A control deck that wins using planeswalkers one of the biggest disadvantages of B/U/G is the lack of any true sweeper here's hoping for the rumor of a Damnation reprint in Journey into Nyx for now I would like help making the match up against white and red aggro better.
Card choices
Read the Bones this card is great for refilling your hand so that you will always have an answer to your opponent's threats as well as setting up the cards you will draw with it, for only 3 mana and 2 life in black sure.
Thoughtseize on turn 1 you want to Thoughtseize away the reason your opponent kept their hand in the late to mid game this card is still good pulling threats out of your opponent's hand to open up for a win-con
Abrupt Decay against control this one of our only answers to d spheres or Pithing Needle on our planeswalkers
Bile Blight punishes decks that go off in a large chain of BTEs or Pack Rat by killing all of them with one card
Cyclonic Rift the closest thing to a sweeper this deck has access to at the moment
Far / Away
bounce one creature to control what they have to sac to away
Hero's Downfall instant speed
will be the back of most of your removal to kill creatures and opposing planeswalkers
Plasm Capture
a counter spell that advances your mana so you can control more creatures faster or play threats while still leaving up mana for
this is the one card i am not sure about keeping in the main advice would be helpful
Jace, Architect of Thought against control this will give you insane card advantage. against aggro will mess up their combat so much they will have to target jace to just get their attack to go through
Vraska the Unseen mostly used as removal but will sometimes in a control mirror ultimate for the win
Kiora, the Crashing Wave
this is the main win-con of the deck using the +1 to tie down their biggest threat and kill everything else until krackens
Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver this card really shines against aggro will get out blockers in order to stay alive or against control where there is really only one target in the deck it will remove cards so that they cannot be brought back with Elixir of Immortality
Side Board
Abrupt Decay this card is brought in almost every match up but the card removed differs from match to match
brought in vs control
Elixir of Immortality also brought in vs control
brought in against anything running blue
Golgari Charm both copies are brought in vs aggrol 1 copy is brought in vs control to protect plainswalkers from d spheres and pithing needle while removing all of Elespeth, suns champion tokens from the field
Jace, Memory Adept is brought in vs any deck that runs slow to add another wincon
Mistcutter Hydra is brought in vs MUD and control deck because it will usually end the game with a fireball effect
Negate brought in vs control
this card is brought in vs anything that runs flyers