
Utilising Gifts Ungiven and the Tron mana base but on a BUDGET!

Before going in to how the deck works, I'll point you too the primer ( for Gifts Tron which will explain everything better than me!

With that resource under your belt this deck makes a lot more sense. The basic premise is using the official ruling for Gifts Ungiven to force two cards in to your graveyard. For those who don't know, Gifts lets you choose four unique cards from your library and your opponent selects two for your hand and two for your graveyard. HOWEVER, if you select only two cards, they MUST go to your graveyard.

This leads us to Unburial Rites and any of our single choice top hitting creatures Iona, Shield of Emeria > Emrakul, the Promised End > Platinum Emperion = Void Winnower.

Unburial Rites allows you to cheat a creature onto the battlefield from your graveyard using it flashback ability at the low low price of 3. This compared to the 8-13 CMC of our above heavy hitters.

Iona, Shield of Emeria is our go to gal as she provides blanket ban on the colour of our choice for the opponent. Typically shutting down 50-75% of our opponents deck. Emrakul, the Promised End gives us pseudo mind-slaver on a flying beat stick that is immune to instants, whilst Platinum Emperion plays the long game and Void Winnower shuts down all even numbered CMC spells our opponent controls.

The beauty of Gifts Tron is that you don't have to get this to work. You still have your regular tron ramp to put these creatures out as needed. This budget deck emphasises that a lot. You still keep a hold on your coloured mana though with Azorius Signet and the ever lovely Gemstone Mine.

Traditional Gifts Tron will have Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite in it who is greeeaaaaaat. BUT at the time of building this deck she was out of budget (affordable now due to iconic masters reprint) but even then she requires 5 and we already have Iona costing 6.

With Emrakul, Plat Emperion and Winnower, we have 3 good hitters that run independent of coloured mana and can ramp purely off tron. Should be noted that Emrakul, the Aeons Torn is generally run rather than Promised End, but on a budget, Emrakul, the Promised End does just fine.

The majority of the rest of the deck runs board wipes like Wrath of God and Supreme Verdict to keep ourselves in the clear as well as a general suite of counter spells to put key elements of combo-decks to bed and delay important cards from making an appearance. Path to exile also helps deal with point by point creatures that will be problematic.

Important Differences to Traditional Gifts

Beyond the above there are a couple of notable exceptions in this deck that would generally be in Gifts Tron.

The first is no Celestial Colonnade, the primary reason for this being budget. That said, it would also come at the expense of other lands like Hallowed Fountain and Seachrome Coast which have flexibility about coming in tapped or not. Undoubtedly, if you could afford it, Colonnade would improve this deck though, giving more threats on the board or blockers as needed.

The second is the running of two Unburial Rites. Traditionally only one is run, and I just feel like that relies too much on perfect play. Having two not only means you can pull this trick twice, but it also give you redundancy should your first attempt to go off be rebuffed by a counter spell or even graveyard shenanigans.

The third is linked to the second. Gemstone Mine. Not only do these give you UW mana as needed BUT they also give you the option to play Unburial Rites from your hand. Have you got Iona in the graveyard through being milled and drawn in to Unburial Rites? Then with Gemstone Mine you can still play it without needing to first deposit it into your graveyard. I personally favour this tactical flexibility over single route application.

This deck isn't the budgetest budget deck you've ever seen, but it still saves you a pretty penny over traditional Gifts Tron and remains competitive.

Please upvote if you enjoyed my rambling and the deck :)


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94% Competitive

Date added 7 years
Last updated 4 months

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 1 Mythic Rares

15 - 2 Rares

27 - 7 Uncommons

10 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.22
Tokens Emblem Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Soldier 1/1 W
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