Using Sidisi, Brood Tyrant as an engine to keep the mill going for delve power cards and to generate zombie tokens. Budget: No Courser of Kruphix, Thoughtseize, Hero's Downfall or Sylvan Caryatid. Suggestions welcome.
Elvish Mystic - Generic ramp, also explains why I run 6x Basic Forest for more consistent turn 1s
Sidisi, Brood Tyrant - Main engine of the deck, running at 4 instead of 2/3 to maximise the chance of drawing. Also, maximum copies for reviving with Whip of Erebos, overall good synergy (and main bulk of the (or $))
Satyr Wayfinder - Grabs lands, increasing consistency, and fills up my grave.
Nyx Weaver - Self mills, triggering sidisi, and has a handy retrieval effect.
Pharika, God of Affliction - Great synergy, the tokens having deathtouch is pretty useful here. 1 because its legendary (and not very cheap).
Rakshasa Deathdealer - Space filler, cheaper than Reaper of the Wilds, but will most likely replace it later
Necropolis Fiend - Testing this out. Often have a ton of stuff in grave, so I dont see casting this a problem. Debatable efficiency, especially having to wait to tap it.
Sultai Ascendancy - Fixes draws, and fills grave. Also allows filtering to try to hit a creature on the mill for sidisi. 2 because it doesnt stack.
Whip of Erebos - Giving lifelink is pretty relevant, and the revival ability is central to the deck. Too bad I cant really run more than 2.
Sultai Charm - Good, relevant modes. Great card.
Murderous Cut - Essentially my replacement for Hero's Downfall, except it cant hit planeswalkers. However, has delve, and I can often cast for 1/2, also, being a budget player, I dont see many planeswalkers in my circle anyway.
Despise -
replacement. General fun card, only 2 because I want to keep my creature count higher for sidisi, and can conflict with Elvish Mystic on turn 1.
AEtherspouts - Protection. Dont want to get swarmed or have too many threats to deal with. Also its just funny. Im sorry.
Lands - Balancing between life gain lands for consistency (cheaper than scry lands, also worse, I know) and basic lands for speed, especially Forests for Elvish Mystic. 4 Opulent Palace because why not.
Things I would like to run/considering:
Hooded Hydra
Empty the Pits
Commune with the Gods (But dont want to decrease creature count any further for sidisi consistency)
Soul of Innistrad
Nemesis of Mortals