Originally this started out as a Bloom Tender + Freed from the Real
deck featuring Temur Ascendency until I realized that Bloom Tender is worth way too fucking much. So I went with the next best thing for multiple mana of any colour, using Voyaging Satyr or Arbor Elf to untap a forest with a bunch of Utopia Sprawl and Fertile Ground. You can either go infinite Freed from the Real or Staff of Domination although the latter requires you to generate 5 mana with 1 creature. But the staff also lets you draw any number of cards as long as you have mana, so there is dual use for it.

In the best case scenario you can go infinite as early as turn 2:
On your 1st turn play a forest and Arbor Elf, 2nd turn play another forest and attach Utopia Sprawl on the untapped forest calling blue, then tap it twice using your elf to attach Freed from the Real on that same elf and still have 1 blue to untap it. Now you have infinite green mana and infinite any colour once you get a Fertile Ground.
From then on you just play a bunch of etb draws or draw with Staff of Domination until you find Banefire, Exsanguinate or whatever x mana spell you prefer as your wincon. And even if you fizzle chances are high you stil have a bunch of big green creatures on board.

You'll obviously not win any tournaments with this, especially with the low land count I run, but it's a fun deck and it's cheap. Sarkhan Unbroken can propably be left out, but I have one so I included him. Instead of Tezzeret the Seaker, you can also run Fabricate to fetch for your stuff, but it's one mana more. If you have some Bloom Tender's lying around, you can obviously include them.
I'm still messing around with ratios and cards from the maybe board but it's kinda consistent as it is, so I figured I just post it now.
If you have any suggestions please leave them below.