Abzan Elves!

Modern Omnath9


AtraxaEDH says... #1

I love elves. They are the perfect deck to start with in modern as it can be pretty budget or it can be improved to be a deck that can win pro tour qualifiers and such if played right. I like this deck a lot, I think many elf decks play chord of calling instead of lead the stampede main-deck and I think that is a huge mistake on their part. You do a great job of building an explosive elf deck that will probably crush their opponent super fast game one and you also do a great job of having a sideboard that totally transforms the deck for game 2, making it a more controlling deck and letting it grind out that second win with the help of extra chord of callings and other sideboard cards. However the mana-base really needs to be improved on (Llanowar Wastes, really??). I get that Cavern of Souls and Gilt-Leaf Palace may be a bit expensive but they really are must haves in an elf deck with shaman of the pack. My advice would be to either make it a budget mono-green elf deck or go all in on it and have a tournament quality abzan elf deck.

August 17, 2017 9:58 a.m.

landofMordor says... #2

Love this deck idea, friend! I think the mainboard is solid -- and I love how your sideboard has a Chord tutor package for random hatebears. However, I would still cut Thrag/Selfless/Spellskite in favor of Heroic Intervention, which does the same things as the others, but in green. I don't have much experience with Elfball, so the most I can do now is give a well-deserved upvote!

August 17, 2017 10:38 a.m.

Oloro_Magic says... #3

Honestly, I have always been more of a fan of the flicker variant of elves in legacy which uses Wirewood Symbiote and Quirion Ranger, but Ezuri, Renegade Leader is hard to ignore. Since you are goinf for the more stompy version of elves have you considered Craterhoof Behemoth and/or Joraga Warcaller, to this day those are my favorite way to win with elves. The mainboard looks pretty solid, I would personally only run two Ezuri, Renegade Leader due to the legend rule but three works, and I would cut Pendelhaven all together. Pendelhaven is a great card but with elfball you will always be playing Elvish Archdruid hopefully and that just shuts off Pendelhaven, I would also cut the white you have altogether as you don't need it, the sideboard looks like it needs some work so if you give me an idea of what your meta is I can help there as the side seems a bit all over the place. Heroic Intervention was mentioned earlier and I agree it is a card you should consider.

Finally, I am just curious how 18 lands is working for you, generally with elfball I aim for 16 so I'm just wondering how the two extra affect the deck for you?

August 17, 2017 11:28 a.m. Edited.

usaDiabetic says... #4

I would have to agree that Craterhoof Behemoth should get a look

August 17, 2017 11:34 a.m.

Omnath9 says... #5

Oloro_Magic, usaDiabetic, and landofMordor

Thanks so much for the feedback, I highly appreciate it!

I used to have Joraga Warcaller in the deck but after thinking about it, I realized if I'm kicking him once I'm better off playing Elvish Archdruid and getting a mana-generating elf also, kicked for two he is ok and kicked for three, I am better off playing Ezuri, Renegade Leader and activating his ability and giving my creatures trample for one extra mana. I initially considered Craterhoof Behemoth but I figured that I would probably be tapping out a lot of my creatures to play him anyway but I will certainly give Craterhoof Behemoth a chance. I agree that 2 copies of Ezuri, Renegade Leader might be a lot considering he is legendary, I used to have 4 copies of him and had some problems where I got stuck with two of him but I lowered it down to 3 and havn't had too many more problems. Typically when I am stuck with 2 Ezuri, Renegade Leader, unless I have close to no other elves, or for some reason very little mana (although his regenerate ability really helps with chump blocks if you are stuck in a bad situation), then having 2 Ezuri, Renegade Leader is not too too bad since he is the main win condition and if you have him out you have a good shot of winning the next turn.

I agree that Heroic Intervention would be good but the thing is that I typically side in 2 Chord of Calling to search up the other cards I side-boarded in. Selfless Spirit is good because if I have a Chord of Calling in my hand then I can keep 5 mana up for an instant speed save from a board sweeper. By having 1 Selfless Spirit instead of 3 or so Heroic Intervention then I can almost be just as protected from sweepers while only having one slot in my sideboard taken up by an anti-sweeper card.

18 lands are working fine, sometimes I do get a bit mana-flooded, 18 lands is pretty typical of a modern elf deck from what I have seen but maybe not in legacy? Would you reccommend trying to drop 2 lands, and if so what do you think I should add?

Why not run Pendelhaven though? Sure it isn't useful most of the time, but isn't the few times it is worth having 1 of the legendary land in the deck. Or is the threat of Blood Moon just not worth it?

I think cutting white completely is probably something I should do, Kataki, War's Wage is just so good against Affinity though with Chord of Calling, what could I replace it with? I agree my sideboard needs a bit of help, I do want to keep the Chord of Calling with hate-creatures theme in the sideboard because I think it works really well and is a less expected way for me to sideboard. My meta consists of mainly Affinity, Infect, Naya Burn, Dredge, Jund and 8-Rack, but I don't want to restrict my sideboard to be soley against those, I want to make sure my sideboard can handle other powerful modern decks too. What suggestions do you have for my sideboard? What should defenitely stay in? What really needs to come out? What cards would you reccommend for it in place of Kataki, War's Wage and Selfless Spirit keeping in mind that I have the 2 Chord of Calling in there?

August 17, 2017 12:39 p.m.

Oloro_Magic says... #6

Elfball is generally quick enough to kinds dodge Blood Moon seeing how your elves make the mana you need, ad ideally you aren't playing many lands anyway so if I had Blood Moon in the side I probably wouldn't side it in unless I am really scared of Shaman of the Pack for some reason, and even then it isn't a permanent fix. Drop Kataki, War's Wage for another Reclamation Sage and then Heroic Intervention is the only good replacement to Selfless Spirit nut if you are only ever going to cheat it out I guess it could stay though it seems like a bad idea considering you shouldn't be playing white mana. You have other cards like Thragtusk, Chameleon Colossus, and Melira, Sylvok Outcast (unless you actually still have to face infect) that aren't really needed in the sideboard that could clear up some space for the Heroic Intervention.

August 17, 2017 12:54 p.m.

Omnath9 says... #7

Oloro_Magic I have had problems with infect in the past, when I try to race it, then it is always just barely 1 turn faster than me and since I have basically no removal, if it has any creature with evasion (Inkmoth Nexus or Blighted Agent) then I am almost forced to race it. Thragtusk has helped in the past against removal heavy decks and helped me pull through to victory on a top deck or just saved me with the life-gain a really surprising amount of times, Chameleon Colossus is another anti-removal card, but I agree that both of them could always be taken out for something better. I'll try out Heroic Intervention in place of them and Selfless Spirit and see how it goes.

What do you think of possibly adding Devoted Druid for the infinite combo with 2 of them and Ezuri, Renegade Leader or the infinite combo with Melira, Sylvok Outcast?

August 17, 2017 1:20 p.m.

Oloro_Magic says... #8

I like the infinite mana combo but if you did it I think you would want to reconsider Joraga Warcaller, as you can't always count on having Ezuri.

August 17, 2017 2 p.m.

Can't really help that much here. I'm currently planning on some casual budget elfball that uses a combination of Abundance and Zendikar Resurgent to go nuts. Also, Elvish Promenade is pretty powerful.

August 17, 2017 2:01 p.m.

Omnath9 says... #10

Oloro_Magic I'll definitely reconsider Joraga Warcaller. Do you think the infinite combo is good enough to warrant 4 Devoted Druid and putting the 2 Melira, Sylvok Outcast maindeck. If so what do you think I should take out for them?

seshiro_of_the_orochi They all look like really fun cards and the casual deck you describes sounds really fun, I just don't think that they are fast enough to go in the deck. I appreciate your input though!

August 17, 2017 2:20 p.m.

Oloro_Magic says... #11

The Devoted Druid combo is definitely good enough to play maindeck, in fact it sees play in modern. If you were to do this I would cut the Shaman of the Pack and a couple Dwynen's Elite, I think that deck only really needs green and maybe white for Vizier of Remedies. The more important thing is having something to do with the mana.

August 17, 2017 2:30 p.m.

Atroxreaper says... #12

Solemnity would handle infect nicely can cheat the mana with Birchlore Rangers if it's still modern legal.

August 17, 2017 2:41 p.m.

Omnath9 says... #13

Oloro_Magic Yeah turns out Devoted Druid doesn't work with Melira, Sylvok Outcast so I would have to splash white for Vizier of Remedies which would make it Abzan Elves once again which wouldn't really ideal. I also worry that the combo would just simply be too slow and screw with the deck's explosiveness and make the deck worse. I'll certainly at least try out the combo though, see how it does.

August 17, 2017 2:49 p.m.

Omnath9 says... #14

Atroxreaper Wow Solemnity is just game over for infect. I'll definitely consider it for my sideboard, the only problem is I can't cheat it with Chord of Calling which is the whole gimmick of my sideboard. Unfortunately, Birchlore Rangers are not modern legal.

August 17, 2017 2:55 p.m.

Atroxreaper says... #15

Yea figured they rotated I use to play elves a lot but I play standard now days.

August 17, 2017 3:12 p.m.

rothgar13 says... #16

I tested Nykthos out for a while, and I found it to be a bit win-more. Ditto for Abbey. I would cut them and add more Thickets, so that you can splash more cards in like Rest in Peace or Stony Silence. I'd also recommend Stain the Mind in your sideboard, since it's a reliable way for Elves to beat sweepers.

August 17, 2017 4:50 p.m.

NV_1980 says... #17

I'd put the Razorverge Thicket in your sideboard and instead use an additional land that can produce both green and black mana.

August 17, 2017 6:58 p.m.

Mandalorian says... #18

List seems pretty stock for G/B Elves. I would work towards Cavern of Souls when you can. Unlike some other tribal decks in Modern like Fish and Eldrazi, this decks folds very easily to Chalice of the Void on 1. Having Cavern can fight through that. Either that or find room for a mainboard Rec Sage.

Is Thragdaddy for Burn? Essence Warden and Kor Firewalker are better for those purposes. Since you are running a heavy Lead the Stampede version, I dont think you should have SB slots for more Chords and silver bullets. You either have Chords in the main and the silver bullets in the SB or you play Lead the Stampede and play little to no silver bullets. With Lead the Stampede in the main the SB should instead consist of multiple copies of Stony Silence/Fracturing Gust, Rest in Peace, Path to Exile/Abrupt Decay, Thoughtseize ect.. Just my opinion on Elves.

August 17, 2017 10:29 p.m.

filthyc4sual says... #19

I think that honestly if you only play one white source, and only two white cards, you should stick to straight GB. I also could see you wanting to cut some Nettle Sentinels; with just four copies of each, the "Combo" won't happen very often. I use four Summoner's Pact to find them in my elves deck (Cloudy with a Chance of Elfball) and can get both relatively consistently on turn 2, which might be something to consider, as it's very explosive. I actually disagree with Mandalorian on Kor Firewalker and Essence Warden. Clearly Firewalker is better, but I don't think with the current mana you should be in white, and Warden usually just gets bolted. One mana gain 3 isn't that good. I would try Kitchen Finks and Life Goes On

August 18, 2017 1 a.m.

Shane says... #20

You could just be mono green and go infinite with Cloudstone Curio.

August 18, 2017 2:55 a.m.

Vixxxx says... #21

SB Melira, Sylvok Outcasts seems bit unnecessary as Infect is pretty much dead archetype at this point.

I would maybe try to make room for more Chord of Callings.

Devoted Druid+Vizier of Remedies combo is also kinda must have in my opinion, it allows easily early wins and fits very well with Chord of Calling.

But everyone has their own ways on deckbuilding.

Good draws!

August 18, 2017 5:56 a.m.

Omnath9 says... #22

rothgar13 I think you're right about taking Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx out of the deck. It never really made a difference as far as mana and just ended up sometimes screwing me up because it doesn't tap for . Westvale Abbey  Flip has actually won me a ton of games, helping me get through for the win, and the life-gain is killer. If I have 5 Elves out I'm not necessarily doing as good as you think (depending on what ELves), and Westvale Abbey  Flip has turned 5 boring 1/1 mana-elves into a 9/7 indestructible, lifelink 9/7 flier and totally turned a game that I'm slowly losing into a game where I am quickly winning. I'm going to keep it in, but I think I will be taking out Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx.

August 18, 2017 10:54 a.m.

Omnath9 says... #23

Mandalorian I agree with the 4 Cavern of Souls being needed, they also are amazing fixing as well. They are just too expensive for me to want them enough to fork over $150 for them on TCGplayer, but I will definitely try to work my way towards them through trades. I am kind of torn between a Chord of Calling Elf deck with a sideboard of silver bullets and an explosive Lead the Stampede Elf deck with a sideboard with 2-4 copies of cards like Stony Silence, Rest in Peace, and Path to Exile. Do you think it would be optimal for my deck to go one way or another and not switch strategies for game 2? If so, what type of ELf deck would you recommend? What are the pros and cons of each?

August 18, 2017 11:03 a.m.

Omnath9 says... #24

filthyc4sual Summoner's Pact puts the card into your hand though not onto the battlefield. Isn't a bit risky too? Unless you have the with your lands, aren't you running the risk of getting board-sweeped or having some removal spells cast on your mana-elves? It is an interesting idea though, did you actually find it to work better than Chord of Calling? If so, I'll have to give it a try.

August 18, 2017 11:08 a.m.

Omnath9 says... #25

Shane How am I able to go infinite with Cloudstone Curio?

August 18, 2017 11:10 a.m.

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