bad option, especially if you board in the lightning helixes witht the sorin +1.
To Keep it slim, this is what I think you should edit+2 Thoughtseize+2 Inquisition of Kozilek+3 Lightning Helix+2 Olivia Voldaren+1 Terminate
-3 Tidehollow Sculler-2 Kitchen Finks-2 Duress-1 Vault of the Archangel-2 Falkenrath Aristocrat
April 13, 2015 12:48 a.m.