
Today we delve into the secrets of budget Izzet Delver! If you like to play a control and burn then the mash up that is izzet delver may just be for you. This is a midrange deck and is super fun to play because there is a lot of options well playing. The main objective of this deck play cheep and efficient creatures that get value when we play instants and sorceries.

Check out the Deck Tech Video here:


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Rares

22 - 12 Uncommons

15 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.35
Tokens Elemental 1/1 R
Folders Budget Dcks, modern deck ideas, Inspiring Decks, delver, delver, Izzet, MODERN, Budget Decks, YEEST, Modern budget
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