Creatures: Cloudfin Rapter: The evasion is really nice and he evolves to get bigger.
Dreg Mangler: One of the all-stars of this deck. His haste makes him really good and dropping him then Rancoring him is really nice.Duskmantle Seer: Not sure about him in the deck. His 4/4 flying is really nice, but I have played against people and had them reveal their thragtusk/sphinx the turn before I would kill them and lost due to it.
Experiment one: Good one drop and another evolver. The regeneration is nice too.
Strengleroot geist: His haste, like Dreg Manglers, is fantastic. Also the undying helps you maintain a decent board position if you get board wiped.
Wolfir Avenger: The flash is really nice and ends up being used as a haste like Dreg Manglers.
Young Wolf: Great one drop, and you can Rapid Hybridization him to give you a 3/3 and a 2/2 and if you have a Cloudfin or
Experiment one: you would end up with a 2 3/3s and a 2/2.
Zameck Guildmage: His ability is really nice for undying, but I am not sure if he is a good fit for this deck.
Instants:Rapid Hybridization: Allows so many different things to happen. You can use it as a pseudoremoval or to get a 3/3 from using it on undying. Great card
Simic Charm: The hexproof is nice, but I am not sure if this is a good card for this deck. It might be great, but I only was able to use the hexproof part of it once in 10 rounds.
Spell Rupture: Great spell which allows you to control their board state and actions. Stopping aggro from playing their good creatures like Boros Reckoner, Hellrider, or Hellkite Tyrant is fantastic. Stopping peoples Sphinxs Revelations and Planeswalkers from entering the field is geat.
Tragic Slip: Great removal for any creature.
Enchantments:Rancor: Ends the game so much quicker.
Thoughts:Not sure if Zameck Guildmage is good for this deck, same with Simic Charm. I want to find a way to put in another Rapid Hybridization though.
What are your opinions?