No budget to pick up cards. Trying to trade a buddy for a Desecration Demon
or two.
I switched out Corrupt and Grim Return for another Mind Rot and another Liliana's Reaver
My theory is that Mind Rot , Duress , and Thoughtseize will feed my Deathrite Shaman and if I can get my green splash in play then his 2 life gain will deal 2 damage also with Sanguine Bond
November 26, 2013 7:48 p.m.
Kelm, that's the plan once I get a couple more Pack Rats or Desecration Demons and the Shrine...
December 1, 2013 8:53 p.m.
ectoBiologist says... #5
It's a little bit of money right now because of mono-blue and black, but I feel like your deck would really benefit from the extra devotion of Nightveil Specter . If you can get them, Erebos, God of the Dead would probably really help with the card advantage.
If you're looking for a splash other than green, I've seen impressive results at FNM with a splash of blue even just from scrylands for Far / Away , which is a really powerful card. I also think your deck would very much benefit in a budget-friendly way from a few Read the Bones . Consider pulling your Deathrite Shaman and a Mind Rot , perhaps?
December 18, 2013 10:32 p.m.
ectoBiologist says... #6
Just to clarify, mainboarded Read the Bones . You have one sided, but it's really a good mainboard card. Also you might want to mainboard your Pack Rat .
December 18, 2013 10:33 p.m.
DasSandman says... #8
Looks really good, just Nightveil Specter would do it for you.
January 12, 2014 3:55 p.m.
Budget may not be the word anymore.. but I've only bought 2 of the Pack Rat
and 2 of the Desecration Demon
. The rest were pack pulls or trades.
January 12, 2014 3:58 p.m.
DasSandman says... #10
Pack Rat is good with Ogre Slumlord , but the problem is that tokens don't die and make rats.Mutavault is good with pack rats, and you can activate them to make your PRs stronger.
necrire says... #1
I would suggest removing the 2 Mind Rot s you are running and replace them with Pack Rat It gives you black devotion for your Gray Merchant of Asphodel as well as provides a use cards that are dead due to match up, like doom blade against a mono black deck.
If it's within your budget i would pick up a playset of Desecration Demon and remove Deathrite Shaman a great card but with no real use here it does give you a bit of grave interaction but considering you have no way of throwing cards into you graveyard he isn't going to be played to his full potential, I would also consider taking out both Abhorrent Overlord s he is a big threat but a 7 drop when you can rally be ending the game turn 7 with a giant gray merchant if you have Sanguine Blood in play.
And lastly I would take out the Grim Return For another Underworld Connections because it gives this deck the ability to just keep deploying threats.
November 26, 2013 8:35 a.m.