Budget Elves of Eldraine

Standard* multimedia


djnewellmit says... #22

Love this deck! I combined the spells from this deck with the mana base from your Energy Elves as I already had them. While Smuggler's Copter and the Verdurous Gearhulk are nice cards, I really like the combo of Cultivator of Blades + Stoneforge Masterwork . The fabricate ability with the Cultivator was very handy in getting just wide enough to beat down on other aggro/horde decks at FNM.

This deck was very fun to play, and still pretty competitve against some of the Standard staples. I managed 2-2 on the night, and usually had a few spectators curiously watching me combo off with Rashmi, Eternities Crafter + Skyrider Elf into a Cultivator of Blades or Peema Outrider.

I stumbled across a very useful trick tonight: since the Skyrider Elf uses in the casting cost, you can pay beyond what you might need to max out the Converge at 5 colors. For example, if you cast the Skyrider for ( with a CMC of 6), you will trigger Rashmi's ability to cast any card remaining in the deck, and you still get your 5/5 flying elf. On the flipside, the Skyrider is ineffective to combo into (reveal with Rashmi) as you don't get to spend any mana, but at least it comes to your hand.

December 2, 2016 10:42 p.m.

multimedia says... #23

djnewellmit, wow I've completely stopped playing Standard and this deck and Energy Elves instead playing Commander, Goddess of Etherium (Budget) until Aether Revolt. Once Revolt spoilers start to reveal Elves I will return to Energy Elves. I so hope that Rashmi, Eternities Crafter gets some much needed Elf support in Revolt. I'm a huge fan, but she lacks support right now to build around.

It's great you're having fun and success with this deck and Elves! The Skyrider Elf trick with Rashmi is very clever, good job. I hadn't thought of it. I'm such a fan of Skyrider and this just adds even more to it's awesomeness.

December 16, 2016 6:33 a.m.

multimedia How do you change the background, text, and top header like it is in this? Could you direct me to a guide?

June 21, 2017 6:31 p.m.

multimedia says... #25

ACDAMAN, there isn't a specific guide I can give you to make these changes to the page layout. You need to know how to write and change CSS as well as HTML.

To give you a beginning introduction to using CSS and how you can use it to customize page layout go here, User Page Beginner. This is step by step tutorial of how to customize parts of a deck page with CSS.

June 22, 2017 12:38 a.m. Edited.

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