A Budget RB Aggro Deck I thought up. Suggestions appreciated.
Card functions:
Sludge Crawler
A one drop with devoid and ingest. Turn one
Sludge Crawler
then turn two Ghostfire Blade can end games. The pump ability is often forgotten about but can be relevant late game.
Culling Drone
Has synergy with Ghostfire Blade,
Forerunner of Slaughter
, and
Swarm Surge
. Also a processor enabler. Otherwise it's just a solid bear.
Forerunner of Slaughter
This creature can end games from nowhere. Its a solid 2 drop 3/2 that has the nice ability of granting haste. Its also a great way to use up extra mana.
Kozilek's Sentinel
Easily becomes a 2 mana 2/4 that is colorless. Not much else to say.
Dominator Drone
A three mana 3/2 that can push damage through on an empty board. Ingest is also nice.
Vile Aggregate
A very strong card that is usually played too much or to little. You don't want it in your opening hand, but it is a nice turn 3+ draw especially if you get a creature out every turn.
Wasteland Strangler
A little bit of removal is always nice. It gives some use to all those ingest triggers.
Dust Stalker
This is an amazing card. A 4 drop 5/3 haste is exactly what this deck is looking for, and the downside never even shows up. Running less than 4 of these is an insult.
Processor Assault
Removal. Uses ingest triggers. Not much else.
Swarm Surge
On first glance, it looks like an underpowered
Trumpet Blast
. It's honestly more of a Plague Wind. +2/+0 and first strike will kill almost anything, and can give you the power to push through the extra damage needed to win. Absolutely amazing card.
Ghostfire Blade The only Khans card even worth considering. It has amazing synergy with this deck, as all the creatures are colorless. It can turn a 1/1 into a threat. Amazing card