Budget Junk? In standard? Is that possible?

Standard nutellaisgreaterthanlife

SCORE: 260 | 135 COMMENTS | 35317 VIEWS | IN 190 FOLDERS

varygoode says... #1

I wouldn't get rid of any Gods Willing , toothwzrd. The protection is too necessary. If you want to maindeck Courser of Kruphix , drop a Wall of Limbs . I've also found that Whip of Erebos just doesn't really fit with this deck anymore, but maybe that's just me.

October 3, 2014 2:17 p.m.

toothwzrd says... #2

I've found Drown in Sorrow to be a good way to handle aggro decks, especially ones with an early Rabblemaster. Any thoughts on tossing a few in?

October 6, 2014 12:29 p.m.

MinimalMagic says... #3

WOW! Really awesome looking deck! Has anyone tried testing this out at FNM or tried the competitveness of this?

October 7, 2014 11:51 a.m.

I am ordering the cards later today and will be trying it out at FNM on friday!

October 7, 2014 12:42 p.m.

LordNachitron says... #5

wouldn't the card Feat of Resistance be good in this deck?

October 7, 2014 6:30 p.m.

Cyvir says... #6

I definitely like where this deck is going, it is similar to the idea of my deck Oh, say the Lifegain (advice welcome)

October 7, 2014 8:19 p.m.

toothwzrd says... #7

I just ordered 2x Siege Rhino, 2x Ajani Steadfast and had a Courser laying around but I'm curious why you would take out the Falconer and Pegasus(es)? It's nice have defense from flying, and wouldn't it be good offensively as well?

October 9, 2014 6:54 p.m.

toothwzrd honestly my unbudget board isnt that great at the moment. I am currently trading stuff in order to finalize the list. What would you reccomend I take out intead?

October 9, 2014 9:04 p.m.

toothwzrd says... #9

@nutellaisgreaterthanlife I'm not sure, I plan on leaving one falconer, just because an unblockable Pridemate looks pretty awesome. I was going to drop a couple Kin-Tree Invocation, but they can be nice when you're stuck with nothing but a Sheep on the board.

Ajani Steadfast has been a beast from what I've seen on Cockatrice, the +1 ability is nice and the counters add up quick with Hardened Scales. The Pegasuses are nice, but getting Sunbond on em takes up a bit too much mana and sometimes it's too late for that. I have found that decks with big flyers (Mono Black, Blue, etc.) give a ton of trouble, as we have no way to block and no hard removal outside of Banishing Light.

October 9, 2014 10:12 p.m.

wilzon says... #10

if I wanted do go abit more epxensive on this deck, what planeswalkers should i put in?

October 13, 2014 6:53 p.m.

wilzon says... #11

after reading some of the updates, I now regret my earlier comment, excuse me

October 13, 2014 6:55 p.m.

TheNinjaJesus says... #12

October 14, 2014 10:43 a.m.

BigZebas says... #13

It's Junk, it's budget, and also has lifegain!!! +1

October 16, 2014 5:51 p.m.

jandrobard says... #14

To people who want to unbudgetize this deck- you seem unclear on the concept. if you want a top-tier junk deck, get one. If you want to create a budget deck and slowly unbudgetize it, play black aggro (like me). This is a deck that is so incredible BECAUSE it's on a budget. If you want to unbudgetize it, there are only a few cards to work with (mainly Siege Rhino and ajanis).

Oh, and did I mention this deck is awesome?

October 17, 2014 11:03 p.m.


October 17, 2014 11:15 p.m.

One_Myle says... #16

Ivorytusk Fortress maybe? It would keep you safe from attacks, not to mention it's a fatty for a modest fit mana.

October 18, 2014 6:45 a.m.

One_Myle says... #17

Sorry, I meant "for a modest FIVE mana." :P

October 18, 2014 6:47 a.m.

Diam says... #18

After trying this in FNM i think it needs more creatures. Facing 2 oppponents one with Jeskai Burn and one with Bile Blight x4 Hero's Downfall x4 i run out of creatures very fast and ended up with dead draws from either lands or enchantments. I think maybe remove a couple of lands and sunbond because its too slow for this deck and add 4 Seeker of the Way .

October 18, 2014 1:06 p.m.

Graygardner says... #19

having a hard time against green devotion, unless you can outspeed them, their mana generation is too big to deal with.

October 21, 2014 11 a.m.

lassepetri says... #20

Just got back to magic (last time i actually played was in lorwyn block) and was looking for a budget deck. Ever the casual gamer, top tier decks are not for me. I had a similar gbw idea with lifegain from the boosterpacks ive opened so im thrilled youve put together a full and tested decklist, filling out my blanks. Just now ordered the cards i need and happy that i havent paid over 40 bucks. A question though; how does this deck keep up the steam with only the only draw being the azban charms?

October 21, 2014 6:17 p.m.

Xavier4238 says... #21

I find that Erase is great removal in standard (because of the Theros enchantment gods/creatures/lots of stuff), and I am aware that you have Deicide which does the same thing + utterly annihilate their gods, but Erase is $1 cheaper, 1 less mana and I thought you might like to take a look. However, it is your deck and I understand you have reasons for doing the stuff in there so feel free to ignore this comment :) +1 though, I like this deck

October 28, 2014 6 a.m.

Xavier4238 Actually in my ACTUAL deck (the one i own) I use Erase cause usually people dont run toooo many gods in a deck, and its one mana and its cheaper. I will update this list.

lassepetri IDK how it keeps up steam. BUT IT DOES. So far I havent lost a whole lot of steam, and I have always had cards in my hand until the very late game, at which point I win.

Diam agreed. Not enough creatures sometimes. That being said, against a creature based deck with little to no control, this works really well. I think ill add in Seeker of the Way into the sideboard, good suggestion!

Graygardner Yeah, green devotion can be tough. Best solution: go for the walls of essence in the sideboard. When they get big things you can block them for tons of lifegain, buying you more time to get Ajani's Pridemate bigger. 4x Abzan Charm also helps a lot, as does Despise .

THANKS Y'ALL I haven't been super active the past week or so but THANK YOU FOR ALL THE GREAT COMMENTS.

October 28, 2014 5:55 p.m.

toothwzrd says... #23

I struck gold in a Theros booster and pulled an Elspeth, Sun's Champion . Adding her, Liliana Vess (for the Tutor) and 2x Ajani Steadfast (combined with Hardened Scales = free tutor every turn, plus quicker Elspeth ult. It's a ways outta budget, but I got lucky and if you can trade up for it I highly recommend it

October 31, 2014 10:31 a.m.

toothwzrd says... #24

Actually, scratch that. I just found out the loyalty counters don't get doubled. Regardless, the tutoring and extra soldiers never hurt.

October 31, 2014 10:41 a.m.

varygoode says... #25

If any Ajani were to be put into this deck, toothwzrd, I think it's gotta be Ajani, Mentor of Heroes . Then again, it'd be a very changed deck with the budget constraint removed. For budget, this deck is ridiculously good!

October 31, 2014 12:13 p.m.

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