Hey, thanks for your commendation and the suggestions. I also thought about Spell Snare and will add 2 for some testing. Your completely right with the lands. Shivan Reef was nice in my ultra-budget-build but it hurts to much... Thanks to the reprint of Steam Vents in GoR the prices will surely fall a little bit. I already thought about Blood Moon for the mainboard, but I wanted to build something different to blue moon, but it's a good sideboard-option.
I also need a plan for playing against extrem fast aggro-decks. I'm playing against 8whack from time to time and it's really hard...
September 6, 2018 3:10 p.m.
For this setup, I'm under the impression that Ancestral Vision is stronger than Search for Azcanta Flip; it triggers your creatures and it gives a burst of cards instead of incremental advantage. The synergy seems stronger overall. Remand would be a good inclusion, not ultra budget but you don't need a playset necessarily. Also not super budget but Grim Lavamancer can eat goblins pretty well, you don't have fetches but you'll be tossing plenty of spells to fuel it. Again, 2 is probably enough, not a whole playset so that helps with cost some. Good luck, UR delver is what I'm planning on building next, lots of fun to play!
September 14, 2018 4:57 p.m.
Mission Briefing would be a strong 1 or 2 of, not sure if you considered that one yet, takes the place of Snapcaster Mage in spell form which is dope
September 15, 2018 6:55 p.m.
Wow, this cards looks really, really good. As you said it's a nice budget-replacement for Snapcaster Mage and I'll surely test it!
September 16, 2018 3:46 a.m.
I'll think about Ionize. Mission Briefing will get 2 slots. I'll remove a Essence Scatter and a Delver of Secrets Flip for them.
September 17, 2018 2:56 a.m.
JohnnyBoyG says... #8
I'd cut a Flooded Strand and a Steam Vents to max out on Spirebluff Canals and Sulfur Falls. Quantity of good duals is generally more important than quality, and shocklands aren't that much better than others without lots of fetchlands to back them up.
Of course, all this will change after rotation, but I don't think it's a guarantee that the price of Steam Vents will go down. It could go up due to increased demand. (Spirebluff Canal will definitely go down though)
September 17, 2018 4:11 p.m.
Darth_Savage says... #9
I'm rather partial to using Torpor Orb when playing Thing in the Ice as you only need one instant or sorcery to flip it, since it never gets the counters, the added advantage of messing up your opponents (particularly Humans) ETB triggers is also amusing. The Thing's best buddy is fellow horror Bedlam Reveler, if you aren't using the Orb and (not in your colours) Hunted Horror if you are. I really wouldn't recommend Shivan Reef 2 more of any of your other dual lands would be a better option.
December 28, 2018 5:24 p.m.
Bedlam Reveler is always in my mind for this list. I think I will add them instead of the Young Pyromancer and give them a try finally. You are right,Shivan Reef is just bad. This card is just in my list because I already owned two copies when creating this deck. They will be replaced by one more copy of Steam Vents and a Field of Ruin in the next few weeks.
But I don't get it with the Thing in the Ice Flip and the Torpor Orb. I think Thing in the Ice Flip entering the battlefield doesn't trigger an ability, so it comes with the counters on it. Am I wrong here?
I'm always happy about your help Savage, thank you!
December 28, 2018 5:57 p.m.
Darth_Savage says... #11
Oops, going to admit I thought things counters were triggered, however it's closer to a replacement effect, so the orb does nothing... Sigh, so ignore the Orb.
2011-06-01: Abilities that create replacement effects, such as a permanent entering the battlefield tapped or with counters on it, are unaffected.
December 28, 2018 6:46 p.m.
SeekerofSecrets says... #12
So I love izzet builds, I'm currently brewing around Selective Memory and Crackling Drake and play storm somewhat competitively but I've played many different budget delever builds.
I feel like you need to refocus your spell package, it's kind of all over the place, theres allot of 1 ofs and I feel like that just creates inconsistencies. But to start I would play at a minimum of 3 Mana Leak and 2 Abrade and then go from there. I'm not a fan of Essence Scatter, with all of the Cavern of Souls decks running around, or Electrolyze atm, I just dont feel it hits enough relevant threats in this metta.
I love delver but I feel like it somewhat underperforms so maybe test out a 2:1 split of Cryptic Serpent and Nimble Obstructionist? I love both cards
Also maybe 3 Field of Ruin? Great main board hate for tron and cavern of souls. Also surprisingly not bad for color fixing in budget decks
January 3, 2019 2:35 a.m. Edited.
Yeah izzet is great :D I like Abrade and I tought about bringing in some more, but I think Anger of the Gods could be an alternative, too. Mana Leak has its weakness in the late game, like we all know, and because of this reason I think that more than 2 of them are not an good idea in my list. I love Cryptic Serpent too and I'm playing it in my Mono Blue Control - Ultra Budget. I will give it a try in this list, too, but I think I'll keep it in the other build. Field of Ruin will be added!
January 6, 2019 10:04 a.m.
SeekerofSecrets says... #14
So Anger of the Gods is one of the most powerful removal spells we have access to but unfortunately with your current set up it wipes your board so my current plan is to run kind of a transformative side with 3x Anger of the Gods 2x Bedlam Reveler and 3 Thing in the Ice Flip. I haven't been able to test this out in an event yet and I plan on testing it soon but it seems like an interesting piece of tech
January 6, 2019 10:21 a.m.
zapyourtumor says... #15
I'll just spit some random stuff out and you can see if anything works Izzet Charm Spell Pierce Rending Volley Lava Dart Forked Bolt Pyroclasm Remand Force of Negation (rip budget) Magmatic Sinkhole Sleight of Hand
August 23, 2020 1:57 a.m.
Force of Negation is great, but like you said the budget would be broken. I already tried most of the stuff. Izzet Charm jumps in and out,... I think I'll give Remand a chance finally, it surely deserves it.
Thanks for your suggestions!
August 28, 2020 1:54 p.m.
DragonzBane says... #17
My suggestion is to make the deck a bit more efficient by exchanging Sprite Dragon or Delver of Secrets Flip for Crackling Drake and then switching the cryptic, logic knot, and essence scatter for Remand. These changes do change it more from midrange into tempo though.
Of course, I suggest Snapcaster Mage over Mission Briefing, but that is quite an expensive upgrade.
August 28, 2020 2:05 p.m.
I just don't want to give it more tempo. I don't like modern to be a deck full of fast aggro-decks and the control-route is more fun to play (for me). Snapcaster Mage is a great card of course but (beside the budget) Mission Briefing triggers Thing in the Ice Flip, feeds Crackling Drake and Surveil is nice, too.
August 29, 2020 1:26 a.m.
As a suggestion, thing in the ice with young pyro is a nombo XD. I'd reccomend you playing Delver of Secrets Flip, focusing on the tempo side of the deck. But, if you want a midrange thing maybe I'd add the new card Magmatic Channeler You can check my profile to see my Delver decks ;).
September 24, 2020 1:24 p.m.
It looks like a nombo, but the it often helps me to get over the time. Like I said I don't want to give the deck more tempo, I'm a control-player and I hate fast matches :P
Hard-R-Rikka says... #1
Maybe consider the addition of Spell Snare, and also, though a lot less situational Stubborn Denial. Other cards you could save up for is more land fixing cards, getting rid or decreasing your amount of Shivan Reef and adding another Spirebluff Canal, Sulfur Falls, and another Wandering Fumarole, or just add a pair of steam vents. Another addition, you may want to add is Blood Moon to the sideboard, it allows you to slow decks like tron and KCI. Otherwise, this deck is set up pretty well. +1 from me my friend.
September 6, 2018 12:25 p.m.