This is my budget Grixis control deck! It has been an absolute blast making and playing! Here's the deck tech for it:
Card Choices
- Swiftwater Cliffs,Dismal Backwater,Bloodfell Caves: Working with a budget manabase is usually the hardest part of any budget build. I feel the life lands at least give a little pay back for the damage your opponent my get in on you while you are waiting for lands to untap.
- Crumbling Necropolis: Hits all of our colors and is pretty cheap.
- 12 basics: I run a high number of basics to help with the fact that we are running a bunch of tapped lands.
Chandra, Flamecaller: A great planeswalker! Her plus can close out a game pretty quick. Her second ability is good for refilling your hand late game. Her -x is awesome for setting up for her plus ability. It's a wrath that can hit most of what the rest of the removal in the deck might struggle with.
AEtherling: AKA Superman and for good reason. This guy was a beast when he was in Standard and is nearly impossible to deal with. If you leave up blue mana his first ability your opponents he will almost never die. His other abilities can often put an eight damage clock on your opponent that they can't deal with.
Demigod of Revenge: This guy is probably my favorite way to win a game! He can close out some of the Death's Shadow turn five after our opponent has shock himself down to ten life. Demigod also synergies really well with Faithless Looting. Your opponent will almost never expect 5-10 haste flying damage in game one. Expect your opponent to side board in some graveyard hate for him game two though.
Burn Spells
Lightning Bolt: When playing red, one does not simply not play 4x Lightning Bolt in modern. You just don't. It wins games and kills creatures for mana. What more could you want?
Electrolyze: Can kill some weenies or go strait for the face. It is mainly in here because I like having lots of card advantage and it can possible kill two creatures too.
Card Draw
Concentrate: Okay, so I want I love almost more then winning is drawing cards. And as you can probably see, I have an above average amount of card draw in this deck. It feels good. I might need help.
Night's Whisper: Pretty efficient can draw spell. Painful Truths is the more played version of this card but with the budget manabase I prefer this card as it is a little more reliable and cost less mana.
Faithless Looting: This card is a lot better than most people think. It fills up the graveyard for Murderous Cut and unlike Thought Scour you can pick what is going into the graveyard. It is also super sweet when you have a Demigod of Revenge in your hand, then loot into another that you discard to bring it back the next turn. It also has Flashback for extra value. I have also won a game buy looting three times to dig for two Lightning Bolt.
Mana Leak: Probably the best two mana counter in modern. It counters what it needs to when need it to most of the time.
Remand: Undoes what your opponent has done for a turn. It's pretty efficient. The biggest thing for me is that it DRAWS CARDS!
Inquisition of Kozilek: I was tempted to but this under the Counter category because honestly the best way to stop your opponent from casting something is to just make sure they don't have that card in their hand.
Terminate: The best 2 CMC kill spell in the format. Not sure want else to say here.
Murderous Cut: This is a great removal spell as it can almost always be cast for 1 mana. the only downside is that you usually have to wait to the mid to late game to cast it. It is also good because it trades in out graveyard for value.
Languish: Budget Damnation. It is okay as it can kill the things we need it to.
I NEED HELP ON THE SIDEBOARD! I have been playing around with it for a while and it is hard to find good cards that are always good side board tech in the format that are budget friendly. I am open to all suggestions for the side board.
This deck is a little on the pricey side compared to the rest of the series. This is mainly because making a 3-color deck in modern that works is hard. Even if this deck is a little of the pricey side it is also the most competitive of the series in my opinion. I may include sum more budget suggestions later.
You may be thinking "Hey! I saw Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker in the thumbnail! Where is Nico!?" I'm currently trying out Chandra, Flamecaller in the place of Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker. I love Nico but he ends up being a dead card most of the time.
Check out sum of the other decks in the series if you are interested in some fun budget decks!
Budget League: Korlash, Titan of the Swamp
Budget League: 8-Dreams? (Now With Deck Tech!)
Budget League: G/W Token
Budget League: Wall Assault
Budget League: Enchanted Aggression
Budget League: Puresteel Equip
Any suggestions or thoughts are welcome! I am currently looking for cards that are more budget friendly and multiplayer friendly.