Budget Junk? In standard? Is that possible?
SCORE: 260 | 135 COMMENTS | 35317 VIEWS | IN 190 FOLDERS
I built this deck and have both won and lost. I think it just depends on the luck of the draw as well as who you are facing as an opponent.
March 9, 2015 5:51 p.m.
drmustache66 says... #3
Do you think Enduring Scalelord would work in this deck?
March 12, 2015 8:53 p.m.
magnetcrocodile says... #4
I think this deck is one that look interesting and usable on paper, but flop when used IRL. The counter builds up too slowly to pressure the opponent. But the deck's got synergy and it's budget, which is great.
@drmustache66 I think for Enduring Scalelord you should build a different deck entirely, since it's way out of the mana curve.
Kinda off-topic, but Enduring Scalelord's ability too loop when there are two of him on the field warrant building a deck around it itself. Loop till 99 counter, and swing for the win
March 12, 2015 9 p.m.
nutellaisgreaterthanlife says... #5
Alright then. bladedrummer you have brought up a point that I have been trying to avoid since the release of KTK. This deck isn't fast enough. In fact it is so slow that nothing seems to work out super well with it. I have a few ideas on how to rectify this.
1) constellation. Turn it into a faster paced constellation deck with Underworld Coinsmith.
2) Ramp. Use cards like Elvish Mystic. It accelerates, which means this deck will work faster. I would probably put other rampers in as well
3) More creatures. Instead of having 1 big creature, turn it into a life gain/horde deck, which revolves around bolstering and making a large army of small dudes bigger and bigger. It would be great, but completely change the feel of the deck.
March 13, 2015 8:22 p.m.
bladedrummer says... #6
nutellaisgreaterthanlife those seem like really valid ideas. I would like to improve the deck, without necessarily changing its nature. I like the general ideas and theme, I would just like to fix it so it works "moar better."
One of my major issues was facing targeted removal, so I was tinkering with Spectra Ward. Making Ajani's Pridemate and/or Wall of Limbs untargetable would help a lot while still allowing their abilities and Hardened Scales to trigger (if I am not mistaken). The unblockable is also an added benefit to this solution.
One of the questions is: which creatures and/or other spells would you swap out?
Another thing I would like more of, are multi-target spells like: Ajani's Presence, Reap What Is Sown, and Solidarity of Heroes.
Although it might be a good idea to focus on the lifegain aspect and let the counters be a triggered effect, just throwing some stuff against the wall, seeing what sticks.
March 14, 2015 1:39 a.m.
bladedrummer says... #7
Sorry for the multiple comments.
If we decide to try giving our "big" creatures protection and then focus on life gain to trigger their abilities, here are some cards I've been looking at: Hopeful Eidolon, Sunbond, maybe something like Glimpse the Sun God + Oreskos Sun Guide + Soulmender , and Soldier of the Pantheon.
Not sure if any of those ideas is good.
March 14, 2015 1:52 a.m.
nutellaisgreaterthanlife--crap, I'm having the same not winning problem with my budget lifegain deck: 6000/6000 Fabled Hero? Me likey!. It's making me really mad, and I have no idea what to do about it. I wish you luck with fixing your deck, I think mine is done. ) ;
April 5, 2015 12:31 p.m.
Dude, I love this deck! As soon as I saw it I bought all the cards the day after to build it. I have a suggestion however to replace Wall of Limbs. Siege Rhino. They aren't that budget but however they really fill out the 4 drops slot and well, they aren't Wall of Limbs ... Sorry for hating on Wall of Limbs but my friends kept making fun out of me every time I played it and it really didn't do much.
May 27, 2015 7:32 p.m.
haysmafia1 says... #10
How well do you think this will fair in ORI?
I am trying to put together an Abzan deck that can be a thing in the new meta, plz check it out and provide inputs:
A Bunch of JUNK Playtest
bladedrummer says... #1
I thought this was a great idea for a cheap and fun deck so I built it. I have yet to win a single game with it. I am just getting my ass handed to me no matter what. Any particular strategy I might be missing? My creatures just get easily removed even with all the instant protection. Also, there is little you can do against flying.
March 7, 2015 8:22 p.m.